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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/18 in all areas

  1. L3wisD

    Gun picture thread

    Just seen Patrolbase post this on their Instagram! I've got to say... I LOVE IT! That'd be well fun to use.
    3 points

    Gun picture thread

    Here is my child - Umarex/VFC G28 GBBR. I also have no money left. It has taken a long time to piece this thing together but man, it is one hell of a rifle!
    3 points
  3. Dude I need to know what front end that is on your KWA it is sexy as hell.
    2 points
  4. KWA Kriss. With 4 X 50rd mags hpa tapped. Also have a hpa drum but its a little wide and uncomfortable to use naturally. Also got the .45 osprey suppressor and an eotech 553 sight. Love this gun so much. Great info in this thread guys love the hpa drum mags that you showed on page 2. May have to get one.
    2 points
  5. Here you go mate I know how frustrating it can be when something spoils a photo so I’ve got rid of the offending article for you hope you like it .
    2 points
  6. Here are the babies tucked in their bed... Gonna change the EOtech scope soon as my MH1 arrives. I used to have the drum mag but I didn't really like it. I traded it for 4x 50r tapped mags, angry gun power-up suppressor (bottom right) and the handrail (bottom right, which I'm actually wanna get rid off) What upgrades do you have?
    1 point
  7. looks nice and clean dude. Welcome to the KWA Kriss Vector Owners Club
    1 point
  8. Nasro

    Gun picture thread

    Lol If I ever spend £500 on a sight please delete my account here and block me from anything airsoft related
    1 point
  9. I like to think it’s the core idea of S’ofting , helping each other out if we can !
    1 point
  10. Oli.Hanks

    Gun picture thread

    I would like to see a china clone one day
    1 point
  11. It's like it was never there, perfect! lol. Great job, I love it
    1 point
  12. I recently got a warrior universal Holster and it holds my G17 beautifully and it's so quick to draw and reholster.
    1 point
  13. L3wisD

    Gun picture thread

    Nas is the Oprah of AF-UK
    1 point
  14. That G28 is too beastly
    1 point
  15. So I'm home alone and like any airsofter, I wanted to take a picture of my gear... Phone only has a 3 second timer though so this was a couple of rushed attempts, narrowed to 1 half decent photo lol. http://prntscr.com/ib2lnf My CQB kit. Ignore the MOLLE nuprol holster clip on my chest, could not be bothered to take it off for the sake of the photo lol. Wish I did take it off now though... Nice and lightweight although the hoodie can make me stupidly hot, but it's the only black long sleeves I have at the moment. The cargo pants are actually black. Despite looking blue here... Will get a better photo eventually lol
    1 point
  16. Because all cool people wear all their gear in their bedroom, here is my loadout. There's higher quality pictures of the G28 in the Gun Picture Thread, if anyone is interested. I think my eyepro is the most exciting aspect though!
    1 point
  17. I like this load out btw! (To cut down post length i removed the images except for the best pose lol)
    1 point
  18. Love the look of that - which AAR was it and from where?
    1 point
  19. 1 point
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