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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/04/14 in all areas

  1. Job number one would be take it to a friend (or to site) and try out whatever mags they're using to make sure whatever brand you're intending to buy will fit and feed. I'd say MAG are good, but my M4 just didn't like them; it's a G&P but it works best with CA mags. I've seen two threads recently where people have just bought 'M4 mags' only to find out that the ones they bought didn't feed (or in one case even fit) in their gun. My response to one guy (and it would be the same to you) was: In my magazine box upstairs I have 6 different brands of M4 midcaps. This is because over the years I've had about 5 different M4s and they were all just picky about what they would feed from (in some cases some mags would not even fit into the magwell). Unfortunately not all M4 mags are the same, so while one gun may take one brand of mag it won't necessarily take another brand, even if they look the same. My G&P likes CA mags for example, but won't even fit Dboys and doesn't like to feed from A&K or (strangely) G&P. It's not just M4s either. I just bought an LCT AK which came with an LCT mag that feeds fine. I was then happy to find out that my TM mags from my TM AK also fit and feed fine, but confused to then find that my SRC mags, which fit and feed fine in my TM, will fit but not feed in my LCT. So it's worth checking (if you can) before buying!
    2 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Folding stocks were not designed for CQC, they're for easier storage and vehicle crews. Using a rifle without a stock just feels wrong. I lost the screws for my MP5K PDW stock If you're using it as a secondary then fair enough I guess, but I would personally rather just put a stubby stock on. Overall length is short enough but you've got the option to use it when you need to at least. I also need to buy a riser and an optic. I was thinking it would be fine in close quarters to not use sights but it really helps if you do, it's just using full face you can't comfortably bring your weapon up on to target. It's not natural or quick at all because you have to really extend your rifle out to use the irons and it's very sh*t. I should buy one of the large half face masks that cover your ears so I can use my ESS ICE glasses instead, and I am ordering a cheap £10 MICH 2000 replica from TaiwanGun. £45 for a NEXTORCH T6L R5 Hunting Set is pretty tempting too, as a tac light would be great down at Halo Mill, but I can't afford anything yet.
    1 point
  4. Paintball is way too expensive and Airsoft is the only sport where I can look cool. I do like the tactical aspect of Airsoft but only in bigger areas in smaller tighter maps I feel like I need to be a lot faster and sneakier instead of a head on frontline role that I take in the bigger games. This is why I'm still kinda waiting to get a Real Sword AK before I take the stock off my M4. It'll act as more of a side arm in the big battles.
    1 point
  5. I see. Maybe you should check out paintball. It's closer to this playstyle you describe, than airsoft. They are even training in this style, and have proper techniques and equipment to do it. It's quite possible you would find more fun in a paintball game. A few years ago a guy did try jumping around a corner against me - like you do in these pc games. Well, except that in the games you jump quite high, but of course in reality you don't. That was hilarious.
    1 point
  6. Cheers all... I think it's def worth a check with others to check compatibility. Those MAG ones are awfully cheap though!
    1 point
  7. Just an update as to where we're at right now! Things have been a little quiet at the moment due to a misunderstanding on our part with the MoD. As it stands from an events point of view we're all ready to go. The scenarios are all written, we've got the training team assembled who will deliver the coaching, with IED experts and Snipers to deliver Sniper training. All our extras and actors are all in place and the dems/battlefield effects have all been provisionally booked. All that we need to do now is confirm the availability of the areas. We're hopeful that we'll have a decision soon and then we can officially launch the event. So things are still moving slowly, but at least they're moving! We're committed to getting this event up and running as we've invested a lot of money and time into getting it to where we are at the moment and will not see it fail before it even gets off the ground!
    1 point
  8. Any MAG midcaps will feed in most guns!
    1 point
  9. It's held back by the requirements of the law. While there are hoops to jump through before you can buy a RIF it will always be held back.
    1 point
  10. Trust me 8500 on this forum sounds big but in the grand scheme of things that's minuscule. Take hobbies like fishing, gym, custom cars and bicycles, caravans and camping.... I can guarantee you my months wage that if you round up 100 random people there will be some from each of the above but I'd be surprised to see an airsofter. Even then go to whsmiths and look at the mag section.... You will see two mags for airsoft but 24 for cars, 16 for gym (inc womens). The best example of just how small airsoft is is against the computer games market! For every RIF we buy there are 1000 times more consoles sold even though they are around the same price Now you might appreciate how small airsoft actually is. When you are involved in airsoft and everything around you is dominated by it it feel big but in reality it's tiny (but growing well). I'm not saying this is an excuse for retailers to do what they do but overall it's something the market at this size will suffer from
    1 point
  11. There's ABB systems for M249s- they're a lot cheaper than M240s because a lot of manufacturers make 'em and they go for between £300 and £600 new. The only M240s I've seen (and one I remember cause I pointed it out to Ian) are made by Echo1 in US M240 and UK GPMG form in the £725-£790 margin. You could perhaps do an EBB system with the cheaper G&P MK23 Stoner LMG, it's about £200 cheaper than the standard G&P M249- however for £469.00 I wouldn't mess around with system conversion Edit: I'd like to see a decent SVU made. Maybe a stock AEG version and a DMR internals version?
    1 point
  12. Joshb1612

    Pistol help

    I really don't like the idea of importing a gun tbh, which is a shame because like you say their much cheaper!
    1 point
  13. Joshb1612

    Pistol help

    I just ordered it from land warrior, only because I know they accept BAC memberships thanks anyway though!
    1 point
  14. TacMaster

    Pistol help

    Course it's GBB, all you needed to do was a google search of it or find a video of it firing
    1 point
  15. This is a very very frustrating problem but it doesn't just happen in airsoft. It happens in most small/custom markets. The bigger the market the more something becomes avaliable. I once was looking for a custom part once in another unrelated hobby which was shown in stock on over 15 websites yet when I actually spoke to the manufacturer in person he said only 2 of these items had left the factory!!! Clearly a lot of suppliers were happy to bullshine I appreciate retailers want to show they 'can' get something in rather then not list it at all but the simple remedy to this is to just be honest and show the approximate delivery time. Customers really appreciate honesty from retailers. A lot of the time we have to save up anyways so the wait won't kill us to be fair
    1 point
  16. As long as it can bend 90 degrees mwhahaha. http://bad-dragon.com/products/experimental I'm sorry.
    1 point
  17. reading through this and laughing really loudly.
    1 point
  18. There's a reason every military rifle in the world has a stock; aiming is better when you're using one. Folding stocks are more for transporting guns or using them in vehicles, it's a complete fallacy that a folding stock is good for CQB.
    1 point
  19. So basically...a stubby stock impedes nothing and increases pointability, so keep a stubby stock
    1 point
  20. NAhh, DX, the second one is MUCH better!!
    1 point
  21. Stockless is overrated for CQB. What control do you have over the weapon after removing the one important point of contact to your body? Front wiring is cool, but at least invest in one of those tiny retractable stocks that make it small but easy to aim and fold up like the AAC Honey Badger stock.
    1 point
  22. Well... I was planning to turn my ak into a bullpup but then everyone was like, "U NEED UKARA TA DO ALL THAT SHYTE!", "U NO ALLOWED TO DAT!", "BULLPUP'S R SHYTE!", "U GET ARRESTIED!"
    1 point
  23. There is a CQB site in Rotherham, it's run by Skirmish Airsoft, there's one game a month and it's in the old accommodation blocks just around the corner from Wentworth House, it's very good. There's also The Stan in Sheffield just outside the city centre, Brit-Tac's woodland site in Barnsley, and a couple of other sites not too far away either, Yorkshire Tactical Airsoft out in the Peaks, Bawtry Paintball which runs airsoft events hosted by other companies on a fairly regular basis, lastly there'sTac-House Spartan in Chesterfield, which is a CQB site too. So the area's pretty well catered for with regard to sites. Shops though, are a little lacking, I'm only aware of Op7 on Infirmary Road, there's also a much smaller shop run by The Stan's owner on Malin Bridge, as well as a paintball shop next door. Though their stock leaves a lot to be desired imo and the staff aren't the most knowledgable people in the world either. I tend to travel to Patrol Base if I feel like having a physical look at stuff and that's about an hour or so away in Huddersfield.
    1 point
  24. ok great i am going to start saving again
    1 point
  25. Definitely in Europe as I watched that vid too. I'm trying to avoid watching vids on the evo though - the more I see it the more I want one.
    1 point
  26. This is EXACTLY how I felt when I started trying to buy kit! The gucci stuff is in stock but expensive, nothing popular stays on the shelf for long and as you say retailers have massive website with no stock. It's frustrating but I've found the finding the various stores on Facebook is a good way to keep up to date with deliveries and new stock.
    1 point
  27. Coyote shirt and tan rig arrived (I know they don't match, that's the point ) next up on the list is some CB or desert tigerstripe trousers, a CB scrim scarf and some tan gloves. They were out of stock when I ordered the scarf so it'll wait until I get the other stuff. Quick pic of upper layers of each loadout:
    1 point
  28. Posted this pic in another thread. Thought I'd run down the loadout: From top to bottom: Helikon cap A-TACS FG ESS Ice 3 glasses Miltec Woodland scrim scarf Helikon combat shirt A-ATACS FG Warrior RICAS Compact A-TACS FG w/ admin pouch, 5x 5.56 pouches, 2x pistol pouches and 2x utility pouches holding: - 5x MAG M4 magazines - 3x TM P226 mags - Spare BBs - 2x speed loaders (one for pistol, 1 for rifle) - Smokes - Multitool Magpul MS-3 sling Oakley Pilot gloves olive Duty belt w/ pistol holster, dump pouch and pouch holding water bottle 5.11 Taclite Pro trousers in tundra Lowa Mountain GTX boots Guns: G&G top tech gen 3 M4 CQBR with Phantom red dot and torch TM Sig P226R
    1 point
  29. I got in to Airsoft through taking my son to Skirmishes.
    1 point
  30. He buys a gun and gives it to you. You give him some money for helping you do your homework. Everyone is happy.
    1 point
  31. Just bear this in mind: the police have got far better things to be doing than chasing up someone who may have painted a toy gun 3 days before they had a definite defence against prosecution for having done so, which defence they gained by turning up to an airsoft site with said gun, especially since the intention to do so is the defence, in this aspect of the law, but also since the Association of Chief Police Officers have said the law is unenforcible (hence our hypothetical coppers would have a bit of explaining to do when their arrest record for the week was scrutinised). Plain and simply, nobody who understands the law can take it seriously and, by definition, anybody who attempts to give you grief about it doesn't understand the law so fuck 'em... Just don't be a dick with your AEG, whatever colour it is, and you'll be fine. Naturally, should you decide to test the limits of what "being a dick" entails, it will not be contravening the VCRA for which you will be arrested, but any of a string of firearms and/or public order offences which existed before and will exist long after the VCRA has been quietly superceded.
    1 point
  32. It's three games in no less than 2 months. So on the 56th day your name can be added to the database and you can buy a "RIF" If you are to play at a regular site that has an affiliation with a shop, ie patrol base, zero one, JD et al. They may have annarrangement where you may purchase the gun but they hold it on site for 56 days. But obviously you are limited to only that site. In reality it's only two months, save some pocket money and rent a gun till you have a UKARA.
    1 point
  33. Technically yes, but he would be the owner of it and he would have to keep it at his house, and only lend it to you on skirmishes. If you ever got caught with an RIF apart from at skirmishes (sometimes even at skirmishes) and cant provide a defense, you're gunna get f***ed by the long dick of the law!
    1 point
  34. Mr Cheesewright has a point, for the sake of ease, though bear in mind that there is no law against owning a RIF. If the police are speaking to you about your gun it shouldn't really matter whether it's an IF or a RIF - what really matters what you were doing before that in order for them to turn up!. The problem is that what the law actually says and what the police officer that is speaking to you thinks it says are not always going to be the same thing.
    1 point
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