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Showing content with the highest reputation on 16/04/14 in all areas

  1. It really doesn't matter. They'll both perform exactly the same, the internals are pretty much identical.
    4 points
  2. Ian_Gere

    Gun picture thread

    Morena Before & Afters... And a couple that show her new colours better:
    3 points
  3. Stitch me up makes some great quality patches-Not a team patch but some more of her great work,It's a patch given to attendees of BPA's OP Falcon Fury 27hr milsim. Very nice craftsmanship and quality.
    2 points
  4. Visited the M72 today, did a bit of hacksawing albeit crooked due to the shitey poundshop hacksaw holding the blade askew. Going to crack out the jigsaw tomorow and the dremel, Then pop up to wickes for some conduit. Should have something remotely resemembling a LAW by the weekend!
    2 points
  5. Ian_Gere


    Being the renowned fortune teller I am, you can trust me when I foresee a new nub in your future...
    2 points
  6. He buys a gun and gives it to you. You give him some money for helping you do your homework. Everyone is happy.
    2 points
  7. Just bear this in mind: the police have got far better things to be doing than chasing up someone who may have painted a toy gun 3 days before they had a definite defence against prosecution for having done so, which defence they gained by turning up to an airsoft site with said gun, especially since the intention to do so is the defence, in this aspect of the law, but also since the Association of Chief Police Officers have said the law is unenforcible (hence our hypothetical coppers would have a bit of explaining to do when their arrest record for the week was scrutinised). Plain and simply, nobody who understands the law can take it seriously and, by definition, anybody who attempts to give you grief about it doesn't understand the law so fuck 'em... Just don't be a dick with your AEG, whatever colour it is, and you'll be fine. Naturally, should you decide to test the limits of what "being a dick" entails, it will not be contravening the VCRA for which you will be arrested, but any of a string of firearms and/or public order offences which existed before and will exist long after the VCRA has been quietly superceded.
    2 points
  8. I dont think that last bit is correct. Its the purchasing that is the offence, ownership is perfectly legal and requires no defense. Regardless, many law officials have announced the VCRA un-enforcable and most officers won't have the first clue what airsoft is let alone the laws regarding it. As long as he's using the RIF for airsoft and airsoft only I dont see why any police would get involved or know he even owns it lol.
    2 points
  9. Its remarkable how little of the things listed on the websites of the various firms around the UK is actually in stock. Having finally found an item in stock today ordered and get an email a few hours later telling me alas they were sorry the stock count was wrong and it'll be 3 weeks. The whole point of having UK retailers is for them to hold the stock so we can get it quickly rather than waiting 3 weeks for hong kong imports! Vent over.
    1 point
  10. TacMaster

    your team patches

    My team's ordering some patches from them now, I suggested the firm to our captain the other day and he's got some coming through.
    1 point
  11. I like the fire axe and the beans, you should get a crash helmet as well to fit in with those South Coast feels
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. It's a slippery enough slope XD Mosfet protects the trigger contacts and basically makes electricity flow more efficient. It's crucial to running higher power batteries. Low resistance wiring helps current and voltage travel around better,meaning all the power gets to the motor quickly and efficiently,which improves ROF and trigger response. Deans connectors are again,more efficient type of connection compared to the tamiya type. gearbox tuning-A lot of chinese AEGs come with very strong and good quality internals but are not very well assembled,most notably using snot and dried strawberry jam as grease. Shimming is placing precision cut washers(AKA shims) on gear axles to make sure they mesh perfectly. AOE(Angle of engagement) is the angle at which the gear that pulls back the piston(Sector gear) engages the sector. AOE correction involves placing shock absorption pads on the cylinder head to move the piston back so it is engaged at 90 degrees by the sector gear so It won't be at so much stress. A plus of AOE correction is that it also makes your gun quieter as you have shock absorption pads about which will also reduce stress on the shell. Since Patrol base is your local I'd speak to RockClimbeyDave more about this. All this stuff is fairly low cost(Mosfet and the wiring being more expensive,Deans,Shim packets,and sorbopads cost around a fiver each or so depending where you buy) Modern airsoft guns,especially chinese ones and JG in particular rarely need anything replaced. Only thing I'd really replace on your gearbox is the plastic gear bushings with nice quality metal ones(Again,a very cheap upgrade)
    1 point
  14. Always nice when things arrive long before you expect then to...
    1 point
  15. Samurai

    What to upgrade next?

    Mini Tamiyas are not designed for high amps we have in our AEGs nowdays. The contact surface in them is too small so they loose a lot of current. Deans have big, flat contact points.
    1 point
  16. Ian_Gere


    make a whole sheet of them, man!
    1 point
  17. Arn't they just a chrome 1911?
    1 point
  18. Had a similar problem after servicing my M16. Turns out the small spring between the fire selector plate and the cut off lever had dislodged so wasn't lifting the cut off. Works fine now its been replaced.
    1 point
  19. evilfree

    new to airsoft

    POW is great, its my local site. If you have any questions then just ask as everyone is always willing to help.
    1 point
  20. It's three games in no less than 2 months. So on the 56th day your name can be added to the database and you can buy a "RIF" If you are to play at a regular site that has an affiliation with a shop, ie patrol base, zero one, JD et al. They may have annarrangement where you may purchase the gun but they hold it on site for 56 days. But obviously you are limited to only that site. In reality it's only two months, save some pocket money and rent a gun till you have a UKARA.
    1 point
  21. Technically yes, but he would be the owner of it and he would have to keep it at his house, and only lend it to you on skirmishes. If you ever got caught with an RIF apart from at skirmishes (sometimes even at skirmishes) and cant provide a defense, you're gunna get f***ed by the long dick of the law!
    1 point
  22. +2 for lonex. And don't call me Shell.
    1 point
  23. Not airsoft but picture related it is ED (gonna get banned ... :S) ED IS THOR!!!!!
    1 point
  24. My first though after reading that.... Alas it appears me and you are the only ones interested in teh lulz Ed
    1 point
  25. Mack

    Guns that NEED to be made

    Honey badger
    1 point
  26. He means all open top pouches
    1 point
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