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What does everyone really think of kickingmustang

Mk46 Mod0

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I've never played with him not tht I know of anyway. Personally I think the guy is abit of a bell end as the majority of us are there to have fun. We minimise head shots don't intentionally shoot people in sore places don't go round calling everyone cheaters. The guy intentionally aims for the head or sore places even when a plate carrier or somewhere thts not gonna hurt as much is open. Sits in bushes whistling for people to turn to shoot then in the mostly upper part of the body it is amusing don't get me wrong but aim further down dude. Its all to get a reaction for his YouTube channel for views. He mag dumps people (little child I've seen) yet when it happens to him he goes off his head.


On calling people cheater's half his shots miss if you look very carefully and sometimes people don't feel getting shot from distance due to clothing or armour. From the videos I've watched I almost feel like he enjoys hurting people in a sadistic kind of way. Cheaters are actually few and far between from what I've experienced anyway and I've been playing for a good few years don't get me wrong I have come across a few genuine cheater's but most of the time you think you've hit someone it's either not as a bb is extremely small and hard to follow through the air to target and because of wind range bb ballistics clothing or armour. Just try again. 


He seems like an awesome player tactically and gets round the field well but the fact that he's obviously baiting people to bite and making content for YouTube through headshots dirty painful shots then running up and laughing (personally I always apologize for a nippy shot) to me let's what could be a genuinely awesome player down. Need the "hits" on the tube I suppose. 

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19 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Short version, he's generally not well liked, by most players & most sites apparently. 

I know he's banned from most of the sites I play. When I first started watching his videos I found them funny but the more I watched the more I realised he was aiming for painful shots calling cheats raging when the tables turned on him all for YouTube. 

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40 minutes ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Man's a complete knob.  

Couldn't agree more.

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Wasn't he outed as a total racist too, or was that a different YouTube Airsoft knobhead. 

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I have encountered him twice, initially as a marshal and later as a player.

On the first occasion, he was asked to leave the site for:
1. Shooting players (including a playing marshal) well within the MED.
2. Shooting players at their regen.
3. Aggressive behaviour.

On the second occasion, I witnessed him:
1. Shooting players at their regen.
2. Being aggressive towards players.
3. Swearing at a player who was clearly under 16 and calling him "gay" as an insult.

One thing I do know about him is that he gets rather upset when someone lands a paper pyro directly on him.

Just now, Tackle said:

Wasn't he outed as a total racist too, or was that a different YouTube Airsoft knobhead. 

That was him.

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He's a tosser, pure and simple. I think you'd be hard pressed to be permenantly banned from one or two fields without having to reflect on your behaviour, never mind 40+ that will publicly disclose he's banned from their site(s). The real count is probably way higher.


He's also attempted put a "bounty" on a Youtuber who made a video about him wanting to know their name, place of work, home address etc. etc. despite that Youtuber having 100x less subscribers than him, with the intention of doxxing that person. That's how fragile his ego is.

Additionally, every time anyone levels any valid criticism at the way he acts when playing, or how he plays, airsoft he just labels them as "snow flakes" and "woke gone mad" etc. etc. and his audience of edgy 12 year olds lap it up.


This list was compiled in 2022. It's probably longer already. It also includes some of the offenses he's alleged to have committed.

Edited by MrTea
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Now I'm conflicted... I haven't a clue who this is but know I could easily find him on YouTube but also knowing if I look for him it'll help his views on YT.

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Yeah like many, I saw some of his vids when I first searched about airsoft (he's been a wanker for a long time)

Honestly his videos put me off playing for quite some time because it looked like it was full of wankers with the good toys picking on on the new players and just acting like shits.

I eventually had a go when my son wanted to try it and found there were actually decent people there.


Now I know Licking Cumstain is a perfect example of the many youtube wankers doing shit just for the view count.


Don't give him or any of em any views



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32 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

Names Nicco, who constantly touts that he is an ex-rifleman, without mentioning that he was a Reservist.

I don't have much information on the lad but when I bumped into him when playing airsoft along ex-services he held his own without them calling him out as a 'Walt'.

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1 hour ago, MrTea said:

He's also attempted put a "bounty" on a Youtuber who made a video about him wanting to know their name, place of work, home address etc. etc. despite that Youtuber having 100x less subscribers than him, with the intention of doxxing that person. That's how fragile his ego is.

Part of me wants him to be successful here so we can all watch and laugh as he gets locked up

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There's an FB group that details Throbbing Dipshits antics.  If you look there @gavinkempsellyou can get the gen without having to engage his own media.   



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8 hours ago, Mk46 Mod0 said:

He seems like an awesome player tactically and gets round the field well


Easy enough to do if you slink out 5 minutes before game-on and hide in a bush out-of-bounds, 15 yards from a spawn point.


He's a rather tragic case who's now trapped in a fantasy world of his own creation. Sneaking onto sites that don't know him (yet) in order to film himself missing by a country mile then adding comically fake hit-markers afterwards to whine about cheaters, then face shooting kids at the aforesaid distance, and always, always escalating the fake drama.


He's not there for the same reason as anybody else, and the sooner he's banned from every site, the better.  That's if his hard drive doesn't get searched first: the bloke's a proper wrong 'un.

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1 hour ago, DaktariT said:

I don't have much information on the lad but when I bumped into him when playing airsoft along ex-services he held his own without them calling him out as a 'Walt'.

Oh, he isn't a Walt; he just neglects to mention that he wasn't a regular, which is the impression he gives.

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