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Worst injury from airsoft


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Well, I've just had mine!
I was playing at YTA Borderlands, near Huddersfield,. It's a really nice site (from what I got to play) and the marshals are excellent (very professional, thank God!). It's a sniper's paradise, but not at the expense of everyone else.

I was working with two other snipers as part of a pincer movement on an objective, but I got slotted by a counter sniper. All good, I went to a respawn point - but the respawn point was very close to an enemy held objective. I had seen two leave and rather than retreat to a safe distance, I took a shot. To be met by a barage of return automatic fire. They couldn't range me, so I spun on my heels and ran, just as their team members were piling out of the objective to join in.
There's me and running and never the twain should meet.

The safety brief told us to watch out for the rocky terrain and that things were unstable underfoot. I'd even listened to the safety briefing, as I'd never been there before. However, this information eluded me whilst "running for my life". I was at full tilt, tripped on a rock and went flying. As  I was flying through the air I had one thought "Must. Protect. Rifle." And so I twisted to angle the rifle away from the ground. Stupidest fucking thing I've ever done. Instead of twisting it away from me, I ended up landing on it and as my head went down it cracked a rock. I lay there, unmoving, staring at the tree canopy and blue sky beyond and watched as it swirled. I was still being shot. Which was nice. But didn't have the air in my lungs to shout anything. And I couldn't raise my arm. It felt like they were adding insult to injury, so I managed to stick one middle finger up. Unfortunately, rather than thinking something was wrong, or accepting my arm was in the air, they took it as a taunt and continued to fire 🤣 
Eventually, I think I heard someone say "is he actually alright?" and they came over to check on me. The first person to arrive was a cracking player called Alan, who just happened to be a first aider. He checked me over and between them they got me sat up. Alan removed my cap, as I'd said I'd hit my head, so that he could just check if everything was ok. His reaction was dramatic and something along the lines of "OH MY GOD, someone get a med kit!". To be honest, I thought he was just taking the piss to make me feel better and was expecting the next line "only joking". But it never came. I had a hole in my head and it was leaking lots of blood and scalp tissue.
The marshals had already called ceasefire, and the players all responded immediately - I felt terrible I'd ruined the game and lost them playing time.

I was carted off the field and I have to say, the YTA team (and Alan and Andy, two very kind players) did a cracking job looking after me. After waiting 3 hours for an ambulance that never came, the manager of YTA, Paul arrived and decided it would be quicker to just drive me to A&E. So my heartfelt thanks to him for that, otherwise I might still be waiting!
Sum total of damage - hole in head, sewn up with four stitches, two broken ribs and severe bruising.
Damage to my SRS and MK23 is currently unknown as I haven't dared look.
The irony of doing that much damage to myself in an effort to not get shot a lot and then getting shot a lot as well is not lost on me.
They're certainly my worst injuries from airsoft, how about you guys and gals?

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Well, that’s shit my friend.


My worst injury? Getting shot in the earlobe, a ricochet from my own shot at a target range 😮



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Ouch, glad it wasn't more serious and you are ok . We've all taken a flyer and done the 'protect the gun' thing at one time or another , it seems second nature ! 

Hopefully any damage to the rif's will be easily sorted. 

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Fractured my foot in seven places after launching myself backwards down the stairs.


27 minutes ago, sonofsammo said:

 As  I was flying through the air I had one thought "Must. Protect. Rifle." And so I twisted to angle the rifle away from the ground. Stupidest fucking thing I've ever done. 



Had exactly the same reaction


20 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:




One for all the weird foot fetishists out there and just yuck for the rest of us.



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6 minutes ago, rocketdogbert said:

Well, that’s shit my friend.


My worst injury? Getting shot in the earlobe, a ricochet from my own shot at a target range 😮




Our of all of the shots that I've been hit with, an ear shot was my most painful by far, so I can really sympathise!

I got shot through a tarp at near enough point blank and it sent me a bit funny. Really hurt and through me right off for a few minutes.


Less painful but debatably worse; had a tooth shot out around 7 or 8 years ago. I'd been playing around a year at that point and I did my first day without full face protection and got slotted at very close range by someone with a Cyma Mp5 (site rentals at 345 fps). Didnt hurt but felt very cold!


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Ended up with a couple of black eyes after a pistol game , all very up close stuff in and around buildings, and got  hit right on the eye brows on both sides 🤣 

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Yeah, I've been hit in the eyebrow from a few meters.  Stung quite a bit but just rubbed it.

Then I felt something trickling into my eye and I thought, "I can't be sweating THAT much".

Saw the blood after wiping my eye.  Oh well, play on...

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i dont know which of mine was the worst though neither compare to yours.

But having a bb deflect off the lower face pro and catching me just under the eye. The pain was bad, the embarrassment of walking around with a black ey for 2 weeks was worse.


But probably out ouching that was last year when my timed bfg went off whilst still attached to my hip. It burnt a whole in my expensive leo kholer ubacs (financial pain) burnt through my under armour base layer and set fire to it causing what would have been a nasty burn to be much worse. took abour 2 months to heal and has left a permanent scar and something all my friends like to remin me of as i has stood up to call hit when it happened and they all thought i had grenaded myself. SO yeah that was holds financial, physical and mental/emotional damage and it stung like a biatch. Still played out the rest of the day though

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Just now, sonofsammo said:

Remember.... you asked for it! 🤣







Proper job. 🤕


Get well soon 

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1 hour ago, sonofsammo said:

Remember.... you asked for it! 🤣






First pic is contents of my cap immediately afterwards. It looked like one of my kids had emptied a pack of ketchup in there!
Second is my bonce, obviously. Third is my ribs.

Proper job buddy, and 🤢🤢🤮

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5 hours ago, sonofsammo said:

Remember.... you asked for it! 🤣



First pic is contents of my cap immediately afterwards. It looked like one of my kids had emptied a pack of ketchup in there!
Second is my bonce, obviously. Third is my ribs.


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Nasty cut to say the least.   Glad you were attended to so well.


I think that a link to this ought to go on the thread about wearing a helmet in game.

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Here's a vid giving the guy who helped me's perspective. I'm disheartened with what he reveals about some of the other players





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7 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Positive from a negative, from the point of view of a person who has to fix said boo boo I’d much rather work on a baldy barstuard that someone with flowing locks . Always get a better result on the open tundra than you do in the jungle , if ya catch ma drift ? 😉

You say that, but I've had many complaints about the shine off my noggin blinding people😎

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49 minutes ago, Tackle said:

You say that, but I've had many complaints about the shine off my noggin blinding people😎

I've heard it's so big that when you go out at night people say "fuck! Moons low tonight"


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On 21/03/2022 at 11:04, sonofsammo said:

Remember.... you asked for it! 🤣






First pic is contents of my cap immediately afterwards. It looked like one of my kids had emptied a pack of ketchup in there!
Second is my bonce, obviously. Third is my ribs.


Ooof. GWS dude!

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8 hours ago, sonofsammo said:

Here's a vid giving the guy who helped me's perspective. I'm disheartened with what he reveals about some of the other players





Good man, he's totally right. Can't believe people just walked past you!!!

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18 hours ago, Skullchewer said:

Good man, he's totally right. Can't believe people just walked past you!!!

Sadly even in our insular little sport where generally I find the camaraderie so much better than most I CAN still believe it and no I’m not surprised either , society has become a mass of self-centred “only I matter” tossers . I really do despair of its future at times .😢

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Guest KiloGr

Probably a broken toe?  Was before i had proper footwear, team was rushing to a point, i fell and a team mate heel-stomped on my already ort of fragile toe in a weird position.


was out of action for a fair few weeks, wearing shoes was a problem for a long time but back in the action now

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I'd been wanting to play with you for so long. I've seen you've played proving grounds a few times and we are both SRS owners so was looking forward to this. Little did I know it was you. 

So much damage in our sport although I'm glad you are on your feet and at least reflecting on the incident, the ribs will be a bummer but hopefully you're not out of action for too long dude.

When we pulled up in the car park as well you were the first person I saw, beaming smile and a "Good morning".

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Yup your bonce was a but of a state when I got to ya just glad ur sorted now but by the looks of the pics I've got some bad news I don't think your hair parting will ever be the same again lol. But as I said just happy your OK buddy

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1 hour ago, Steveocee said:

I'd been wanting to play with you for so long. I've seen you've played proving grounds a few times and we are both SRS owners so was looking forward to this. Little did I know it was you. 

So much damage in our sport although I'm glad you are on your feet and at least reflecting on the incident, the ribs will be a bummer but hopefully you're not out of action for too long dude.

When we pulled up in the car park as well you were the first person I saw, beaming smile and a "Good morning".

Absolutely gutted bud - -and on opposing teams to boot!
I still haven't gathered the courage to properly check the SRS over. I think the scope is fucked, but that's alright cos it's a vortex lol.

58 minutes ago, Grumpy-al said:

Yup your bonce was a but of a state when I got to ya just glad ur sorted now but by the looks of the pics I've got some bad news I don't think your hair parting will ever be the same again lol. But as I said just happy your OK buddy

And there he is! The man himself! Thanks to this chap I wasn't pissing blood all over the game area making a mess 😄
Thanks again dude. 

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