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I Might Need to Go for a Run.

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Only a few weeks to go before I can go full on John J Rambo again. Howere, unlike John J Rambo, I am so unfit at the moment I think I might have a heart attack carrying my gear from the car.


Has anyone else done bog all cardio during the lock down?

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Just one?


Yeah, cardio pretty non-existent since the weather turned but I have been doing plenty of push-ups and weights etc, so I may be slow but hopefully steady haha.

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14 minutes ago, Lozart said:


I just went downstairs and got myself a coffee, does that count?

But we're you able to get back up the stairs with that heavy cup of coffee ?, going up is the bit I'm struggling with lol 😤

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I've been doing a lot of muscle endurance circuits in my room and I don't think I've ever had such a solid core (shame it's still under a layer of fat for now!). I used to go "ugh, 10 situps..." but now it's more like "ugh, 28 situps..." so it must be working. Since the sun started poking its head out, I've been getting back into cycling too, and did a month of running before my shins reminded me how my body type is not built for running; even when I was a teenager and super fit, in both the rugby and swimming team for my school, I had to stop rugby because shin splints are a thing.


I'll probably try and get to some shorter runs in the next two weeks to get the cardio side up in line with the muscular endurance; the latter is more useful for me as I spend more time crawling around and trying to remain still in sometimes awkward positions, but being able to run is a nice extra. Just got better from covid vaccine side effects over the weekend and I'm back to airsoft on the 4th, so two and a half weeks should be enough to ensure I'm not hit too hard by the return. I'm still overweight, so I don't want to jeopardise my joints by going too hard, but I've left obesity behind at least. I will say that I'm about 15kg lighter than when I last did airsoft in December, and I want to drop another 2+ before April, so I'm actually looking forward to seeing how it feels to be lighter. Again. This weight loss journey has been a year going so far, and I've likely got another few months of it to go. Airsoft reopening is definitely going to help that.

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No cardio specifically but plenty on mauling on site, the joys of working through covid.

The shitter is all that benefit will go to waste as now I've had a knee op so I'll be back in the land of the slug by the time I get to play again.

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18 minutes ago, GothicGhost said:

I have been jogging regularly a few times a week, about 2.4 miles, to try to lose so more weight.

Went from 15 stone to 13.13 but trying to get down to 13.0 stone seems difficult🤣😅

Respect dude!... that's a good weight loss.... !


Before all this Covid lark, I used to spin 2-3 times a week at my gym... it was friggin brilliant coming out of that class totally shattered.... but I knew it was doing me more good than harm. I lost so much weight and had calves like a rugby player... 1.5 yrs later and it's a different story! 


Edited by AlphaBear
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i really should be doing more, plenty of walking but nothing for my arms.


so i'll be able to slowly plod around site no problem but won't be able to hit shit given my penchant for heavier pews.....

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The cheap rowing machine from Amazon has been getting a work out but the bearings on the seat are complaining under the weight. Definitely put on much weight during the lock down. After popping a button on a shirt I felt I really needed to lose some pounds and build up some stamina ahead of a first game.

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I was in really good shape after the 1st lockdown in summer when it was sunny and was doing lots of cardio and HIIT, and hitting PB's in the gyms once we could go back. Then lockdown 2 happened and that wasnt too bad. Lockdown 3 has been awful.


Gyms reopen in 4 weeks, so like when you clean up before a cleaner comes over, I'm trying to get back into shape before returning to the gym.

Circuits suck ass BTW, in case you were wondering.

Edited by rj1986
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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

But we're you able to get back up the stairs with that heavy cup of coffee ?, going up is the bit I'm struggling with lol 😤


Ha ha! Yeah. I quite literally feel your pain!

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God you healthy people make feel disgusted about my MacDonald's fetish. Saying that i have been doing push ups and sit up to break back into it gently.  

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I generally keep fairly fit, with regular running and circuits (my metabolism seems to have gone on strike since I hit 40!) and I've still not touched alcohol since 3 Jan. However, Sod's Law has struck and, after having a persistent sore back, which stopped me running, I managed to see an actual doctor in the flesh last week. 

Turns out I have a slipped disc and a hernia. No phys at all, just stretches for three months now.

Fuck you ageing! 

Still going to see how I get on when the sites open though 🤙

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1 minute ago, MiK said:

They was doing the Grand Big Mac for £1.99 yesterday - well tasty it was :)

P#ss off 🤤, not had Mickey D's for ages, nearest one is 22 miles away so can't get a delivery either 😭

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I've not had an MD now for a least 5 years. Stopped at a service station one lunch time and was half way through a Big Mac when I realised I just was not enjoying it. Left it half eaten and never had one since. BK on the other had....

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14 minutes ago, Piman said:

I've not had an MD now for a least 5 years. Stopped at a service station one lunch time and was half way through a Big Mac when I realised I just was not enjoying it. Left it half eaten and never had one since. BK on the other had....

got to say good shout on BK 

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1 hour ago, GenuineGerman said:

God you healthy people make feel disgusted about my MacDonald's fetish. Saying that i have been doing push ups and sit up to break back into it gently.  

Are you on the click & collect app?


Double the free coffee - buy 5 get 1 free on the app, keep the stickers as well and it becomes buy 5 get 2 free 

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Pre-lockdown my wife managed the bar at a nightclub that was right next door to a McD's drive through. She used to go there regularly for food when she was working so to make up for it I just started making burgers at home instead. SO much better!


Also - if you like the sauce in a Big Mac but have realised that the burger is almost always dry and uninspiring, try making your own with this: https://angusandoink.com/products/macdaddy-burger-sauce-seasoning mix it with some mayo and Bob's yer mothers live-in lover!

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