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GBB Pistol Only in CQB.

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I intend to go to Z-Mart at some point and just thinking about what I'd use. This has lead me to strongly consider a TM MP7. However I've recently sunk a load of money in to a TM Gen.4 G17 build, which I absolutely love (detonator slide, cowcow shortstroke spring, mapleleaf crazyjet barrel, flamingo hop bucking, cowcow adjustable flat trigger, cowcow flared magwell and Guarder nightsights).


Is there really any advantage to using an MP7 with 40 round mags over my G17 with potentially 50 round mags or even my Action Army AAP-01?


I also have an upgraded Scorpion Evo, so could just pick-up some more 75 round mags for that but I somehow feel using GBB in CQB is way more fun 🤔

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Some people swear a pistol is the ideal tool for CQB, and I suspect they may be right.


Pistols are more pointable and easy to get on aim when you are hampered by goggles or face masks.


And gas blowbacks have a faster lock time than electric guns.


I had intended to put it to the test, before I injured myself and had to give up skirmishing.


Try it and see.

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Yeah, especially as a lot of CQB sites seem to be semi only. The AAP-01 will also no doubt in the future have kits you'd can add to turn it in to an SMG.

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really you're trading flexibility of aiming for difficulty of precision.


pistols are great for handling in awkward situations and rapidly shooting.


however i'd argue if the level of marksmanship required goes beyond simply hip firing then a shoulder stock on a small carbine is going to really show its benefit, especially if combined with a nice red dot.


personally, i'd rather the mp7 or stick the glock in a carbine kit (which is essentially the same thing)

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If there's a decent amount of cover then you should be fine with just a pistol - I was running one most of the day yesterday at a new-to-me indoor CQB, as soon as I'd figured out where the cover and hidey-holes were.


I'd certainly recommend gas over electric for CQB, unless you have pro-cock.  Fractions of second can make all the difference.

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I’ve ran pistol only a few times in CQB. It’s really fun, only problem I found is magazine capacity and having enough of them. I have 4 standard glock mags and would find myself running out about halfway through a 1hr CQB game.

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  On 14/09/2020 at 11:45, Adolf Hamster said:

personally, i'd rather the mp7 or stick the glock in a carbine kit (which is essentially the same thing)



As I say I'm sure some amazing kits for the AAP-01 will be released soon enough, I'm just impatient I guess.

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  On 14/09/2020 at 12:29, Big Daddy Vladdy said:

a 1hr CQB game



That sounds pretty long, the sites where I play[ed] generally run half hour games.  I started with 3 mags, only ran through them all once, then went to 5 and have never got past the 4th.  Given that you can generally get 2 mags of BBs out of one gas fill, I could have just thrown a speedloader in instead of another mag.


The biggest problem is keeping the pouches colour-coordinated with my fashion choices. ;)

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I tend to do better running a pistol over rifle in cqb. I just like stuff though so take a rifle anyway! 

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  On 14/09/2020 at 13:08, L3wisD said:

I'm playing Z-Mart with only my Marui USP this Sunday... I'll let you know how I get on! 😁



Lucky you and yes please do!


  On 14/09/2020 at 15:20, Hypnosis said:

I tend to do better running a pistol over rifle in cqb. I just like stuff though so take a rifle anyway! 



I like stuff when I'm at home. Hate loading and unloading/carrying stuff though.

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Gbb pistol only for a cqb is awesome, i prefer it actually, but there is a couple of huge advantages to using an MP7.


Advantage 1: you have an excuse to buy a TM MP7, which is a cool looking replica,

Advantage 2: you'll have a TM MP7, did i mention it is a cool looking replica ? 


If you want to run pistol only though, the trick is that you need to do a roll and shoot like in John Woo movie, just look at anything made by John Woo, as soon as you do a roll, you dont miss, and it magically adds 250 ammo in your mag

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Twin pistols are for winners


Any accuracy reduction of a short barrel etc are offset by the effect of natural pointing.

In a close up situation theres no detriment to a pistols accuracy and the pointing element is likely to give you first shot accuracy, no need to actively aim etc 


At one event I was a total gremlin breaking every gun I attempted to use or chronoed at excessive rates, I had already loaned out my normal guns and as I was leading the faction I had other things that I needed to be getting on with.

So for game one I went out as a demented screaming idiot leading from the front a throwing pyro.

Ready for game 2 a team mate had sorted out my pistol and handed me one of his too
I then spent the rest of the day as a demented screaming dual pistol player

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I think you should buy the mp7 and use still use a pistol as mentioned mp7s are stupidly cool.


and I used pistols only plenty of times at the mall and had so much fun. No major disadvantage over using a pistol vs a gbb really. If anything it’s lighter and easier.

plus the multiglam squads get well pissed off if you take a few out with only a pistol :D that’s worth the entry right there

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Another +1 for dual pistols. 

I used to take 2 TM FN 5-7's as my primaries and had an M79 as my secondary in case I needed a bit of oomph in a tight situation.


I also have an mp9 which is awesome in cqb. Looks awesome with the suppressor but it's so much easier to swing around without it. Hell you could dual wield mp9s or mp7s!

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One slight tip with dual pistols - don’t go purely Hollywood style and fire a shot to shot match between the pair.

If you do then when one magazine is empty then so is the other.


You can’t shoot, and you also have two guns, two magazines to remove and two magazines to insert - 6 things to be shuffled around as quickly as possible  with just 2 hands 


Get them out of synch and you only empty one at a time ensuring you can still shoot if you need to when you’re reloading the other 

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Sadly, dual wielding is banned at the Depot because too many folk ended up doing this.


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They may have a point regarding blind firing: which set of sights are you looking down?


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So not Sonny Puzikas style Blooming death moves allowed then? 


Bad jokes aside, the few times I've done cqb I've often used just pistols as they're easier to move with in tight spaces and the trigger response is far quicker than with an AEG 

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  On 15/09/2020 at 12:06, Cannonfodder said:

So not Sonny Puzikas style Blooming death moves allowed then?



Anything you've seen in the Matrix, John Wick or even Equilibrium are all explicitly banned. :(


No "velocity projectiles" either.



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While I've never gone to a site, cqb or otherwise, with the sole intention of going "pistol only", I've played a few where the organisers have said "right chaps, next games just pistols", & it's brilliant, a real hoot, & it's surprising how many people can't shoot for shit when it comes to pistols🤣, it's a real leveler.

Also great fun is "single shot guns only" games, so sniper/dmr with a med, shotguns & pistols, always a giggle to throw one of those in to the middle of a game day, turns things on it's a head a little 😁

(Although when it was announced at one game day I remember seeing a couple of "operators" quickly removing their holsters, hiding them & pleading that they didn't have pistols, wankers lol)

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