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why non firearms airsoft and bb pistols are just as easy as rifles to use

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im posting here because it's a appropriate place. with my tm g18, crosman 1377 or even pistol crossbows im down to art plinking on a4 paper and 2 liters at 30 yards is boring to death my groupings can even match of range 9mm carbines i can even push to hit targets at 70 yards. but once i get hands on our service gen 3 g17 and p226 i struggle to hit soda cans at 10 yards much less torso at 25 yards. its extremely frustrating im shooting FAAAAAAAAR BETTER with non firearms replica and cheapass crossbows than legit pistols with much better build quality


why are airsoft and pellet pistols so accurate and easy to use depside the abscence of stock and foregrip to add shoulder contact and extra bracing. why they are just as easy to use as rifles and can shoot similar groupings even at 50 yards?


im at my limit of real pistols man. i just want to smash them on ground 1000 times and crush it with sledgehammer and left rotting after peeing on them

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I would guess you're anticipating the recoil. And perhaps you're holding it wrong to begin with exacerbating the problem. 

They're accurate. 

I gather you're in the Army/Navy/RAF? 

Shot both of those you mentioned, and a USP compact in 9mm and a P9 while at CORPOSC at Bisley. Actual official instruction by the army was pretty much none existent but informal training by people who'd been there and done that I found really interesting and used to spend as much time as I could on either range or dcct time. 

I've never shot one over 25 yards though. Watch Hickock on the YouTube hit his gong at what looks like at least 100 yards with all manner of pistols. 



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For many it's the anticipation, then the noise & violence of the actual shot that screws their aim, my service pistol was the browning hi-power, first time used one couldn't hit a barn door lol, & the recoil pulled it high & to the right.

Took a bit of unhurried range time to get cosy with it, which is something you rarely get in the services, usually you've got a range "instructor" (if you can call him that), trying to rush whole platoons through in a morning, no actual instruction !.

The British army has probably the finest levels of marksmanship training in the world on its long arms, but unless your in a specialist unit, pistol training is woeful. ☹️

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They're more accurate, just harder to use. The same way it's more difficult to drive a real car as supposed to a radio controlled one.

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Here's my grouping from a real Glock19...from about 10mtrs. Yes I can get better accuracy with a toy airsoft gun, but a real gun shooting 9mm...well it's all about body stance, grip, breathing, keeping your eyes open and going ham on the trigger because...AMERICA!! (just kidding)






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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
11 hours ago, sodacanXpetbottle said:

im posting here because it's a appropriate place. with my tm g18, crosman 1377 or even pistol crossbows im down to art plinking on a4 paper and 2 liters at 30 yards is boring to death my groupings can even match of range 9mm carbines i can even push to hit targets at 70 yards. but once i get hands on our service gen 3 g17 and p226 i struggle to hit soda cans at 10 yards much less torso at 25 yards. its extremely frustrating im shooting FAAAAAAAAR BETTER with non firearms replica and cheapass crossbows than legit pistols with much better build quality


why are airsoft and pellet pistols so accurate and easy to use depside the abscence of stock and foregrip to add shoulder contact and extra bracing. why they are just as easy to use as rifles and can shoot similar groupings even at 50 yards?


im at my limit of real pistols man. i just want to smash them on ground 1000 times and crush it with sledgehammer and left rotting after peeing on them


Fire a magazine and examine the target grouping, then reference here:




Flip it if you're a leftie

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Was always amused that the Army classified the Browning 9mm as an 'area' weapon system.  Which puts it in the same category as a mortar....


Short barrelled weapons are exceptionally tricky to master without training, echo the point that pistol marksmanship has always been second rate in the Army....

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 02/01/2020 at 19:48, sodacanXpetbottle said:

im posting here because it's a appropriate place. with my tm g18, crosman 1377 or even pistol crossbows im down to art plinking on a4 paper and 2 liters at 30 yards is boring to death my groupings can even match of range 9mm carbines i can even push to hit targets at 70 yards. but once i get hands on our service gen 3 g17 and p226 i struggle to hit soda cans at 10 yards much less torso at 25 yards. its extremely frustrating im shooting FAAAAAAAAR BETTER with non firearms replica and cheapass crossbows than legit pistols with much better build quality


why are airsoft and pellet pistols so accurate and easy to use depside the abscence of stock and foregrip to add shoulder contact and extra bracing. why they are just as easy to use as rifles and can shoot similar groupings even at 50 yards?


im at my limit of real pistols man. i just want to smash them on ground 1000 times and crush it with sledgehammer and left rotting after peeing on them


On 09/01/2020 at 04:39, witchcraft58a said:

Was always amused that the Army classified the Browning 9mm as an 'area' weapon system.  Which puts it in the same category as a mortar....


Short barrelled weapons are exceptionally tricky to master without training, echo the point that pistol marksmanship has always been second rate in the Army....


On 03/01/2020 at 07:05, Monkman said:

Here's my grouping from a real Glock19...from about 10mtrs. Yes I can get better accuracy with a toy airsoft gun, but a real gun shooting 9mm...well it's all about body stance, grip, breathing, keeping your eyes open and going ham on the trigger because...AMERICA!! (just kidding)







On 03/01/2020 at 05:06, Tackle said:

For many it's the anticipation, then the noise & violence of the actual shot that screws their aim, my service pistol was the browning hi-power, first time used one couldn't hit a barn door lol, & the recoil pulled it high & to the right.

Took a bit of unhurried range time to get cosy with it, which is something you rarely get in the services, usually you've got a range "instructor" (if you can call him that), trying to rush whole platoons through in a morning, no actual instruction !.

The British army has probably the finest levels of marksmanship training in the world on its long arms, but unless your in a specialist unit, pistol training is woeful. ☹️


air pistols and bb pistols are made to give the feel of a rifle. they are much more forgiving toward bad habits depside having the same dimension and sight radius as the real one and lacking stock and handguard to stabilize. still amateurs WHO NEVER EVER SHOT IN HIS LIFE can easily stabilize them making undecilliuon times more accurate as they can easily plink on the same range as they're using rifles even with ZERO experience


pistol shooters with decades of training STRUGGLES to barely graze someone on their shoulders at 50 yards. amateurs with NO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE can EASILY PLINK on mofos face from way beyond 30 yards with air pistols, brown bess, airsoft and bb pistols as shown on the vids linked depside only having ZERO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. I can easily use my cheap pistol crossbow and Recurve Bows to reliably hit bottles at 50 yards whereare with piece of poop beretta 92, hk45 and akm I couldnt even graze a sillouette at 20 yards. even smoothbore blackpowder pistols are 666 SEPTILLION TIMES MORE ACCURATE than modern centerfire pistols larger than .22

people from archerytalk cmdrjones StyjianFist mjolnir66 66starz Allen Daryl reddit and quora already said that cz75, beretta and akm are 999999999999999x less accurate than thrown rocks, muzzleloading smoothbore pistols and .22 pistols

here is the accuracy of a guy shooting with real pistols compared to shooting with a co2 bb pistol airsoft pistols on DAO!!!! and pistol crossbows

just look how mediocre his accuracy is compared to the guy with a co2 pistol. real pistols are less accurate than their replica counterpart depside being made of much higher quality materials how pathetically embarrasing  spacer.png


firearm pistols are less accurate than throwing knives because people jerk the trigger pull thats heavier than the weight of the pistol. pistols are used as close range weapons from 10 yards or less thats not a problem with rifles because you have the stock and foregrip to keep steadier. hitting sprinting humans at 10 yard with real pistols are impossible new shooters driving nails with tm g18 and crosman 1322 at 30 yards one handed is boring to death


people shoots airsoft and pistols crossbows so accurately without jerking depside lacking a stock and foregreip. because bb guns have nonexistent muzzle climb and trigger so soft(1.5lb) that completelly negates the abscence of stock and foregrip to give shoulder support and extra bracing to give the ultimate stabilitymakes the hair triggers of match grade rifles and .22 pistols(2lb) literally look like pussies of pussies which makes virtually impossible to flinch or jerk the trigger 

by the time a guy with real glock fires 5 shots to shot someone's lims from 15 yard away with 5 lb trigger and 60 degree muzzle climb. the airsofter would have drilled through the center of his pupil 5 quintillion times from 50 yards away with 1.5lb trigger and 0 degree muzzle climb

comparing the accuracy of beretta and akm against Airsoft, pistol crossbows and BB pistols is like comparing a paraplegic 90 years old with Alzheimer(m9, p226 and akm) against Prime Tyson(crosman 1377, swiss arms p1911 and pistol crossbows)  spacer.png


real pistols have magazine capacity of 7 or 15 rounds airsoft have 25 to 33 wich is the same capacity as assault rifles and 4000 for machineguns compared to real SAW and MAG with 200 rounds :mellow:


the reason why tm and umarex replicas have licenced trademarks is because pistol manufacturers paid these magnificient artisans to make a fake propaganda that their true pos m9, sig and hk pistols are sniper rifle like accurate death ray guns

stop comparing pos p226 and cz75 against masterfully crafted airsoft and bb pistols. everyone should ditch pos 9mm and .45 with crossman 1377, ruger mk iii or swiss arms p1911. lethality is irrelevant because pistol bullets have botton tier stopping power and people can't hit past 20 yards. the rifle like accuracy of airsoft and bb pistols would easily let them plink on mofos pupils from 50 yards 9/10 times spacer.png

300 police officers and soldiers with their precious hk45, beretta and akm would get wtfpwned against a blindfolded guy from the p1911 vid above with bboth his hands and legs tiered on his back with a pistol crossbow, crosman 1377 or swiss arms p1911 kill poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away in less than 5 picosecs while not even a single bullet managed to graze the guy laughing how pathetically innacurate their real counterparts are spacer.png

airsoft pistols should be compared with RIFLES as they are crafted to give the feel of a match grade rifle in pistol sized package. TM GBB pistols are easier to shoot than glocks on roni frames on full auto and can easily match the accuracy of service rifles not named akm and 9mm carbines at least up to 50 yards

now comparing my TM G18, TM DEagle, 80 pound pistol crossbows, swiss arms p1911, crosman 1322 against budget PSA AR-15 and their 9mm carbines for my girlfriend who never shot a gun for plinking on 2 liters and bullseye shooting on paper from 50 yards away to see wich gun shoots tighter groupings. now we are going somewhere spacer.png

real firearm shooter just with a pistol would be extremely hard pressed by a teenager with tm g18 and swiss arms p1911 pegging him from 50 yards whithout beinging his carbine from a car  :mellow:


20 guys with tm g18, p1911, 1377 and pistol crossbows against same number of guys with budget psa ar-15 and 9mm carbines would be a fairer match. even them they they would win at least 30/100 times as the rifle like accuracy of airsoft pistols would easily let them blind the rifle shooters by poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away 

real pos m9, p226, cz75 and akm may be 8 octillion times less accurate than slingshots firing pebbles but with swiss arms p1911 and 80 pound pistol crossbows it's guaranteed you would hit targets at rifle ranges(50 yards) 100/100 times  spacer.png


cry muar

get rekt scrubs

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air pistols and bb pistols are made to give the feel of a rifle. they are much more forgiving toward bad habits depside having the same dimension and sight radius as the real one and lacking stock and handguard to stabilize. still amateurs WHO NEVER EVER SHOT IN HIS LIFE can easily stabilize them making undecilliuon times more accurate as they can easily plink on the same range as they're using rifles even with ZERO experience


pistol shooters with decades of training STRUGGLES to barely graze someone on their shoulders at 50 yards. amateurs with NO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE can EASILY PLINK on mofos face from way beyond 30 yards with air pistols, brown bess, airsoft and bb pistols as shown on the vids linked depside only having ZERO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. I can easily use my cheap pistol crossbow and Recurve Bows to reliably hit bottles at 50 yards whereare with piece of poop beretta 92, hk45 and akm I couldnt even graze a sillouette at 20 yards. even smoothbore blackpowder pistols are 666 SEPTILLION TIMES MORE ACCURATE than modern centerfire pistols larger than .22

people from archerytalk cmdrjones StyjianFist mjolnir66 66starz Allen Daryl reddit and quora already said that cz75, beretta and akm are 999999999999999x less accurate than thrown rocks, muzzleloading smoothbore pistols and .22 pistols

here is the accuracy of a guy shooting with real pistols compared to shooting with a co2 bb pistol airsoft pistols on DAO!!!! and pistol crossbows

just look how mediocre his accuracy is compared to the guy with a co2 pistol. real pistols are less accurate than their replica counterpart depside being made of much higher quality materials how pathetically embarrasing  


firearm pistols are less accurate than throwing knives because people jerk the trigger pull thats heavier than the weight of the pistol. pistols are used as close range weapons from 10 yards or less thats not a problem with rifles because you have the stock and foregrip to keep steadier. hitting sprinting humans at 10 yard with real pistols are impossible new shooters driving nails with tm g18 and crosman 1322 at 30 yards one handed is boring to death


people shoots airsoft and pistols crossbows so accurately without jerking depside lacking a stock and foregreip. because bb guns have nonexistent muzzle climb and trigger so soft(1.5lb) that completelly negates the abscence of stock and foregrip to give shoulder support and extra bracing to give the ultimate stabilitymakes the hair triggers of match grade rifles and .22 pistols(2lb) literally look like pussies of pussies which makes virtually impossible to flinch or jerk the trigger 

by the time a guy with real glock fires 5 shots to shot someone's lims from 15 yard away with 5 lb trigger and 60 degree muzzle climb. the airsofter would have drilled through the center of his pupil 5 quintillion times from 50 yards away with 1.5lb trigger and 0 degree muzzle climb

comparing the accuracy of beretta and akm against Airsoft, pistol crossbows and BB pistols is like comparing a paraplegic 90 years old with Alzheimer(m9, p226 and akm) against Prime Tyson(crosman 1377, swiss arms p1911 and pistol crossbows)  


real pistols have magazine capacity of 7 or 15 rounds airsoft have 25 to 33 wich is the same capacity as assault rifles and 4000 for machineguns compared to real SAW and MAG with 200 rounds 


the reason why tm and umarex replicas have licenced trademarks is because pistol manufacturers paid these magnificient artisans to make a fake propaganda that their true pos m9, sig and hk pistols are sniper rifle like accurate death ray guns

stop comparing pos p226 and cz75 against masterfully crafted airsoft and bb pistols. everyone should ditch pos 9mm and .45 with crossman 1377, ruger mk iii or swiss arms p1911. lethality is irrelevant because pistol bullets have botton tier stopping power and people can't hit past 20 yards. the rifle like accuracy of airsoft and bb pistols would easily let them plink on mofos pupils from 50 yards 9/10 times 

300 police officers and soldiers with their precious hk45, beretta and akm would get wtfpwned against a blindfolded guy from the p1911 vid above with bboth his hands and legs tiered on his back with a pistol crossbow, crosman 1377 or swiss arms p1911 kill poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away in less than 5 picosecs while not even a single bullet managed to graze the guy laughing how pathetically innacurate their real counterparts are 

airsoft pistols should be compared with RIFLES as they are crafted to give the feel of a match grade rifle in pistol sized package. TM GBB pistols are easier to shoot than glocks on roni frames on full auto and can easily match the accuracy of service rifles not named akm and 9mm carbines at least up to 50 yards

now comparing my TM G18, TM DEagle, 80 pound pistol crossbows, swiss arms p1911, crosman 1322 against budget PSA AR-15 and their 9mm carbines for my girlfriend who never shot a gun for plinking on 2 liters and bullseye shooting on paper from 50 yards away to see wich gun shoots tighter groupings. now we are going somewhere 

real firearm shooter just with a pistol would be extremely hard pressed by a teenager with tm g18 and swiss arms p1911 pegging him from 50 yards whithout beinging his carbine from a car  


20 guys with tm g18, p1911, 1377 and pistol crossbows against same number of guys with budget psa ar-15 and 9mm carbines would be a fairer match. even them they they would win at least 30/100 times as the rifle like accuracy of airsoft pistols would easily let them blind the rifle shooters by poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away 

real pos m9, p226, cz75 and akm may be 8 octillion times less accurate than slingshots firing pebbles but with swiss arms p1911 and 80 pound pistol crossbows it's guaranteed you would hit targets at rifle ranges(50 yards) 100/100 times  


cry muar

get rekt scrubs

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With real firearms, the targets scream and die when hit. Pistols are meant for close range, confined spaces, and back-up so anyone over 25m is less relevant. And other weapons shoot from much greater ranges than an airsoft toy.


And just imagine if someone was wearing balistic glasses when facing a BB gun 😕

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5 hours ago, 66starz said:

Undecilliuon.....piece of poop beretta 92......666 SEPTILLION TIMES MORE ACCURATE......999999999999999x less accurate than thrown rocks...........depside being made of much higher quality materials how pathetically embarrasing........ driving nails with tm g18 and crosman 1322 at 30 yards one handed is boring to death...........bb guns have nonexistent muzzle climb and trigger so soft(1.5lb)...........pussies......someone's lims.......

the airsofter would have drilled through the center of his pupil 5 quintillion times from 50 yards away with 1.5lb trigger and 0 degree muzzle climb.......comparing the accuracy of beretta and akm against Airsoft, pistol crossbows and BB pistols is like comparing a paraplegic 90 years old with Alzheimer(m9, p226 and akm) against Prime Tyson...........

the reason why tm and umarex replicas have licenced trademarks is because pistol manufacturers paid these magnificient artisans to make a fake propaganda that their true pos m9, sig and hk pistols are sniper rifle like accurate death ray guns.............


I started to go through and quote my favourite bits (above). Then realised it's all golden. Then realised that I'm probably mocking an absconder from a secure mental hospital. Then realised I'm going to hell.


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i mean....... surely there's..... i don't even......



sorry, i tried to understand that, but it's just not possible without drinking all of the industrial solvents and i kinda need those.......

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What the actual F... is that post??


I think it is the new navy seal training method as I am sure hell week would be easier to take than trying to read THAT. What ever happened to punctuation.... I don't think I have ever seen so many way of describing large numbers....and what is is with the hitting people pupils...... is that the mark of a good shot??


I feel less of a person after reading that.... I am sure my IQ has gone down by about 10! I am of to go and stare blankly and dribble!



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4 hours ago, Steveocee said:

Are you a mature lady looking for love tonight?


Are you a financially gifted gentleman prepared to share your credit card number with me?


On topic:  I'll take your memepic and gif it up a bit.



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5 hours ago, THE FNG said:

Then realised that I'm probably mocking an absconder from a secure mental hospital. Then realised I'm going to hell.


Lol, at least you won't be lonely there, we can have an AFUK reunion game😜


I've tracked the OP's isp, I think we have a winner ?


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13 hours ago, 66starz said:





air pistols and bb pistols are made to give the feel of a rifle. they are much more forgiving toward bad habits depside having the same dimension and sight radius as the real one and lacking stock and handguard to stabilize. still amateurs WHO NEVER EVER SHOT IN HIS LIFE can easily stabilize them making undecilliuon times more accurate as they can easily plink on the same range as they're using rifles even with ZERO experience


pistol shooters with decades of training STRUGGLES to barely graze someone on their shoulders at 50 yards. amateurs with NO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE can EASILY PLINK on mofos face from way beyond 30 yards with air pistols, brown bess, airsoft and bb pistols as shown on the vids linked depside only having ZERO SHOOTING EXPERIENCE. I can easily use my cheap pistol crossbow and Recurve Bows to reliably hit bottles at 50 yards whereare with piece of poop beretta 92, hk45 and akm I couldnt even graze a sillouette at 20 yards. even smoothbore blackpowder pistols are 666 SEPTILLION TIMES MORE ACCURATE than modern centerfire pistols larger than .22

people from archerytalk cmdrjones StyjianFist mjolnir66 66starz Allen Daryl reddit and quora already said that cz75, beretta and akm are 999999999999999x less accurate than thrown rocks, muzzleloading smoothbore pistols and .22 pistols

here is the accuracy of a guy shooting with real pistols compared to shooting with a co2 bb pistol airsoft pistols on DAO!!!! and pistol crossbows

just look how mediocre his accuracy is compared to the guy with a co2 pistol. real pistols are less accurate than their replica counterpart depside being made of much higher quality materials how pathetically embarrasing  spacer.png


firearm pistols are less accurate than throwing knives because people jerk the trigger pull thats heavier than the weight of the pistol. pistols are used as close range weapons from 10 yards or less thats not a problem with rifles because you have the stock and foregrip to keep steadier. hitting sprinting humans at 10 yard with real pistols are impossible new shooters driving nails with tm g18 and crosman 1322 at 30 yards one handed is boring to death


people shoots airsoft and pistols crossbows so accurately without jerking depside lacking a stock and foregreip. because bb guns have nonexistent muzzle climb and trigger so soft(1.5lb) that completelly negates the abscence of stock and foregrip to give shoulder support and extra bracing to give the ultimate stabilitymakes the hair triggers of match grade rifles and .22 pistols(2lb) literally look like pussies of pussies which makes virtually impossible to flinch or jerk the trigger 

by the time a guy with real glock fires 5 shots to shot someone's lims from 15 yard away with 5 lb trigger and 60 degree muzzle climb. the airsofter would have drilled through the center of his pupil 5 quintillion times from 50 yards away with 1.5lb trigger and 0 degree muzzle climb

comparing the accuracy of beretta and akm against Airsoft, pistol crossbows and BB pistols is like comparing a paraplegic 90 years old with Alzheimer(m9, p226 and akm) against Prime Tyson(crosman 1377, swiss arms p1911 and pistol crossbows)  spacer.png


real pistols have magazine capacity of 7 or 15 rounds airsoft have 25 to 33 wich is the same capacity as assault rifles and 4000 for machineguns compared to real SAW and MAG with 200 rounds :mellow:


the reason why tm and umarex replicas have licenced trademarks is because pistol manufacturers paid these magnificient artisans to make a fake propaganda that their true pos m9, sig and hk pistols are sniper rifle like accurate death ray guns

stop comparing pos p226 and cz75 against masterfully crafted airsoft and bb pistols. everyone should ditch pos 9mm and .45 with crossman 1377, ruger mk iii or swiss arms p1911. lethality is irrelevant because pistol bullets have botton tier stopping power and people can't hit past 20 yards. the rifle like accuracy of airsoft and bb pistols would easily let them plink on mofos pupils from 50 yards 9/10 times spacer.png

300 police officers and soldiers with their precious hk45, beretta and akm would get wtfpwned against a blindfolded guy from the p1911 vid above with bboth his hands and legs tiered on his back with a pistol crossbow, crosman 1377 or swiss arms p1911 kill poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away in less than 5 picosecs while not even a single bullet managed to graze the guy laughing how pathetically innacurate their real counterparts are spacer.png

airsoft pistols should be compared with RIFLES as they are crafted to give the feel of a match grade rifle in pistol sized package. TM GBB pistols are easier to shoot than glocks on roni frames on full auto and can easily match the accuracy of service rifles not named akm and 9mm carbines at least up to 50 yards

now comparing my TM G18, TM DEagle, 80 pound pistol crossbows, swiss arms p1911, crosman 1322 against budget PSA AR-15 and their 9mm carbines for my girlfriend who never shot a gun for plinking on 2 liters and bullseye shooting on paper from 50 yards away to see wich gun shoots tighter groupings. now we are going somewhere spacer.png

real firearm shooter just with a pistol would be extremely hard pressed by a teenager with tm g18 and swiss arms p1911 pegging him from 50 yards whithout beinging his carbine from a car  :mellow:


20 guys with tm g18, p1911, 1377 and pistol crossbows against same number of guys with budget psa ar-15 and 9mm carbines would be a fairer match. even them they they would win at least 30/100 times as the rifle like accuracy of airsoft pistols would easily let them blind the rifle shooters by poking the center of their pupils from 50 yards away 

real pos m9, p226, cz75 and akm may be 8 octillion times less accurate than slingshots firing pebbles but with swiss arms p1911 and 80 pound pistol crossbows it's guaranteed you would hit targets at rifle ranges(50 yards) 100/100 times  spacer.png


cry muar

get rekt scrubs



I think this post is so unbelievably awesome that it deserves its own thread...
















They did already...



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