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What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?


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7 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Popular YouTubers set expectations for new players, and for players who seek to emulate them for the attention that it demonstrably generates.


Sometimes while watching these YouTube airsofters, I feel like I'm the only one who plays at a site/in a manner which deems full-auto up close to be poor etiquette!? To then make the amount of pain you've brought someone by doing this your video title, definitely sets the wrong tone. KM sprayed someone in the face with a Master Mike from literally a metre or two. He went on to claim it was an accident but it was something which was likely to happen when you blind/pre-fire corners with a grenade launcher at head height.

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Anyone know what site this is? I'm wondering what their bolt action MED is as he clearly states that the FOB he's firing into is "about 20-25m" away.

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7 minutes ago, Cr0-Magnon said:



Sometimes while watching these YouTube airsofters, I feel like I'm the only one who plays at a site/in a manner which deems full-auto up close to be poor etiquette!? To then make the amount of pain you've brought someone by doing this your video title, definitely sets the wrong tone. KM sprayed someone in the face with a Master Mike from literally a metre or two. He went on to claim it was an accident but it was something which was likely to happen when you blind/pre-fire corners with a grenade launcher at head height.

He put it down as an accident. But then glorified it in the thumbnail and title. So all the little cronies went on to say what a great shot it was and how cool and so on. He is an extremely toxic player.

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11 minutes ago, ChrisG said:

But then glorified it in the thumbnail and title. So all the little cronies went on to say what a great shot it was and how cool and so on. He is an extremely toxic player.


Yeah I get the feeling most of the people sticking up for him, haven't actually played airsoft before. In another video he mag dumped a couple of guys with a Mac 11 on full-auto from again a handful of metres. The comments were mostly "If you don't want to get shot, don't play airsoft" - which of course completely misses my original point.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


IIRC (and I may not) didn't he proudly claim that he'd taken headshots against some players who offended him by talking to each other while dead?


As in, he deliberately headshot already dead players to punish them for not standing there silently.


Quite how he heard what they were saying from outside of a 30m MED escapes me, but I'm sure his Super Sonic Sniper Hearing managed to determine from that range that they were talking about in-game things rather than just chatting.

Dead men don't talk to the living is always the way I play that rule.


I talk about non game stuff if people are dead near me and there's no action to watch. 

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3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


IIRC (and I may not) didn't he proudly claim that he'd taken headshots against some players who offended him by talking to each other while dead?


As in, he deliberately headshot already dead players to punish them for not standing there silently.


Quite how he heard what they were saying from outside of a 30m MED escapes me, but I'm sure his Super Sonic Sniper Hearing managed to determine from that range that they were talking about in-game things rather than just chatting.


Yeah he did, was the same day he popped someone in the face with his mk23 hard enough to make them think he'd cracked their glasses.


Then finished off by blaming it on people not being prepared for the milsim environment.

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2 hours ago, Lozart said:

Anyone know what site this is? I'm wondering what their bolt action MED is as he clearly states that the FOB he's firing into is "about 20-25m" away.

Battle Ground Airsoft, and he describes it as in the East of England

So Battle Ground Norfolk?

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And goes out of bounds and edits his 'footage' to make himself look good.  I was at a game with him on my team last year at Urban Assault before it closed and he put game footage up of it of him clearing a building which was empty all day long....his footage also jumped all over the site, so he would have shots of himself in one position then getting a kill somewhere 200m away..... 


He's a toxic cockwomble who needs a good fucking kicking and hopefully will go the way of his predecessor MattTheTwat by leaving the sport.


He basically seeks drama all the time to up his YT count and breaks the number 1 rule of airsoft all the time - dont be a cunt

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Having not seen more than a few minutes of his footage EVER, mainly because I detest so called Airsoft/YouTube celebs (as well as all the other non entity "celebs"), I'm guessing that his cheat calling & other defamatory comments about other players is actually all very hushed, spoken only for the benefit of the cameras he's wearing, & that he doesn't actually have the balls to "out" people to their faces ?, & face the consequences 🤕

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2 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Having not seen more than a few minutes of his footage EVER, mainly because I detest so called Airsoft/YouTube celebs (as well as all the other non entity "celebs"), I'm guessing that his cheat calling & other defamatory comments about other players is actually all very hushed, spoken only for the benefit of the cameras he's wearing, & that he doesn't actually have the balls to "out" people to their faces ?, & face the consequences 🤕


Mostly yes, although i'm sure that's because he's so deep behind enemy lines using his fantastic ghillie skills he cant risk speaking too loudly or lose his position.

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

he doesn't actually have the balls to "out" people to their faces ?, & face the consequences 🤕

every site I have been to your never supposed to confront someone even if they are  cheating. Tell a marshal get them banned.

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Lmao, that rule is stupid.


I personally try to avoid blapping people in the head, but we have to remember that we have zero control over our bbs once they leave the barrel, especially at range. It sucks, but so do thigh shots, finger shots and those cheeky bbs that go straight into the only area your chest rig isn't covering and hurt like mofos.


Dude is just a crybaby, he should ask himself why he plays if he doesn't want to get shot.

KM posting the video supported by Facebook and Instagram posts only reminds us why we hate him (I don't hate him, he brought some nice knowledge to the sniper community, better than Novritsch for sure)


And for the millionth time, OMG 🐆 videos only ruin the sport.

Edited by Skara
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15 minutes ago, Musica said:

every site I have been to your never supposed to confront someone even if they are  cheating. Tell a marshal get them banned.

Lol, of course no site advocates "vigilante" behaviour, & rightly so, yet still sometimes it happens, & some of those times it's almost justified, by poor marshaling etc.

My "question", which we probably know the answer, related to whether Wanking Fucktard actually raises the issue's on-site that he glorifies within his vids, while portraying judge, jury & executioner.........


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9 hours ago, Skara said:

we have to remember that we have zero control over our bbs once they leave the barrel


Ah, but Licking Mustard is Super Delta SAS Ranger Elite, he can guide his BBs on target with Operator Telepathy.  And the issue we're discussing is him taking deliberate face shots (with whatever depleted uranium style sniper BBs he's slinging) and holding that up as an exemplar of what to do if you think someone isn't taking hits.


It's the latter part that I have a problem with.  He's a toxic player for many reasons, and I don't want people emulating his out-of-bounds, inside-MED, spawn-camping, face-shooting, I-hit-you-but-you-never-hit-me ego driven grumpiness.


Since he's been bragging about this stuff for a while, it's long since past time that sites told him that he's no longer welcome.

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One thing I have learnt from playing along side come youtubers is how much their footage is cut and edited to gain the likes and shares. I could name a few scenarios where things didn't pan out exactly how they are perceived on videos. I don't agree with taking headshots when full body is on display but I will play devils advocate and mention that what the camera see's and what the scope sees can vary slightly so could account for SOME shots but in the case of his videos (and I'm not expert) but having such a low profile camera directly on top of the objective lens it would be very hard to use that as a defense.


Having had conversations with him more recently he is a fairly nice and approachable chap (which I wouldn't have said a year or two ago). Its difficult because in one respect I agree with some of the stuff he's said but on the other hand I don't agree with majority of his play style, but then as people have mentioned before there are plenty of people like that in varying different hobbies.

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1 hour ago, clumpyedge said:

Having had conversations with him more recently he is a fairly nice and approachable chap (which I wouldn't have said a year or two ago). Its difficult because in one respect I agree with some of the stuff he's said but on the other hand I don't agree with majority of his play style, but then as people have mentioned before there are plenty of people like that in varying different hobbies.


There is a very definite "persona" to a lot of YT players and I think he suffers from having built a persona that doesn't necessarily match his actual personality. 

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1 hour ago, clumpyedge said:

One thing I have learnt from playing along side come youtubers is how much their footage is cut and edited to gain the likes and shares. I could name a few scenarios where things didn't pan out exactly how they are perceived on videos. I don't agree with taking headshots when full body is on display but I will play devils advocate and mention that what the camera see's and what the scope sees can vary slightly so could account for SOME shots but in the case of his videos (and I'm not expert) but having such a low profile camera directly on top of the objective lens it would be very hard to use that as a defense.


Having had conversations with him more recently he is a fairly nice and approachable chap (which I wouldn't have said a year or two ago). Its difficult because in one respect I agree with some of the stuff he's said but on the other hand I don't agree with majority of his play style, but then as people have mentioned before there are plenty of people like that in varying different hobbies.


i dont think there's any denying that there's editing to make the shots look better, or that some shots aren't deliberately targeted and are just victims of the airsoft gods.


however camera reticle aside, my point is it's plainly evident in some scenes that he's capable of making more precise shots on a given location (when he's aiming at folk in cover who are maybe only poking a hand or a hat out) followed by getting an "easy" body shot but instead going for the head, especially when he beleives there's some anti-cheater clickbait to be had, at least if he's editing them to give that impression then that's the intended effect he's going for.


i'm sure he's a different person in the flesh, he was a different person in his earlier videos but it seems his youtube persona has evolved to a point that makes him worthy of distain, his videos might be targeted to get lots of views, but it highlights behaviour that advertises our hobby in a very bad light and it's not the sort of thing we need, we have enough problems keeping hold of our pew's against the "ermagerd gunz r bad" crowd as-is.

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1 hour ago, clumpyedge said:

Having had conversations with him more recently he is a fairly nice and approachable chap (which I wouldn't have said a year or two ago). 

I'm still kind of on the fence. But this comment... blokes initial comment isn't unreasonable, but KM goes on a dive into his Facebook page, and posts this... he can't handle criticism, and anyone who does criticise him is an "Airsoft Justice Warrior." 


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7 minutes ago, Sawyer said:

I'm still kind of on the fence. But this comment... blokes initial comment isn't unreasonable, but KM goes on a dive into his Facebook page, and posts this... he can't handle criticism, and anyone who does criticise him is an "Airsoft Justice Warrior." 



Oh he did this to me as well on FB - I called him out for some of his actions then he started to bring up my personal politics, as if that had anything to do with the price of fish.  Pure distraction arguments.  I get the overriding impression hes not too bright.

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50 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

however camera reticle aside, my point is it's plainly evident in some scenes that he's capable of making more precise shots on a given location (when he's aiming at folk in cover who are maybe only poking a hand or a hat out) followed by getting an "easy" body shot but instead going for the head, especially when he beleives there's some anti-cheater clickbait to be had, at least if he's editing them to give that impression then that's the intended effect he's going for.


Oh I don't deny that there are some shots that he could quite easily have got a body hit. I don't think I was defending him in that respect and I don't agree with taking headshots when a full body is on display but I will say and coming from a person that generally only wears shooting glasses and has had a tooth knocked out by a face shot, if you don't want that to happen regardless of who is shooting you...wear full face. If you choose to play without it, I'm not sure what you expect to happen. Myself included.

26 minutes ago, Sawyer said:

I'm still kind of on the fence. But this comment... blokes initial comment isn't unreasonable, but KM goes on a dive into his Facebook page, and posts this... he can't handle criticism, and anyone who does criticise him is an "Airsoft Justice Warrior." 



Online persona's are a funny thing. I think when you have a huge online following you either ignore the criticism, take it on board and have a decent conversation with healthy debate or go whole hog and berate people to within an inch of their life, this seems to be the latter.

19 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


He plays one in his videos, for share-like-subscribes. That normalises caddishness, and encourages others to play that way because they've seen it done and bragged about with (up to now) no consequences.



this is my biggest issue with youtubers....monkey see monkey do...




Don't get me wrong here folks I'm not defending the guy outright, just saying my personal opinion which was much the same as the vast majority at one point but I do think there is a bit more to it than meets the eye, drama is content after all! sometimes I see stuff happen within the community and wonder if we'd all be better off watching some brain melting reality tv program

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3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


It's the latter part that I have a problem with.  He's a toxic player for many reasons, and I don't want people emulating his out-of-bounds, inside-MED, spawn-camping, face-shooting, I-hit-you-but-you-never-hit-me ego driven grumpiness.


Since he's been bragging about this stuff for a while, it's long since past time that sites told him that he's no longer welcome.

Absolute NAIL-ON-HEAD, the mindless herds that follow, & therefore encourage the behavior of theses "celebs" must surely feel their so called fame just advocates unsportsmanlike behavior, something that most of us would never consider.

i was recently berated for losing my temper on the playing field in an incident some years ago, but would it be any wonder if other players followed suit in the heat of the moment, given some of the point blank overkill  incidents that I'm hearing mentioned in this thread that have been shown on the vids, with the overlaying narrative of "don't want to get shot, don't play airsoft", there's a difference between getting shot in a fast moving game to getting obliterated with long bursts at head height.


is it wrong that I now want to play against him 😏

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:


There is a very definite "persona" to a lot of YT players and I think he suffers from having built a persona that doesn't necessarily match his actual personality. 

No one would watch average joe's average airsoft games.


Youtubers create controversial content on purpose. Look at this thread, we are talking about a video, that's exactly what they are going for. They are not like that in real life, the audience, you form them to what you want to see. So I think it's not the youtubers who influence the players to be like that, it's the other way around.

Mustang moves crosshairs to the head, chooses titles and thumbnails that can be triggering, etc because that's what people want. Even the ones hating him. He's very good at creating good content from normal game days.

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