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Hey everyone. I’ve searched the forum for any opinions on shotguns however not been able to find anything. ( there may be thread that I’ve missed) 


So I’m looking at a DOUBLE EAGLE MULTI-SHOT M56DL PUMP ACTION SHOTGUN. Wondering if anyone has one? Are they any good. I won’t be using it often; maybe for the random fun cqb game and to stick on the wall for looks.


Opinions or suggestions. Not looking at spending loads of money. 


Thanks ☺️

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I own two of these, They're not great, they function, for a bit. 

The sight ears break off very easy. 
The stock tube comes loose and the cause the handle to detach. 
You need a 10" Allan key to tighten the stock. 
The receiver is plastic, and has writing on the area that should have a bolt carrier.
Its missing a bolt cover. 

Its a case of you get what you pay for, there are much better M1014 these days that a few years ago weren't a thing. 

Basicly, if you want something cheap and disposable to try out shotguns, spend less. 

If you want something good that will last, spend more. 

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Trishots are one of the most underwhelming things in Airsoft for me. Second to moscart shells.


Unless you get a gas powered one (TM Breacher etc) they just aren't as fun to play with as what you'd imagine. Unless you like punishing yourself.


They're still cool though - who doesn't love a shotgun! :)

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I used to love shotties and still do. But I gave up on them for practical use. And I've had some really nice ones. If you want something just for looks and for sake of having a shotty go for it. 

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I prefer the Cyma offerings, there’s a £45 on PatrolBase that we own, they are finicky things. 


They arent practical to have as a primary weapon. And the best and only upgrade for them is to feed them .28g BBs.



They do put a smile on your face playing in CQB and getting kills with it mind you.

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AND just to chuck the proverbial spanner in the works both my son and my self love running cheap tri-shot Shotties ! (Caveat being shorter range games only,longer range ? your on too a hiding to nowhere) yes they look pretty crappy , they creak like a ghost ship and yes they feel very ‘plasticky’ but they are good fun ! Pump , futt ! Pump futt ! 😂

As the good mr L3wisD said “who doesn’t love a pump action !” ? 👍

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1 hour ago, Immortal said:

Not in a boasty kind of way but I love my TM Breacher.


It makes me smile and makes people squeak when it spits 6 shots of 'gotcha'.

Oh yup ! I’ve a couple of KSG’s and they do put a very big grin on your face ! 😁

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I bought a BO Fabarm STF-12 , which is a tri shot


Still to use it, and I only play woodland where I am so doubt it will be effective for much


Tried it out in the garden , and is pretty accurate up to 30m , so close woodland should be ok


Up against an AEG , I don't fancy my chances!!  but bought it for giggles 😉

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I have fancied getting one a few times but they don't seem to be worth it.


The gas powered ones seem to have more than their fair share of leakage problems, and the springers are cheaply and poorly built.


It would be nice if someone could make a  good quality springer for the market, but it would probably cost more than most were willing to pay.


For me, probably the only ones worth buying at the moment are the TM aegs. 


And I can't afford one.

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6 minutes ago, emilianoksa said:

The gas powered ones seem to have more than their fair share of leakage problems, and the springers are cheaply and poorly built.

Never had a problem with either of my TM gas shotties .

Cyma springers are very well made .👍

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I'll say this, I ahve had many a fun time with the DE M56, if it was the only shotgun for airsoft, I'd buy one, but it ain't and they do much cheaper ones, and others do much better. 

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I have two. Me and my young un often have shotgun duels. really top fun for next to no cash. 

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Got two tri shots & a g&g (I think ?) single shot mag jobby, ebr style stock.

one of the Tri's is an all metal cyma, fold over stock & is solid as f#ck, & performs well, def worth having.

the other tri is the m56dl, copy of the shotgun British squaddies are using, as has been pointed out they feel bit flimsy & im dubious about its longevity when playing, tbh it's kept back as a "spare" spare in case everything else packs up.

the g&g single shot is ok, pretty solid & runs conventional mags, but they can run bit hot, maybe some sites might allow them under the sniper rules ?


i'd say go for an all metal cyma 😀

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I ran a Bo Fabarm Stf 12, before I got my Ukara sorted. 


This was on CQB only, a lot of people laugh but it really can be rewarding. When you get a few hits up close it is fun. It also makes you think more in terms of ammo count. 


I'd highly recommend running one for a game or two with a pistol for back up. 


The only trouble is you soon get out gunned with someone shooting at you with a high cap 😂 


Definitely worth a go in CQB. 

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22 hours ago, Druid799 said:

Cyma springers are very well made


Have you looked inside one?  Lots of things to go wrong, starting with the feed mechanism.  Mine didn't make it to my first game day.

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My cyma metal springer has worked floorlessly for almost a year now and still going strong.  Must be luck of the draw.  My only criticism of it is its long. As long as my m14.  Been toying with selling it for a nice short shottie

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Have you looked inside one?  Lots of things to go wrong, starting with the feed mechanism.  Mine didn't make it to my first game day.

3 near 4 years for mine , admittedly not getting used as much as it was now I’ve got a KSG but still pumping the rounds out no problem  .

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3 hours ago, kasaran said:

My only criticism of it is its long. As long as my m14.  Been toying with selling it for a nice short shottie

have you checked the inner barrel length ?, most brands use the same inner barrel set up, irrespective of the gun length, so on the longer models, the longer outer barrel is for show, & very easy to shorten, as long as you leave the outer barrel an inch longer than the inner, or two inches longer if the outer has sights mounted on it & you need to reposition them.

I've shortened a few myself with no issues.

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

have you checked the inner barrel length ?, most brands use the same inner barrel set up, irrespective of the gun length, so on the longer models, the longer outer barrel is for show, & very easy to shorten, as long as you leave the outer barrel an inch longer than the inner, or two inches longer if the outer has sights mounted on it & you need to reposition them.

I've shortened a few myself with no issues.


Yeah. Its only perhaps 10mm behind the start of the flash hider on mine

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3 hours ago, kasaran said:


Yeah. Its only perhaps 10mm behind the start of the flash hider on mine

lol typical, funnily enough prob the only brand I've not taken the hacksaw to is cyma, only tm, g&g & the Chinese cheapo knockoffs'.

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