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UKARA Number

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I'm intrigued to know what weapon are you wanting. 

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7 hours ago, Spyros666 said:

My father used to tell me that as soon as you swear in an argument you’ve already lost. Not that this is an argument but clearly you can’t comprehend how to have a politer response 

They say ‘those who don’t ask, don’t get’ so to answer your question of as to why ‘I would even ask’, somebody may possibly have said yes, not that I was expecting it anywag  

Obviously your dad didn’t work in the public sector then , when your dealing with someone who’s a special kind of stupid you have to use a baser form of English to get through to them ?

As Gepard said stop trying to make out your the ‘poor little victim’ and all the big nasty internet trolls are picking on you because you asked a simple question . You knew exactly what you were doing when you asked if someone would break the law for you end off .  

3 hours ago, mogaly674 said:

I'm intrigued to know what weapon are you wanting. 

The ultimate no scope 360’ spin around sniper rifle of DOOM ! 😳

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7 hours ago, Spyros666 said:

Yes dumb question I am now apparent of that and have accepted that incase you haven’t seen, have I asked again? No. Have I fought the responses that are direct to my question? No. I replied as to the way the responses were written. I do this because you try to act as if this is a big community and blah blah but clearly it’s not as it’s too much of a stretch for somebody to simply say ‘no sorry we cannot so that ‘ without trying to take the piss. It’s not aboht me ‘sitting on my high horse’ as I haven’t been swearing cause I can fucking swear - see? It’s about me trying to make you acknowledge that you don’t need to be rude when somebody asks a simple question 



Some of the replies may seem harsh, but as you say it's a conmmunity, and part of being in a community is protecting it from threats.  Due to the legal limbo airsoft finds itself in (have a look at the legal section), anything likely to draw negative attention to airsoft is frowned upon.  Airsoft is bannd in some countries and it only takes a few incidents for the government to decide to further restrict or ban it.


And you are asking people to break the law for a complete stranger.  Would you buy cigarettes or alcohol for a child if some random kid came up to you and asked you to?


With the anonymity of the internet, you could be the most honest person in the UK,  who is just working manic hours and would like a more realistic looking gun when going on the odd skirmish during their rare hard-earned weekend off or you could be someone who is under aged  or someone looking for a Glock to rob a petrol station. 


We have no way of knowing.





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9 hours ago, Spyros666 said:

Yes dumb question I am now apparent of that and have accepted that incase you haven’t seen, have I asked again? No. Have I fought the responses that are direct to my question? No. I replied as to the way the responses were written. I do this because you try to act as if this is a big community and blah blah but clearly it’s not as it’s too much of a stretch for somebody to simply say ‘no sorry we cannot so that ‘ without trying to take the piss. It’s not aboht me ‘sitting on my high horse’ as I haven’t been swearing cause I can fucking swear - see? It’s about me trying to make you acknowledge that you don’t need to be rude when somebody asks a simple question 


You may not like the response you've received however it's hardly a surprise is it? No it is not. Flap all you like but you are mistaken; it is actually your first post that caused the most offence. These replies are a reaction to your initial post. You reap what you sow.


There's something not right about your responses and the way you're defending yourself. It shows a specific set of traits that some of the worst of our species have within. I'm not going to say you're one of these specific people but the traits are to cry innocence, denial of wrong doing and have no remorse for their actions.


I've only read the few posts you've made but these traits jump out a mile which are a little distrubing when combined so freely and blatantly...

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14 hours ago, Spyros666 said:

Again you guys have no valid reasons for being rude. Okay, fair enough I shouldn’t have asked people to ‘break the law’ for me, but I didn’t expect a yes. And secondly, yes I suppose I may be able to play 3 games in one year which I clearly read wrong as I thought it was something different as stated, for which I apologise. 


As for dentonboy, that was just a stupid response which doesn’t benefit you in anyway, clearly you just want some sort of argument which I promise you will loose.


and as for rocketdogbert, that was actually really comedic. Hilarious joke sir 


You lost any argument by posting possibly *the* most stupid post this forum will see this year...and the year was less than a week old.


Go play with your guns and stay out of trouble, yeah?!

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31 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:


Go play with your BRIGHTLY COLOURED guns and stay out of trouble, yeah?!

Fixed that for you 😃


@Spyros666 if swear words offend you, jog on, us grown ups sometimes use them a lot, sometimes as banter & sometimes to show our displeasure, you being a "special kinda special' person have made us use both types, congratulations.

clearly English isn't your first language, maybe approach a forum in your native country & ask them to assist you in your quest, maybe you'll have more luck, & at the very least you won't be offended by a colourful response in the Anglo Saxon vernacular you find so offensive 😛

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Fixed that for you 😃


@Spyros666 if swear words offend you, jog on, us grown ups sometimes use them a lot, sometimes as banter & sometimes to show our displeasure, you being a "special kinda special' person have made us use both types, congratulations.

clearly English isn't your first language, maybe approach a forum in your native country & ask them to assist you in your quest, maybe you'll have more luck, & at the very least you won't be offended by a colourful response in the Anglo Saxon vernacular you find so offensive 😛


Was going to say that but thought it was rubbing it in a bit too much. 


Fella needs to go back onto FaceBook tbh.

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4 minutes ago, Dentonboy said:

Was going to say that but thought it was rubbing it in a bit too much. 

Too much ???????

a fist full of salt ground into a wound is one of the cornerstones of Airsoft ! 😈

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Im lookong to buy a bag of pot. I used the search function and this thread came up.


Would one of you mind ordering it for me then dropping it off at my house as I don't have time to go out and get some myself

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2 hours ago, Compulsive Reload said:

This kid doesn't sound old enough to have played spyro and responsible enough to own an RIF.

They reissued spyro recently, there were also several reboots with Frodo. Now stop making me feel old. 

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9 hours ago, ChrisMC said:

Im lookong to buy a bag of pot. I used the search function and this thread came up.


Would one of you mind ordering it for me then dropping it off at my house as I don't have time to go out and get some myself

Gaz is on the way to your place, have the cash ready as he doesn’t like to wait 

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On 05/01/2019 at 23:53, Spyros666 said:

Pahahahaah you guys need to calm the down I was only asking wasn’t it? Was I rude? Did I swear? Did I not just ask a question that could be answered with a simple ‘no sorry’? 

You guys need to get a life and stop being so uptight and rude when you don’t like soemthing you read instead of trying to be the funniest smartass on the forum. 

Bunch of kids 



Ask stupid questions, win stupid prizes.

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On 06/01/2019 at 02:33, Gepard said:

Bottom line is nobody is going to give you their UKARA number because THAT WOULD BE ILLEGAL.


What offence would be being committed?


I ask because - assuming the OP is at least 18 (which is perhaps not a safe assumption) - there's no offence committed by purchasing, or attempting to purchase, a RIF.


Not that I'm advocating that anyone do it.


OP, if you're 18 or over and have played at least 3 games at the same (insured, UKARA registered) site in the previous year, you can get a UKARA number.  Just ask the site.


If that doesn't apply to you, then why would you think anyone would want to help you out?


This question is non-rhetorical, and asked for your benefit.  Maybe work on your people skills before criticising others for theirs.

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4 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

What offence would be being committed?


Depends on how they went about buying the RIF I suppose. Illegal for seller, not the buyer. 


If OP gave money to a player with a UKARA number and then that player went and bought them a RIF that would be illegal.


But what if the player gave OP the UKARA number and then OP bought the RIF? Would this not still be illegal as OP has no defense? 


If it's up to the seller to satisfy themselves that the person they are selling to has a valid reason but the buyer provided documents that were not theirs then what would happen?


I don't think any of these scenarios have ever been tested in court so I genuinely don't know. Not like it's ever going to happen - certainly not in this thread anyway :lol:


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3 hours ago, Gepard said:

But what if the player gave OP the UKARA number and then OP bought the RIF? Would this not still be illegal as OP has no defense?


For the seller, sure.  Not for the buyer or the UKARA provider.


It could conceivably be prosecuted as fraud by false representation, although you'd have to argue that the seller was being exposed to a risk of loss.


This is just by way of hypothetical thumb-twiddling.  UKARA isn't hard to get, and the ability to delay gratification is a fairly good quality for the possessor of a realistic imitation firearm to possess.

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11 hours ago, Vulpiness said:

They reissued spyro recently, there were also several reboots with Frodo. Now stop making me feel old. 

Yeah I haven't played the remaster yet, I'm an original spyro player tbh, ps1/ps2 era was the days. With frodo? What the actual fuck.

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You're definitely under 18 and asking the stupidest question on this forum. If you can't make 3 skirmishes in 56 days, then buy a two tone gun or one of those £20 spring pistols and get the same enjoyment in your back garden. We legitimately would be stupid if we just let you use our UKARA. Please don't ask again and go to the two tone section of patrol base...

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1 hour ago, Immortal said:

Try the black and white Grandstand from the 70's... PONG!


Hah, I had the Grandstand 5000, you prole.  Detachable controllers and lightguns - luxury. :P


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Commodore 64..

plebs please, and I'm only 27.. 😂

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You weren't even born when the C64 came out.  I had one in my early teens.


And you still weren't born when I replaced it with an Amiga 500 😄

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7 hours ago, Gepard said:


Depends on how they went about buying the RIF I suppose. Illegal for seller, not the buyer. 


If OP gave money to a player with a UKARA number and then that player went and bought them a RIF that would be illegal.


But what if the player gave OP the UKARA number and then OP bought the RIF? Would this not still be illegal as OP has no defense? 


If it's up to the seller to satisfy themselves that the person they are selling to has a valid reason but the buyer provided documents that were not theirs then what would happen?


I don't think any of these scenarios have ever been tested in court so I genuinely don't know. Not like it's ever going to happen - certainly not in this thread anyway :lol:



Unfortunately it's not this clear cut. Technically a UKARA holder could go buy a RIF, then gift or sell the RIF to the OP and it would not be illegal. UKARA is there to protect retailers and satisfy the government in that regard, once the initial transaction with the retailer is complete, UKARA becomes irrelevant. I'm not saying we should be selling or gifting anything to the OP, but there's no illegality in someone without UKARA buying or being given a 2nd hand RIF, hell I owned multiple new ones before I had UKARA (different scenario yes, but shows UKARA ain't everything!)


OP trying to use someone else's UKARA number would deffo not work though, due to it being registered to a different name and address, they'll only ship to registered address iirc.


Just to make it doubly clear, I'm not saying we should hand out 2nd hand RIF's to any old Tom, Dick, or Harry, obviously use your brain when selling, especially as us players cannot even access the UKARA database to check legitimacy!

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