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what does your other half think of your airsofting??


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That is a valid point. A lot of men build a shed or go fishing for the same reason. Also, it makes it harder to conceal what guns you might have.

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^ well like many women, clearly putting all your time/energy towards her idea of the future is the only non-sad (happy i guess) thing to do :)


or you might be a total dork in which case be grateful you got a woman hehe

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My wife doesn't mind the airsofting as such but she does roll her eyes a bit when yet another delivery turns up. As long as I take her out once in a while she's fine with me doing whatever. The impending purchase of a house that'll almost double my mortgage payments may well see UK Tactical's profits drop though....

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  On 23/07/2015 at 13:03, ImTriggerHappy said:

Thats what I was thinking. After looking round your average safe zone I am surprised so many airsofters have a woman.


I blame The Big Bang Theory for more woman considering dorks/nerds to be a better candidate than 'jocks' for molding into their idea of a good mate.


I'm hoping IT Support will become the new FireMan then i can get a GF upgrade, or at least work part time as a stripper after she dumps me for someone even more nerdy

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Well, in typical teenage fashion in concern to "the missus", i find myself asking the question. similar to my loadouts;

"Which one?"


Nah, but in all seriousness, my ex didnt mind me coming back all bruised, bloody and achy, even the family didnt seem to mind and decided to call me "Holey" for the week, how fun that was -.-

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  On 23/07/2015 at 13:39, Colonel Kurtz said:


I blame The Big Bang Theory for more woman considering dorks/nerds to be a better candidate than 'jocks' for molding into their idea of a good mate.


I'm hoping IT Support will become the new FireMan then i can get a GF upgrade, or at least work part time as a stripper after she dumps me for someone even more nerdy

Great now I have to figure out where I fit in.
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i am 48 and really enjoying it, i go with my 2 sons, aged 29 & 17 and shes just glad im outta the house giving her some peace and quiet and have fun with my sons, only draw back is, im spending a fortune getting into airsoft lol

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The bad news is you spend a fortune getting in and then you carry on spending a fortune once youre hooked.


Im 53 and also play with my son who's 26.


  On 23/07/2015 at 17:10, hagar66 said:

i am 48 and really enjoying it, i go with my 2 sons, aged 29 & 17 and shes just glad im outta the house giving her some peace and quiet and have fun with my sons, only draw back is, im spending a fortune getting into airsoft lol

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  On 23/07/2015 at 17:49, Baz JJ said:

The bad news is you spend a fortune getting in and then you carry on spending a fortune once youre hooked.


Im 53 and also play with my son who's 26.


lol yeah tell me about it Baz, keep finding more goodies i wanna buy, im sure the wifes gonna confiscate my credit card soon lol

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T hint my Mrs is ready to get a fire arms cert and shot Me for real. For ever moaning about that gun works what does this snazzy bit of rubber do to it, she can't understand the importance of a r hop in s gbb. Over all though she keeps saying I'm glad you've got a hobby and increasing my friend group.

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Lol looks like everyones mrs, gf would get one well. Most seem to be of a simlar opinion. At least they all semm happy we are out being acticve and meeting new people too.

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I'm on my own with my teenage son's & I take them to game days but still need/have to watch what I spend but it's usually my sister's that moan about what I do, my 3 kids get what they want/need so after everything's paid out, the rest gets put aside, even my 3 year old daughter likes to pull the trigger on my rifles & pistols but her mum would go mad if she found out :)


But Fuck it, they do there own thing so I just crack on & do what I want :) my parents will have my son's when I want to go on my own

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a funny quote a while back about women.....


Capital Radio London famous "Dave from Epsom"


Women - I just don't get them...

I go out on a Friday night, come home on the Sunday and somebody has given her the right hump


I'm left thinking - Well it can't have been me, I ain't been here !!!!



pure brilliance - but I wouldn't go to him for relationship advice

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^ My guess is whoever gave her the right hump climbed out a window shortly after he opened the front door ;)

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I see an awful lot of "she calls it sad", "doesn't get why I need to much camo/so many guns", "huffs when yet another package turns up" yet nobody asking why said females 'need' 200 pairs of shoes and how that is in any way different?


If I ever went out with a girl and she lacked the cranial capacity to acknowledge such a simple fact, she'd get the boot fairly sharpish. People who're unable to look at anything from others' perspectives (and get shitty about it) are definitely a pet hate.

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Every married man I know (after the honeymoon period) does nothing but complain about things in that regard. And that's before they have kids, then they just stop with that stuff entirely. Doesn't sound like a price worth paying to my mind.

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  On 25/07/2015 at 09:18, CKinnerley said:

Every married man I know (after the honeymoon period) does nothing but complain about things in that regard. And that's before they have kids, then they just stop with that stuff entirely.

Yes, but it takes 2 people. Keep treating her the same as before the wedding and there will be sex. :)

This is too deep for an airsoft forum. :D

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  On 25/07/2015 at 09:18, CKinnerley said:

Every married man I know (after the honeymoon period) does nothing but complain about things in that regard. And that's before they have kids, then they just stop with that stuff entirely. Doesn't sound like a price worth paying to my mind.

That sounds like the same excuse every single guy uses when they cant get a woman.
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