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Will an Airsoft Gun 'Scare Off' a Fox?


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Hi guys, been a while since I've been on these forums :P

Looking to get a Spring Airsoft Sniper Which shoots around 400+ FPS (tested using 0.25g bb's), as we have foxes which go into our bins and garbage and it's a real hassle cleaning up after them. (Even though we use TONS of bleach, it still doesn't work).

So would an Airsoft gun of that power scare away or possibly hurt a fox so it kind of gets an idea to buzz off.

OR, I could get an Air Rifle (Spring, break barrel) which will shoot around ~730+ FPS with .22's?

The downside to the Air Rifle is that it's a one shot before I have to reload it which is a hassle. Also I'm not interested in any rifle that is Gas/Co2 powered, I'm just not interested.


*Sorry If I have posted this in the wrong section please link me to the correct one if so!


*Thanks alot guys, really would appreciate your help and I'm welcome to your opinions and views! :ph34r:

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I'd advise against this, its not really responsible and may come under animal cruelty, especially with and air rifle because you wont kill it outright, just wound it and it could later die of those wounds.


Are there not any fox repellants on the market?

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Ok guys thanks for the replys, I don't think i'll be going down the Air Rifle route, but surely an Airsoft gun wouldn't wound it? Maybe give it a pinch or something. I'm not at all looking to kill it or actually harm it but just scaring it away. Also, I'm not buying the rifle just for foxes but for other stuff too.

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I have to agree with everybody else on this issue. I can empathize with you on the fox being a nuisance but to shoot one without being properly qualified and licensed is unacceptable behaviour.


But as I said I empathize with you, so I have done a little research and found this useful web-site. I hope it helps with your current problem.



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if you can use a water pistol that would technically safer .......


But Foxes can be brave and bold as brass plus the rare incident that takes place in media

So if your local bobby says squirting water at them is alright


BUY A HIGH POWER KARCHER - no still cruel just kidding really


Seriously - it is very cruel - maybe the real thing is to ensure your bins are locked up securely

they will soon go off and scavenge elsewhere and leave your place in less mess

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No one of sound mind is going to justify you shooting a fox with an airsoft gun. As I said before it's illegal and you could very well wound a fox with an airsoft gun, I've seen first hand what a BB does to an eyeball.


If you want to scare foxes away buy some repellent or a 12g alarm mine.


Failing that, secure your bins and they won't come around anymore.

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Lock your bins, don't leave rubbish laying about. Simple solution that'll make the problem go away on its own.

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Sorry but the best answer is to put rubbish out in the morning early after the foxes mainly twilight/nocturnal have had their patrol


Ain't the fox's fault is it - but that does not imply that you can shoot your neighbours either just coz they are soapy bastids

Or the binmen/council for not sorting out proper rubbish collection

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the joys of living in the country, we can just use the shotgun...(foxs harassing our poultry) not that i do my cousin (much as i dislike him) does go round hunting foxes specifically. you may well be able to contact a local gun club and find out if they know of anyone licensed to do similar whom can remove the problem from the area, however it will only be a temporary solution no matter what you do as more foxes will bread elsewhere and eventually move to your area. the best bet is actually to complain to you local council/ politicians( specially with elections next year) and get your neighbours to petition for a special bin to reduce the litter problem caused as a result of the pest problem. look into raccoon solutions from america etc as you want bins that they cant knock over and empty as foxes are clever beggars.

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By the way, we leave the rubbish in the bag and that's it as if we put it in an actual bin, the 'rubbish' people will not collect it. Everyone else in our estate does the same too and there's nothing we can do about that


Your biun men won't empty your bins? Where the hell do you live?

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yea sounds like your council is stiffing yous(we get our main bins emptied once a fortnight and recycling bins every week, and we live in the country 5 miles out of town...

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  • 9 years later...

I noticed this is a very old thread, but Jourdan, SHOOT THE FOX! The fox has no right to encroach on your property, they are a danger to any chickens or small dogs or any other animals you might have on your property. I don't know what's wrong with all the other people on this thread. I think it's a damn good idea to shoot him with a pellet gun to scare him off.

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21 minutes ago, 1776rocker said:

I noticed this is a very old thread, but Jourdan, SHOOT THE FOX! The fox has no right to encroach on your property, they are a danger to any chickens or small dogs or any other animals you might have on your property. I don't know what's wrong with all the other people on this thread. I think it's a damn good idea to shoot him with a pellet gun to scare him off.

Welcome, take some time to look around, then you'll realise no ones actually endorsing "pellet" guns, we use Airsoft rifs here, specifically non lethal to pretty much everything. 

Are you here for the Airsoft ?, or trolling & spam ? 😏

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On 02/12/2023 at 00:23, 1776rocker said:

. I don't know what's wrong with all the other people on this thread.

I do. They have conditions called common sense and not being an idiot septic 

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I think I'd be too busy admiring the fox to want to scare it, but... I had a Herron scoping out my pond earlier this year & my first reaction was to load up a pew to scare it off if it started snacking on my koi, I like/love wildlife too much to want to hit it but would have certainly tried to scare it if it got too close. Thankfully it flew away but OMG it was fantastic to see even if was a danger to my fish.

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5 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

I think I'd be too busy admiring the fox to want to scare it, but... I had a Herron scoping out my pond earlier this year & my first reaction was to load up a pew to scare it off if it started snacking on my koi, I like/love wildlife too much to want to hit it but would have certainly tried to scare it if it got too close. Thankfully it flew away but OMG it was fantastic to see even if was a danger to my fish.

If the heron does become a problem you could try a fine mesh or net over the pond, or alternatively a decoy falcon or owl to scare it away

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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