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Everything posted by SeniorSpaz87

  1. Need me to do anything? Since Im states-based?
  2. Some, and I do mean SOME, of the patches I have either found from old ops or bought since the last time I've posted. Theres probably an equal amount Ive either added but not pictured, or are on their way, including the world's largest morale patch . They are laying around because I am tired of buying patch boards so Im just going to buy a length of felt and glue it to some plywood.
  3. Yea, sarcasm doesnt really translate well over the internet, otherwise you'd have realized my two post were also semi-sarcastic
  4. Hey, I said it looked like a cool project and I wanted to see the final product as well as useless comments (plus I dont see necroing as a bad thing if its relevant). ;D
  5. Lol, more necro. Still, neat idea. Interested to see how it works
  6. Bought all of them. Cause I am a total patch w**** ;D
  7. Goodness I hate this wait... 


  8. So as I have officially joined the Hoover gun club, what should I get for it internally? I dont know much when it comes to GBBs - do I need to do stuff to valves, or NPAS, or whatever? I dont plan on cheaping out, so price isnt an issue. Also need a good suppressor - I have a spare Knights Armament I could throw on... @rocketdogbert @mightyjebus 

  9. Soooooo... Yall remember that Vector that I may be able to get for $600?...



    Well, was browsing the local sales page on one of the lesser known apps (like Craigslist), and came across one for $200 with two mags... Guess who's just decided to spend $200? haha

    1. AshOnSnow
    2. Jedi_Master


      Sounds like a wife selling a gun for the price which her husband told her he had paid when buying it :)

    3. AshOnSnow
  10. Hey, my WE ACR (or MSK, if we are nitpicking) shoots great! I may have had to get a new barrel... And a hop rubber... And do a fair amount of body-modding so it stopped wobbling... And then gone ahead and thrown out all the internals and got a Daytona kit for it... But its a WE on the outside! That counts, right?...
  11. Soooooo... If I was offered a KWA Vector with four mags for around 450-500 quid, should I take it?... :D

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ImTriggerHappy


      Krytac is the better one but definitely a case of rose tinted glasses.

    3. Druid799


      Doh ! Hadn’t noticed your location, and what with 450-500 quid I assumed you were this side ! 👍

    4. ImTriggerHappy


      Actually scratch that the Krytac is just as garbage. Had when today and I remembered how crap some of the mags feed and that trigger urghh.

  12. Id replace the silver suppressor with a black one, and it'd be golden IMO. Nice to see another MRDS - does the mount allow the use of your irons?...
  13. Ok, thats gorgeous. I may have to end up getting one... After I get the real version, haha.
  14. Hmm, what gun to use tomorrow... Daytona Masada, Daytona M27, P* m249, or my VFC SBR?...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      must be nice, atm i've only managed to maintain an average of 0.87 functional guns per airsoft shoot over the past year.....

    3. Prisce


      Why limit yourself to 1, you have 2 arms, 2 shoulders and a back, I make that at least 5..

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Theres a pistol there somewhere haha


  15. There are a couple on sale over here, for around a grand haha. I feel they would be too heavy and cumbersome to wear in airsoft. Maybe someone should make an airsoft version... Maybe a modified Mich 2000 with a visor?....
  16. You were at SHOT? Shoulda visited us haha. You going next year?
  17. I always love good-looking loadouts that are different than usual. Well done, looks Ace
  18. This thread needs a revive . Heres my current patch collection, excluding the ones I wear on my uniform/vest/helmet etc, and my event patches which are on a fifth board. See any interesting? Top left board is all non-square morale patches. Top right is square-ish morale patches. Bottom left are patches Ive designed and had made, most from Stitch Me Up (left and middle thirds - right third is duplicate patches). Bottom right board is all team, company, or organization patches.
  19. Im surprised by the amount of Ronins you seem to work on. Are they all UK_based, or are you getting them from France (I know there are several teams there that use them)?
  20. My WE MSK with Daytona kit. My second Daytona after my VFC M27. I just love them. This was was an added bonus as it had a broken piece, so the guy sold it for 1/2-off second-hand price. 10 minutes with a file and its working perfectly again.
  21. Anyone got a WE MSK and wouldn't mind sending me a pic of the top rear body pin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. M_P


      I recently sold mine to a friend, but I've asked him to send me a photo of it in the morning for you 

    3. M_P


      Sorry mate turns out he's away for the next week or so. He sent me this link though that may help



    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Yea, thought that was the one. Thanks

  22. My Daytona VFC M27 IAR. I knew I needed an HK at some point, and I loved the Daytona system so much I just had to buy a second, which should get here this week
  23. Ive always liked the look of them, but I'm more of a full loadout guy. However, that doesn't exactly look like full seal eye pro...
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