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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. Propane for £7.20? Where from? The absolute cheapest I have found it is £9, even the caravan shops sell it for £11 a bottle.


    Yes £30 vs & £7 is a cracking saving and i'm all on board for that, but what i'm trying to ascertain is if those are actually achievable figures?


    I do respect your opinion, however what you are stating is purely anecdotal, I fail to see how when using two gasses of essentially the same product, one can yield 4 times the efficiency, with such a small volume change.

  2. Cheers guys, this is the first time I have heard of refilling a smaller bottle, it would also allow the taller / slimmer bottles to be used.


    I'm purely being lazy, but does anyone know of any links to get the correct adapers and regualtors?

    Do you not need any flash protectors or anti static devices?, and how to you ensure that you don't overfill the bottle, they should only be 80% to allow for temperate gas expansion iirc?




    This may help cav?

  3. So I keep hearing and reading that Propane is significantly cheaper than green gas, yet when I do the maths I get different results ....


    WE Green Gas £9 for 300g = 3 pence per gram of gas (900/300)


    Coleman Propane £10 for 465g = 2.15 pence per gram of gas (1000/465)


    A saving of 0.85 pence per gram of gas used.


    Plus the requirement to lube and use the adapter at £15


    Means that of those 0.85 pence saved, it actually takes 1765g which equates to just under 4 bottles, to recoup the cost of the adapter from the 0.85p savings. (1500/0.85)


    So you only start saving money from the 5th bottle? And then at about a third off the cost of WE Green Gas.


    Now I'm not an economist, nor do I confess to be great at maths but 0.85 ppg doesn't appear to be a fantastic saving to me. Have I messed up the maths or is this another air soft myth busted?

  4. A Second Hand G&G EBB M4, I was told it only needed a new fuse and your good to go. hunted high and low across the entire of Manchester to find a 20a mini radio fuse, ended up ordering one from T'internet, charged the battery up, plugged it in, ready to soot and ..... click, click, click flippin gearbox was jammed! So I had a crash course in learning to fix gearboxes before I had even fired an AEG. Still a good little gun, currently being transformed into a SR25.

  5. +3 for DPM, job done, cheap and plentiful. Ebay


    On a similar note, (sorry to hijack) are there different types of DMP trousers? The ones I have say lightweight inside and are very loose and baggy in the crotch and legs, yet perfect on the waist. My surplus Multicam pants from the same store are a much heavier, thicker and more slim fitting. Did they make a heavier DPM or were they all lightweight?

    As I understand it the old plain olive lightweight trousers were used for non combat operations such as medics, cooks ect, but were done away with when DMP was new kid on the block.

  6. well today I thought I would upgrade the wiring on my AEG from the standard G&G 0.5mm wiring to a nice 14g silicone wire from component shop, it looked really good and professional, until it wouldn't fit inside the bloody gearbox!

    I had better order some 16g then.

  7. Something to bare in mind with the Mini Mav is that although it has a small footprint, its still designed for adults, and 'murican adults at that. If it does adjust to your child size then you will have a LOT of leftover straps dangling flapping and getting in the way.

    And although the mav is a very good bit of kit, it lacks the refinement of many others, the straps are simply straps, if you load it up heavily they do dig in, and they do have a habit of riding up with a good tug.


    I think you will struggle to find reasonably priced water bottle holders, and if you do they will be very bulky to have on your chest. The current fashion are for camelbacks which again is excessive for a 40 min airsoft game.

    I like to keep about 1500 bbs in a zipable baggy, rolled and tied with an elastic band in my thigh pocket. If you have bbs jingling in a bottle you may as well carry an air horn and neon sign telling everyone where you are.


    For two mags, a chest rig seems excessive personally, even a Mini Mav. I have had a lot of success with two fast mags on my trouser belt at my left hip. You can get them for about £15 delivered from ebay.

    Backpacks can be had on ebay for <£20, but quality is hit and miss. you will be looking at spending over £100 for a decent one, but if you look after a cheep Chinese clone it could serve you well.


    If i'm honest a belt kit does sound exactly like what you need.


    Just my 2c


    And yes its the tall, 30rd one you need.

  8. What do you need to carry? If it's just three mags the the tactical tailor tripple mag pouch is your best plan.

    Condor do a triple with triple pistol pouches for £21, uk tactical are selling a lot of tan pouches for pretty good prices too.


    Tell us what you need and we can build you a rig.


    I'm a fan of the condor recon rig, for £40 you get everything in a nice package, but they sell out really quickly, 2 weeks I think they had them for last time.


    Good places to look are military 1st and uk tactical, and tactical kit. Also keep an eye out on ebay.

  9. UKARA has absolutely no legal standing or basis. It's a union on retailers who hold a database of names of players who wish to be registered and defined under their criteria.


    The shop can legally sell to anyone over 18 and with a valid reason to own one. If the shop is prepared to take your word that it is to be used for skirmishing or any other legit defence, then that is their prerogative, there is no requirement in law for you to PROVE you have a valid defence, simply stating it is enough.


    However, legit airsoft retailers like to use the UKARA as a way to control and regulate who has access to the RIFs in order to keep them and the sport out of the mass media and public eyes.

  10. I have found that the lowest on the hierarchy are the ones that shout the loudest about those appearing to "act up". the non paras who scream and fuss about wearing a beret, or the privates complaining about rank. Those that are higher up the chain seem to take a less serious view and are a lot more relaxed about some things.


    Arn't the guys at firesuport both ex forces, and look at them, they almost run the British airsoft industry.

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