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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. Left wing as in:

    "Something I have disapproved of has happened, so I feel victimised and must shout to all and sundry about it, to have the authorities intervene on my behalf because I have suffered an event and somebody needs to be accountable for my inequality"


    Right wing would be

    "Oi dickhead stop blind firing, I am commanding you because my position in society is higher than yours because I am not cheating"


    A persons views on specific topics can vary and cross the lines of LW/RW.

    For example, many right wing anti immigration supporters also support the left wing idea of de criminalising drug use.


    But we digress ...

  2. So that's one very specific instance of glasses being knocked off. I would also say it's a vary rare and quite difficult thing to pull off, even intentionally.

    Natural reactions for anything that close to your face is to protect it. We raise our hands and turn our heads instinctively. It's more likely I would suggest, that the action of reacting to the muzzle was what removed the glasses, as opposed to the gun moving them and exposing the eye, hence why it hit your cheek and not your exposed eye.


    I have also just spent 10 min having someone try to intentionally remove my glasses with both my rifle and my pistol muzzles. We can't do it. If you can then you need better eye pro for exactly this situation.


    Regardless, I agree that being shot at point blank in the eye would tick the very dangerous description.

    I just see it as a freak accident as opposed to a legitimate risk.


    I'm not defending blind firing in any way, I don't like it as much as the rest, but I keep reading in this and other threads that being shot at in general is very dangerous, with no specifics or explanation.

  3. It does make me chuckle how left wing the majority of airsofters seem to be. I am repeatedly hearing the words very dangerous!


    It's not really is it? I mean worst case scenario is you get shot in a soft bit of your face / body and get a small boo boo.

    Rarely will a BB penetrate skin and if it does it's only superficial, pop it out, put a plaster over it and take a couple of paracetamol, it really isn't a biggie. The worst injury is smashed teeth and that's more vanity than actual injury.


    Either way, none of it is considered very dangerous in my book.

    We are more at risk of tripping in woodland and breaking a bone than being injured by a bb, no matter what range.

  4. In the interest of getting back on topic, of good bio BBs, I highly rate P&J bios from taiwangun.com, very consistent size and grouping and the don't start to clump up or disintegrate in air. If anything they are a bit too good, I have had some in my garden now for over 3 months and they still haven't even began to breakdown.

  5. Well your surgeon is going against all the published medical literature on the subject from accross the globe. I'm not going to post it again, it's already linked on here, but sight threatening trauma caused by a bb is very rare, and mostly occurs to those not wearing any eye pro. In those cases of sight damage, it's caused by ocular pressure at the back of the eye after PENETRATING injury.


    Low velocity bb fragments contacting the cornea does not cause sight damage.


    And eyefields hospital? Where is that may I ask? And who is this surgeon? what's his name?


    There is more evidence to suggest you are talking rubbish than there is to support the argument that

    "mesh will make you blind"

  6. [tangent] does anyone know of a good video explaining the correct use of a three point sling?

    I have one and it is either too short and I can't breath or too long and the gun almost hits the ground. I'm doing something wrong but can't figure out what.

  7. First off they are primers, there is no projectile, worst case scenario if they do go off is you get a bit warm and sh*t yourself.


    But I understand the problem with lugging 100 caps around, especially when trying to reload with gloves and under fire.


    I have a Rolson mini capsule thing. It can hold 5 .209 primers safely and is easy to open and use.


    You could also look for ear plug holder/tubes

  8. Regardless of what is decided up above, the point needs to be hit home that simply adding an ACOG will NOT make you a better marksman. You can have all the zoom you want and the most expensive kit and still miss a a man at 30 ft.


    Flex, you haven't been playing long, concentrate on learning to use your iron sights effectively, concentrate on learning to control your trigger and concentrate on learning to aim before firing, learn to conserve ammo, and learn to play as a team. There are so many things more important in airsoft than a good optic.

  9. If it's just for warehouse work and general choppery then why not a Stanley utility knife? Do you really need 3 inches of blade when one inch of sharp replaceable blade will generally do?


    I have a few of theses now, keep one in my work kit bag, one in my tool kit and one I the kitchen.




    When I carried a leatherman at work I was always reluctant to use it in case I dulled the blade, so when I really needed it it wouldn't be as effective. A simple Stanley blade cost pence and can be changed quickly and safely.


    Not as tacticool but more practicool.



  10. I was considering buying one of these as I currently have the model under your one. Have you had a chance to see how it performs yet?

    As a HAM radio it's very good, as an airsoft PMR446 radio I prefer to use the Baofeng 888s, It's lighter, less complicated, smaller ariel, and the battery seems to last longer. Both have good range in low power mode and will out range a lot of dedicated pmr radios.

    The programming takes a bit of getting used to but it's much easier to program the 888s with a pc than program the uv5r manually.


    The uv5 has a big weak screen that would render the unit useless if it gets broken, lots of flimsy buttons and weak plastic, it wouldn't stand up to many shots and still be functioning. The 888s has two twist knobs and a light. Even if the casings get shot or broken it's just a casing the rest of the radio should work fine.


    It's also very easy to end up on the wrong channel with the uv5r, inadvertently mashing the wrong buttons could land you on the wrong frequencies without the unit even beeping.


    Performance between the two are identical as far as I have practically found. But the 888s is lighter. The headsets they come with are pretty good too to be honest.


    If you only want to use the 8 PMR channels like most airsofters do then the 888s is better as a a dedicated airsoft radio. If you want to use it off the field or want to use more than 16 channels then the uv5r is ok. The UV5RE is supposed to be more robust, but I haven't seen or used one.


    http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BaoFeng-BF-888S-UHF-400-470-MHz-Walkie-Talkie-2-Way-Radio-Earpiece-USB-Cable-/181156424111?pt=UK_Mobile_Phones_Communication_Ham_Radio_Receivers_Transceivers&hash=item2a2dc3a9af, comes highly recommended from me.


    And of course ... Blah blah blah ..... Legal issues ..... Blah blah..... Ofcom..... Blah blah blah ....... Bunnies will die at 5mw ........ Blah blah for l33t use only ...... Blah blah usual radio bullshit.

  11. I just have a bog standard subtle hold all from argos, it fits my gun and all my kit for a days skirmish and wouldn't look out of place on a train or in public. In 2014 openly carrying anything obviously military is going to attract the wrong type of attention.


    I witnessed someone getting off the train at Stockport the other day, wearing DPM trousers, a full webbing kit and carrying a curved rifle slip. Nothing subtle about him at all, very dodgy looking to members of the public, and it only takes one phone call to be met with the wrong end of a police g36. I suspect he was an airsofter as there is a site 5 min down the road.


    Oakley bags have a good rep for build quality, but have a massive mark up which puts me off.

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