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Mr Monkey Nuts

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Posts posted by Mr Monkey Nuts

  1. [Controversial]


    Am I watching different videos to you guys? Neither of those are what I would call "punches". They were open handed gestures first and foremost.


    The incident in the second video (4.39) isn't even aggressive, he comes round the corner, gets hit, raises his hand and clips the camera, he clearly clips the camera and not the players face and he clearly does it with an open palm, then stops to apologise immediately. That is not a punch, not aggressive and not pre meditated in any way, shape or form in my book.


    The first one is a bit less clear cut, and I can see why the "assailant" would be pissed off. First he has come into their spawn, that in its self is frustrating. Second the "victim" is shooting point black inches away from his face, and his very last shot seems aimed directly at his face. It would take an awful lot of tolerance to be happy with that situation.


    He doesn't punch the guy, he grabs at his chest with an open palm .... my assumption is to stop him from shooting inches away from his face.


    Now the "victim" is clearly a twit, running and gunning at point blank, rushing spawn points and that shield work speaks for itself. He is the guy I hate playing with and IMO he is in need of being put in his place, however I will never condone that starting a fight is the way to do it.

    The "assailant" is also a twit for thinking that is the appropriate way to deal with it.

    To me this comes down to two twitish personalities clashing at the wrong time and place, both parties are in the wrong.

  2. So who is participating in Movember this year? Its a cause and an idea that really strikes a chord with me, and somewhat of a personal crusade to spread the word and encourage dialogue of issues relating to the modern man. Issues that touch on many levels, from physical health and fitness, to cancers and breeching into the realms of mental health. Attacking the srtigmas of depression and looking at what leads to and the effects of suicide.

    All while being disguised as a silly, egocentric opportunity to grow a fabulous Moustache, and raise a bit of money for a charity.

    Note you are not limited to raising money exclusively for the Official Movember charity, many raise money for Cancer Research UK, Teenage Cancer Trust, Samaritans, Macmillan Etc, some don't raise any money at all in favour of spreading the word.





    Periodically I will be sharing post and dialogue to get us thinking about our health and wellbeing, to raise your awareness and make us think, even if it is just for a moment.

    Please participate, Grow a 'Mo and lets get talking openly.


    Shall we start off with finding those who are growing a 'Mo, and posting pictures as we go along and as we progress through the month.

  3. A4F0B897-DA70-4EC7-873F-09306B1C5BE4_zps


    My JG Bar 10 from Taiwangun arrived! She has been stripped, cleaned, a bit of teflon tape and re greased, then treated to a Deepfire TBB and two Deepfire mags from Redwolf.

    I already had a scope thats been sprayed OD, so a bit of camo tape went on, i'm not very impressed with the look, but cant be fussed stripping off the scope, I may re spray it tomorrow.


    In mostly stock form she is 410fps on .20g and 10/10 shot accurate on a coke can at 25m. I will try getting out to a longer range tomorrow and will be skirmishing her on Sunday at Formby.


    Out of the box she seems to be built pretty well, i'm going to give it a bit of time but I think I will be calling bullshit to the "all sniperz are poo and must spend 50000£z!"

    There is a horrible air leak from the piston, but its an undersized o-ring, a quick trip to my local DIY shop will sort that. The piston itself is very solid and well put together and much better quality than most AEG pistons. The cylinder is nicely polished, the cylinder head seats perfectly. The hop up woks well and even the hop up rubber seems decent for now. The trigger pulls nicely, is a crisp reliable break and has a realistic level of resistance. The sears look cheap and I do expect them to break, but i'm not inclined to pre-emptively upgrade them until they do go. I put over 100 rounds through her without a single issue so far. It does feel a bit delicate, I don't think its a gun you can abuse or throw around but its impressed me so far.

    All in delivered, gun scope, bbs, TBB, 2 extra mags and a bag for less than £150 is pretty good in my book.

  4. No no not aimed at anyone specific.


    The title was specifically vague, "good books you would recommend that retain a high level of realism and integrity to the truth, but allow a degree of flair and embellishment for both entertainment and matters of national security, focusing on western allied, conflicts spanning from WW1 to present day, or possibly more historic wars if you recommend them. I will also allow books based around a realistic theme of military service, but with fictitious characters participating in real historic events." just doesn't feel as snappy.

  5. I'm keeping the inner barrel the same length and just reducing the outer barrel

    If you reduce the outer barrel, but keep the same length inner, you will have the barrel poking out of the end .... Unless you want to hide it with a suppressor, It serves no perpous. What are you trying to achieve?


    Don't wory about cylinder bores it's another myth that has evolved into nonsenseness and only really relivent to excessively long barrels and very high fps builds.

  6. That one replaces the whole barrel, from start to end, the first part is the 10 inch short barrel, then you screw the second piece on for a 14 inch barrel.


    IIRC you will need a 260mm and a 363mm but I'm not 100% on those measurements, so best double check.


    You will also want a new front A post, collapsible look good and can be had cheap from the same HK supplier, who are pretty good, I have ordered from them before.

  7. The G&G barrell is different to the more traditional, in that its made up in three sections. you could try machining the part furthest away from the gun, but is not great quality metal and getting a decent tread would take a fair amount of work I suspect.


    This is what you need.

  8. What military or war novels have you enjoyed reading and would recommend?


    Bravo Two Zero, by Andy McNab is obviously the quintessential modern SF war story, which paved the way for an entire genre of similar stories from around the world. McNab has continued to churn out many books some great, some no so. B2Z is an essential read for all with a military interest imo and even a good read for those without.



    I have also just finished Sniper One by Dan Mills. Absolutely brilliant read. Its a nice simplistic style for those who don't "do" reading, but detailed enough that you can really get to know the guys and the shitstorm they lived in. It details the 2004 siege of Cimic House in Iraq and some great perspectives from both a sniper view but a normal military view too. I didn't expect much from it, but it blew me away.


    I can foresee a few "bah kid, readin iz 4 gayz!!1!, all abowt da battlfeild4z!" .... two things; 1) Shut up. 2) try The New Recruit, by McNab again. Its aimed at young prospective military recruits and is written in a great supportive way. Its the story of a young naive lad who joins up. It follows from day 1 to the day he leaves his first tour of duty and covers all the highs and lows of military life. its not very "special forces" its not very technical and its not long or hard (but your mum seems to like it). It may as well be a Army Careers pamphlet, but its a good read for those who don't like to read, and those that want a proper "underdog grunt" story.


    So what would you recommend?


  9. I like my trackers, they have good quality lenses and with cat crap they are fairly fog free.


    But then I don't restrict airflow around them. I would suggest thas the issue and will continue to be an issue with any glasses. You can't beat science.


    You could try much more open glases such as the bolle silium, It's a compromise, in terms of coverage, but they still offer quite good protection.

    With cat crap again I have used them in the rain and it IPSC with no fogging problems.

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