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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. I printed this for a fellow airsofter on arnies. Aug-M4 mag adapter from thingiverse, but had to be fixed.
  2. Not likely. Probably you just didn't put it back together correctly.
  3. I'm a member of an other forum where they have a minimum post requirement for sales posts. The number of spam posts is high since the introduction of that rule.
  4. But heavier BB gets there faster too. Edit: jcheeseright ninja'd me If the gun can't lift heavy bbs, try softer nub before changing the bucking. My sub 350 boltie could only lift 0.28 barely until I changed the nub to a piece of silicone. Now it can lift 0.43 without changing anything else. 0.43 was the heaviest BB I have.
  5. Like this? Yep, that's my cqb mask. 3D printed, painted and steel mesh glued in.
  6. Just to give you an option: I have a prusa I3 from aliexpress (cheap and really good prints), and I use PTC Creo elements to design. This is not a parametric CAD but maybe that's why it is really-really easy to use and has the most features from the free softwares I tried. And I tried them all. The only downside is that it can't import/export common CAD formats, but it can export to stl.
  7. I use 4x40 on my bar-10, but if I would buy a scope now I would go for a 6x40, because my eye is not as good as it used to be. I don't like scopes with variable zoom. They aren't that good as fixed ones.
  8. Can be a grub screw under the rear sight's movable part.
  9. But... are they good? Cheers for the info.
  10. The beanies will be too hot thus causing fogging. Baseball cap is enough. On the same note, dress lighter than you would normally. You will run around and you will sweat much if you don't. Wear an extra layer for briefing / breaks if it's outside. Good job having the boots already. They're essential. Have fun.
  11. You Sir are doing it the right way. I did the transition slowly. My AEG is sub 350 but can't shoot in full auto. It's not intentional, it just doesn't feed and because I never needed it, I don't fix it. But it's very-very accurate compared to the AEGs people use. Sniping with that is easy. Sometimes the noise gives away my position but the firepower compensates for that. So if the game style is not very suitable for my bolties I use that with sniper mentality. I also made a ghillied hat that covered my shoulders too, but since I switched to leaf suit, I never looked back. Leaf suit is just awesome. I got mine from aliexpress for cheap. Get a green one for the UK. They only had brown-green when I ordered and I spray painted it more green. You can attach loops on it with glue gun to add natural vegetation or jute. I prefer to use my sub 350 boltie. No MED is great and it's very silent. But if there are bigger open spaces I bring the meaner one. Sniping is not about the gun. It's a playstyle. Yes, it's done best with a bolt action rifle but 90% of it can be learned with an AEG too.
  12. If he built those in as requested that's the fps you get. The M110 spring gives the expected fps if it's fully compressed in the cycle. The dual sector gear only half-cocks the piston. With this short barrel that is fine, you don't need the full volume of the cylinder, but you would need a spring that is as strong half-compressed as an M110 fully compressed.
  13. Pretty good choices for a first upgrade. Except for that the first upgrade should have been the hopup unit. Action Army is the best choice now IMO. You don't really want more power, you want accuracy. That gives the useful range. Wide bore barrels are just a fashion thing. They became popular 2-3 years ago but no actual evidence that they are better than tightbores. The "air cushion" or "BB rides along the top of the barrel" are unproven theories. The precision of the barrel is what really matters. With the recent batches of crap heavy BBs a wider bore is certainly better. I personally believe in 6.03-6.04 barrels. Really serious snipers (veterans on airsoftsniperforum) use tighter bores.
  14. People shoot a bottle of 0.25 a day. Snipers shoot about 20-100 0.43 a day. We should be glad they even bother with heavy BBs.
  15. I am going to shoot 0.43 Proball this weekend. It shoots nice on the 47m range I have in the garden. I have ordered Monkey Balls 0.40, 0.43, 0.45 samples to test. I'll share the results.
  16. Will work. Just copy the design. http://www.max2joules.com/3200-3927-thickbox/pdi-front-bull-barrel-spacer-l96-vsr10.jpg
  17. http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/36-rifles-parts-reviews/13711-king-arms-blaser-r93-lrs1-discussion-support.html http://www.airsoftsniperforum.com/36-rifles-parts-reviews/4111-king-arms-blaser-r93-lrs1-review.html
  18. The night visions people have are gen 1-2 and usually with zoom. Those are good if you sit in one place hiding and scan for movements. Usually that is not the case in airsoft games. Gen 1 and 1+ is basically good only if you have infra torch. If you use it, the red glow is visible and the torch's light is so bright on close objects, bushes, trees, grass that you don't see very far. If it is a zoomed scope version, then try using a normal scope in dusk to navigate around to see how much you see. Looking into it destroys your eye's night vision so you see less when moving around without it than people without NV gear. People without NV gear use flashlights, torches. One flash of it in your direction renders you blind, and when you turn it off, you don't see anything for a minute at least. If it is on your gun, you can't aim if it's turned off.
  19. I had both and I still have the vsr. The L96 was too big and heavy for me and I'm not a small person. But I prefer maneuverability.
  20. Of course you can. In my old team we had a training day each month. There is a lot you can practice. I even wrote an article about it - too bad it's not in English. :/
  21. Nice. I'm in the process of modding a plastic AK12 stock with a 3d printed hinge.
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