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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Marui 1911 is double stack. I don't think anything is compatible with the WE 1911s.
  2. Round is red normally. There was one brand many years ago who put them on as on your photo, but the standard in airsoft is red is the round one. Switch to deans or XT60.
  3. I'm not sure why the photo, but that gun is not an MK23 and MK23 mags won't fit. If there is a reason I don't see, then ignore me pls.
  4. Yes. M4s are very prone to misfeed due to even a slight change in the mag's position.
  5. Gorilla tape it to the outer barrel. It's shit, I hate that on mine too.
  6. The JG motor is not that bad and the EG1000 is not that good. The sound of it comes from the pinion gear, not from inside the motor.
  7. Go for an AUG or a P90 then. It's not the sound leaving the barrel that is hard to suppress, but the gearbox and motor. The 2 I mentioned have a lot of space around it, so you can pad it with foam, etc. An AUG with a huge ass suppressor looks cool I think, so you can have the appearance too.
  8. Man, you are unlucky. You should hunt for this then: https://www.evike.com/products/53863/
  9. Then it's not worth the trouble. https://cop9gun.com/prshop/en/jinggong-spares/150-jinggong-g608-foldable-stock-only.html?search_query=g36+stock&results=5
  10. I second that. Heat up a nail or a piece of hard wire red hot, push it in the plastic deep. Do this at least in 2-3 places, then use a soldering iron to smooth out the plastic. Then sand it, paint it.
  11. Nice, but. As mentioned before, the issue is to collect and maintain the data of the sites. Unless you have a way of updating all game events all the time.
  12. Nope. That's why we don't play paintball.
  13. Nice, but change that baby suppressor to a grown up one for 5.56.
  14. My own creation. 3D printed with some added magic.
  15. I just leave this here in reply to the above.
  16. Something like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-5A-Adaptor-AC-Power-Balancer-Charger-MYSTEKY-iMAX-B6-B5-LCD-Monitors-FT-/221810878332?hash=item33a4f5677c:g:ddkAAOSwDNdVjT7X But with power cable
  17. What foldable stock you have on the mp5k? Because if it's the PDW then you can remove the stock from the endcap, move the sling loop to an other hole and you get that what's on your link. This:
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