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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. Are you sure about nylon fibre? Isn't it glass fibre? That's actually better than ABS. ABS is fine. Tough but a bit rigid. Most plastic guns are abs. Classic Army is usually glass fibre (the g36) that's softer and not that rigid. Both are fine for airsoft. Note that there are some guns like the G36 where the real gun is plastic too. Of course they are very different composite plastics. Cheap pot metal guns are more fragile than the plastic ones.
  2. I don't recommend the scorpion for first gun. The best first gun is an AEG. Get a cyma 028 or a jg g36c. These are very durable, full blown and cheap guns. If you do cqb probably the g36c is better because of the rails where you will be able to put red dot and tac light later on and it's shorter. If you will be going to woodland sites more then get the cyma AK. That one will never let you down.
  3. Thanks guys. I'll leave it as it is and book for an event to be sure. Cheers
  4. Thanks M_P I think I have a grip too somewhere. I'm moving from Hungary in a month.
  5. Hi everyone, I'm soon going to move to the UK and until I get my UKARA I'll need a two-tone gun. I've got a spare mp5 front and a stock that I've painted green so I would be able to transport it legally. Will this qualify as a legal two-tone IF or is there something more to it? Cheers
  6. The wear on the cutoff is really hard to see. You can screw the gearbox together without the spring and the cylinder and turn the gears with your finger. You'll see how much the cutoff moves. Then you can pull the trigger with your third hand and see if the cutoff can push the contact lever off from the trigger. But the wear of the cutoff results more and more autofire in semi mode. So it's not like having a fine single fire and in the next moment full auto only. It's more like a few short bursts at first and it's getting worse gradually. Check the selector plate and it's spring too.
  7. Samurai


    500fps is the limit of bolt action sniper guns. Normal guns (like AEGs) are 350 usually.
  8. MK23 is bigger than the USP. Even the grip is bigger, the trigger is further away from the grip, etc. Comparing to the Desert Eagle:
  9. I agree with the guys above. Most of the time you will fill your handgun with bbs and gas and empty it at the end of the game. If you're a sniper or a machine gunner that's when you need it. GBB guns are really fun to shoot so you will use it more often just for that. However AEPs are quite weak and you can't really upgrade them and most of the time the enemy won't notice he's been shot, so you should usually use burst fire. Don't buy an AEP if you're a beginner. You want fun and AEP won't give you that. Don't buy any handgun if you're a beginner. You will be having fun with your AEG, you don't need a handgun. When you get sometimes bored with the AEG then buy a GBB. Only buy an AEP if you have fired one before and definiately know that you need it for your playing style. And then put a lipo in it.
  10. Samurai


    So here's how you can do it: - Paint your gun's 51% or more to bright color. For example green. - Move to the UK with your gun - Bring the gun under 350 fps - Go and play airsoft at a site that's in the UKARA system - most of them are - Play 2 more times - Ask the site for your UKARA number - Paint your gun to black or whatever color you want. / You can now have your other guns posted to you or you can buy new ones in any color. They still have to be under 350fps, or 500fps for bolt action gun. - If you don't want to be seen on the field with a bright colored gun, get some camo tape and use it on the gun when you are at the skirmish site. But remove it before you leave.
  11. As a sniper side arm nothing beats the TM Mk23. It is quiet and it's most accurate. But it's an NBB so it's not much fun to shoot. If I'm going to a game where there is no sneaking and laying around for at least half an hours then I take my GBB with me.
  12. If you intend to use it as a sniper secondary then Tokyo Marui hands down. It is the quietest and most accurate handgun. The LAM usint is quite useless and the magazines can't handle green gas because of a valve that releases the pressure. STTI (KJW) makes a very good clone of it, but the silencer is plastic and has an inner barrel that eliminates the silencing and raises the fps above the limit. So it must be gutted but that's not that easy because it's glued together quite hard. But if you can do that (or you get a silencer with foam and a 16+ thread), it does work very good and it's much cheaper than the TM. This one's magazine can handle green gas. If you don't want it beacause of the quietness, then using an MK23 is not very practical because it's uncomfortably big. And because these are NBBs the trigger pull is extreme long. I hate that on these.
  13. Samurai


    Please take a look at this: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  14. In gas guns you usually cut the hammer spring. I don't know the firing mechanism of the uzi but if it has a normal hammer spring then you can cut it a very little shorter. Be careful to cut only a little piece because it has a major effect on the fps.
  15. Samurai


    Valid colors are: The colours specified in this paragraph are— Bright red. Bright orange. Bright yellow. Bright green. Bright blue. Bright pink and Bright purple. Please check this section of the forum: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/12854-new-player-guides-info/
  16. Nice, but it needs a decent suppressor.
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