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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. 13 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:



    Feck me, I have un-camouflaged shoe laces, this must be why I get shot so often.   What a schoolboy error!   I am ashamed.


    £15, cheap at twice / half / twelvety [delete as applicable] the price!



    That's why the two of us spent so much time walking back to Canada the other weekend LOL.

  2. 55 minutes ago, rj1986 said:

    Off topic: There's a house on right move thats around the £5m mark in the Cotswolds (which i view every Tuesday and Friday, which are the same days as the euromillions, but by no way is that related).


    You would think for something that expensive you would get a professional in, who can dress the house. No, ok, a decent consumer camera and a tripod?No, how about at least holding your phone level to take some pictures specifically for the listing? Ok, you're going with whatever you have on your phone at the time.





    Some people are just atrocious at taking pictures.  My underlings send me pictures all the time to help them solve problems.   Not a single one can get a decent picture of the subject matter...


    Focus?  Optional. 

    Lighting?   If the customer turned them on. 

    Subject in view?   What subject. 

    Context ?  No chance. 



    I wouldn't mind,  but one of them has a degree in photography!!!🤬

  3. 11 minutes ago, Tackle said:

    hinged knee brace that stops the lateral pain of something like an acl injury might get you through the day, but at what cost, scar tissue forming & little prospect of recovery


    I have a bloody expensive one from Phiten from when SWMBO worked there and it doesn't help.   Now you've got me worrying about scar tissue LOL

  4. On 27/11/2023 at 21:03, mosesman831 said:

    are there any other good sites I could play at


    Big county is Hertfordshire....  AWA is a good site,  but you're also close enough to get to some good ones in Essex if you can persuade a parent to travel.... or do what my then 13 year old did and got me hooked too  (you'll get access to better pews too if your can 👍😄😉).


    Few of us here go to Special Ops near Milton Keynes which isn't far if you are Stevenage/North Herts way.


    The gun you linked to will be fine,  and will be easy for you to upgrade gradually with reasonably priced things IF needed.  Don't get too dazzled by people at your chosen site(s) brandishing pretty costumes and fancy guns.  You don't need it to have fun.  I often substitute my pricier pews to just have stressfree fun with cheaper ones.


    Good face protection is essential...especially as you're young, but a full helmet is optional.   Also do yourself a favour and get decent boots, or footware with ankle support.   Super important if you end up running around woodland sites.



    Oh and welcome! 

  5. I'm 6"7', 130kg, with a history of rugby and motorbike shenanigans. 


    Working as a plumber has also taken its toll on my knees, so now, playing airsoft  probably isn't the smartest choice.  Especially with my tendency to charge objectives. 


    Funnily enough,  running doesn't seem to be a problem. It's kneeling down and standing up that causes my left knee to pop out of the joint, necessitating my having to perform an arabesque to drop it back in.


    The cartilage has already been trimmed out,  so I'm starting to wonder how far off I am from needing an artificial knee.


    Have wondered if some form of strengthening routine would help, so will look into the Pliability program.   Also got back into the system with my doctor,  so have a load of tests booked (because at 45, i have reached that point in life when shit goes south quickly) and physiotherapy appointments too.

  6. I taught myself how to strip and rebuild an M4 gearbox using this forum (thanks fellas) and numerous Youtube vids.  As said though there are lot of platforms that differ just enough.


    I can take my L85 apart, but it is more stressful as there are extra bits to make the bullpup side of things work, not to mention the silly selector switch arrangement.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Sewdhull said:

    I'm unsure why our Airsoft batteries are so poor.


    3kG airsoft gun gets dropped worst case scenario is a black toe and possible broken pewpew.


    3kG of quadcopter dropping 300m out of the sky with 4 12" spinning blades = dead squishy human.



    Just checked - my Inspire 1 does 50mph...

  8. On 22/11/2023 at 11:56, Lozart said:

    . Every cycle the gears have to compress the spring and then it releases so the load comes off the motor


    Would be fun to see that on a sillyscope


    RE - Moment of inertia and steady state - one of my drones has nearly 12" blades and the thing weighs a few KGs.  I'd guess there is a fair impact with a rapid speed and direction change.  You should see the pitch change when it tries an emergency stop from 40ish miles an hour.  I had a very squeeky bum when it was avoiding a massive oak tree once after chasing a dirt bike across a field LOL.

  9. 37 minutes ago, DanBow said:

    Although the game I am about to tell you about was 4 weeks ago, I'm only just emotionally able to tell you about it.


    The day started well, even though it was quite a nice day it has been raining for about a week so was very wet and muddy. My 3rd time playing, with a newly acquired Valken ASL M4 bb slinger with a red dot that needs sighting in, and my daughters (18) 1st time, using rental gear. I was resplendent in DPM pants and an original Norwegian top from my T.A. days and my daughter was looking very menacing in dark blue jean type things and a DPM top. We both had DeltaMike face pro and clear lens eye pro. First game was, for her, an introduction to the addiction that we call airsoft. It went well, she followed my lead and we made some good progress pushing forward on the objective. We both had some hits and took some hits but I could tell early on that the addiction already had its expensive hooks in her! 

    The 2nd game, which is the reverse of the first, is where my story really begins.

    We, with a couple of others, had formed a team and were coming around the left flank when we started being picked off by a ghillie clad sniper who had entrenched himself in the reasonably dense foliage. My daughter and I were left creeping through the undergrowth to flush him out. As we passed by a fallen tree, you know the ones that lift the whole root structure with it creating a hollow underneath, the sniper got my girl!! I quickly ducked into the hollow of the root just in time to see the green shadowy figure passing no more than 6 foot away. Luckily, he didn't see me in the depths and was soon out of the game. He didn't seem to happy but I didn't care as it was a really good play.

    As we were making our way to the respawn point, I was showing my girl which way to go, I slipped. I slipped and landed, with all my body weight, on my left shin, on a log that was lying on the ground! I don't know if any of you have broken a bone but even though I hadn't, I just knew that something was very wrong. Cease Fire was shouted, as was the call for a medic. I couldn't move! I was on all fours in the mud! Well, sort of all 3s as I couldn't move my left leg! The site staff and 2 of the guys on my team were amazing. It wasn't long before I was sat on jackets to get me out of the mud, leg was padded as well as could be and an ambulance was called. 

    The ambulance was going to be a couple of hours so I was stretchered out of the mud and down to the safe zone so that the rest of the players could play. I know that a broken leg is low priority but I waited 8 hours for the ambulance, then waited another 10 hours in the local A&E to be seen! Not the fault of the staff but the system! The system is fucked! Once I was seen, the care and attention was incredible. I was painkillered up, once I had been triaged, and operated on the next day. A steel bar through the length of my tibia with bolts holding the broken bits together were fitted and about 3 months off work is required. 

    Has it dampened my enthusiasm to get back out there and play? Has it buggery! I can't bloody wait to get back out there!


    Sounds awful!  Hope you get better soon, and it hasn't put your lass off.


    8 hours is terrible by any standard let alone another 10.

  10. 3 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

    How's the front grip working out Dan? & dude you need a proper elcan, stick that one on an AR.


    The grip is nice and comfy,  but I'm not smitten with the looks.   The Elcan is a compromise too, but it has better eye relief than my previous show even if the reticule is a bit "Fisher Price" 😁.



    3 hours ago, gavinkempsell said:

    silly season at work for me to be injuring myself (I'm a butcher).


    You wanna try being a Heating engineer this time of year....  nation is populated by a bunch of entitled wimps who think their 6.month old baby is worried about a broken boiler.  🤬

  11. Oooh look we have matching boots hehe.gif


    24 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    I got killed a little too often


    My new Elcan worked well even though the sights look like they were drawn on with a blunt sharpie; but I managed a record shot for the L85 by getting a dude hiding by the control tent all the way from BBC - he was as surprised as me I tihnk.


    You and me were more or less equal on death count. LOL


    Booked my gameday for the 2nd, will volunteer for the following weekend, which gives me a weekend left to get ready to go away for Xmas. 

  12. 3 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

    It's definitely got the potential to be a really good site and with the planned work I can see this happening. Just make sure to remember your lunch as there's none provided and the nearest shop is quite a way away 


    The lunch thing is a bit of a deal breaker for me nowadays - I don't mind gazebos and porta bogs - but I want a hot lunch.  If it's a burger van - I don't want to be crunching my way through a gristle burger, which I why I probably won't go back to Reforger anytime soon.



    Had a another good day at Spec Ops yesterday.  Aforementioned lunch has now switched to Carlos' Meaty Meatball subs, which certainly filled you up ready for the afternoon.  Only 50 or so people there, but it was a very well spirited day with good hit taking and lots of younglings rushing around.  Half a dozen of them latched on to me as if I was some kind of Pied Piper, but it was still fun.  One of them went "can you shoot me in the foot" whilst we were waiting for the first game to start, which he instantly regretted; btu it entertained his mates at least.


    Getting LMG'd in the face whilst charging an objective wasn't the funnest experience, but it seemed to be a day of buttock and cock shots so a change was as a good as a rest there. LOL










    They're opening up their new CQB site in February which will be interesting - I'm volunteering for a weekend build to help things along.

  13. It was bloody gorgeous to watch - especially the shot of the rockets all firing underneath and then the mahoosive explosion.   Will be fun seeing all the corrected footage as it comes in.


    Was speaking to the boy on the phone at the time, so had YouTube on pause - think I'm about an hour behind realtime.


    Got my batteries on charge for tomorrow - only taking two pews + handguns.  Hopefully there won't be any tech problems. LOL.







    Amazing how close it was to the renders that people were making over the last few months.

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