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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. 1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

    Totally agree I can be sarcastic as fornication at times(I am Welsh after all , it’s our TRUE national sport) BUT I do try to temper it slightly if an add does seem overly hopeful or just “oh dear that seller really hasn’t a clue on resale value do they !” and on the whole I do think Mac’s sticks to that BUT I do also enjoy it when some wankspanggle gets called out for claiming something their selling is blatantly not(SPR anyone ?🤦‍♂️)what they claim it is AND then try doubling down on it ! 🤦‍♂️

    when are these dumbasses ever going to realise this forum is populated buy a lot of players with even more knowledge about the game and the kit than most retailers ! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    EDIT , 
    And low and behold I give you my exact point !
    it’s an AA SA80A1 tarted up so I’m hoping it’s lack of resale value knowledge .
    seller says based in Andover ? more like Bendover at that price ! 😳



    Why do they always have to photo their trainers? 

  2. 2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    guess this gets us back to the "Why don't sites provide free / at cost water" handbag fight again. [Winds up for a swing]

    With SWMBO or out of the country I have access to a Louise Viton.... The DMR of handbags. 


    Pucker up beeatch, and I'll Amber Heard you. 😜

  3. It's a proper one bought for the job.  It came with a couple of replacement protectors, but to buy replacements costs more than the entire sheet of lexan, which can be used for multiple purposes. 


    QMFIVE Tactical scope lens, Airsoft Hunting Shooting Screen Protector Scope Foldable Reflex Lens 20mm QD Mount For Red Dot Sight scope Cover (4cs lens) https://amzn.eu/d/gzCNKie


    QMFIVE Tactical scope lens, Airsoft Protector Scope Foldable Reflex Lens 20mm QD Mount https://amzn.eu/d/6OArUTx

  4. I've bought lexan sheets on ebay and cut my own lens protectors for the scopes I and the boy have.  Doesn't take long. 




    I file them so that they have a good friction fit. 


    I've had direct hits to them with no damage to either the lexan or the lens.  Once was whilst I was looking down the scope.... Which was a bit of a shock. 


    I have bought a pop up one for my red dots, but when that gets damaged I can make a lexan replacement to go in the holder. 

  5. It's good to see someone who still repairs small mechanisms and even better, thi gs that are designed not to be fixed.


    I can't play shit when it comes to musical instruments LOL.  The boy however could be great if he ever practiced.  He has just been in a showcase for his drumming academy, but I've not heard his drum kit at home in months.  Yet he knocked play g Danger Zone out of the park after only playing for 30 minutes a week since seei g the new Top Gun. 


    Genre wise we both like loads of things from Babymetal to Cascada with trips over to Ramstein and Artic Monkeys.  His current favourite track is Cumberland Gap.  At the moment I'm revisiting my Happy Hard-core days from the 90's.  A shame I can't find my old tapes 😢



    Thanks for the compliments on the guitar stand though.   That kind of thing is profitable if you can find an outlet for it, or have access to people who are interested in buying things made to measure.  I have customers (as a London plumber) who do very nicely making furniture, jewellery and musical instruments.  Some got there through hard work and luck.  Others by knowing the right people. 


    If I ever do this for money, it will be after I've moved to Japan and can play on the eccentric foreigner thing and have no immediate worries about money and mortgages 😂😂

  6. 42 minutes ago, Impulse said:

    Boneyard is over Hailsham direction


    Is it any good?  Hailsham is 15 minutes away from where my dad lives. 



    Not sure my step mum would be too happy though.  Being from a massive farming family she kinda thinks this whole thing is a bit silly... Which I told her is the point. LOL. 

  7. All joints soldered and shined 😎


    We did stick some pads made of sheet class O insulation on the contact points and along the runners at the bottom.  


    This copper fixtures and furniture thing is something I might do when I retire and have nothing to do LOL.  One customer did offer me £200 to make one for her daughter - but it took most of the day plus the copper so worth about 3 times that whilst I'm still working properly.

  8. 2 hours ago, Shamal said:

    Whasamatter wiv ya.they have labelled the switched fuse spurs.

    You youngsters want it all done for you these days 😂😂😂


    47 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


    I wonder what they were really connected to.


    1 minute ago, Shamal said:

    Maserator and pond lights lol


    Actually.... It was a ground source heat pump.  There wasn't any boiler on the place.  🤔🤣

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