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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Consider us poor tradesmen that work in London....   32 boroughs all with different parking rules and permit options.  


    Classic one the other day was turning up for a job and ask the resident for a visitor permit.  The reply was "we don't' have a car".


    FFS.  It's for me!!!!!!



    A recent new fuckery is for them to place restrictions on entire roads so that you need a permit to actually drive down it.  Obviously a local councillor or politician lives down there and they don't want the road used as a rat run.


    One upside is the invention of parking apps.  That has made things easier for handling multiple vehicles moving around the city...


    Oh yeah - having to annually renew the auto pay for the congestion charge.  Nothing has changed, yet they want £10 a vehicle.  Including the electric ones that are exempt from the charge in the first place.



    Registering that was a fun time.  You enter the registration plate and they know its 100%, but still have to send them a copy of the V5.  Shame I didn't know about any of this when I took a courtesy car in for a couple of days and the garage got a load of fines through.


    I feel your Gggrrrrr LOL

  2. The issue would be putting too many volts into a gun that doesn't have the guts that can take the extra oomph. 


    Any aeg will work on any chemistry as long as the volts go with the gearbox. 

  3. Well at least I know.... One less thing to hoard. 



    Are you telling me that not only will I be spending hundreds on developing a pew pew collection... Hundreds more fueling and arming them.... Then hundreds more on fancy dress outfits to make me look like an overweight mean and nasty soldier.... 


    But I'll then have to buy a sodding 3D printer to repair the fuckers because we can't reliably obtain parts? 




  4. Having just repaired two of my mags that had their followers snapped in two. 


    And seeing as I had to wait for spares to get back in stock, and stock issues seems to be the norm.... 


    Is it worth trying to glue the guffed ones back together? And what glue works best? I did try araldite, but it was no use. 


    Tah in advance! 

  5. My nimh experiences are now limited to a few jigswaws, and an impact driver (now replaced with a lithium tool) and the boy's M16. 


    Battery chemistry is an interesting topic, but especially now cars and houses are going to be the norm for using them. My car battery was cooked today after a run to Birmingham and back. 


    I think some of the older chemistries will see a revival with home batteries, partly because of safety. We live in interesting times. 

  6. My original info came from a discussion I had with a power tool company when we were re-tooling and deciding to either move to the new lithium ion range of toys or stick with the nimh and just get new batteries. 


    I suppose the guy could have been trying to shift old inventory, but we decided to move over anyway.  Some of those lithium batteries are only now just starting to give up, and they have been abused in all sorts of ways; including being used as percussive maintenance implements. 


    Still have a few nimh batteries powering some old tools (the ones we didn't use often enough to justify buying new versions of) that must be 16 years old now and still working.  The NiCad ones are guffed though.  Finally threw them out last year. 



    As a side note, there are a lot of snide copies online, and it's a very mixed bag when it comes to capacity and runtime.  Sometimes a lot worse than oem.  Sometimes the same or betterer. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, EDcase said:

    Yeah, I hope you're not talking about NiMh because its completely the opposite.

    NiMh DOES have memory effect so they should be fully discharged before charging to full.

    Li-Po Does NOT have memory effect so they can be charged from any level to full and its actually better to re-charge them before they get too low.


    The SkyRC B6 is also a good charger if its a genuine one.  If not then be very wary and charge in a Li-Po bag.



    Old ones did, but new ones I was told, do not..... Had a quick Google to check and found this:



    Q: What does NiMH stand for?

    A: The material is Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) which has many advantages over other battery construction materials.

    Q: What is meant by battery memory?

    A: Older generation and batteries with other chemical make-up were subject to a memory effect. This is when a battery must be fully drained before recharge or their capacity is reduced. The New Generation of NIMH batteries do not develop a memory effect and can be recharged at anytime during usage cycle. When uncertain about battery charge level or condition, recharge it


    Happy to be corrected though.  Everyday is a school day. 

  8. I put a load of 1 litre bottles in the freezer to take with me last time, but the panic and rush of getting the lad sorted for his D of E expedition meant I forgot to take them. 


    Ironically I was at Sentinel in Dunstable and his expedition site was less than 2 miles away, so there was no need to panic, nor get his mate's mum to take him.   


    Nowt like proper planning eh? 🤣🤣🤣

  9. A Smart charger is a must for lithium batteries if only to get them to the correct storage charge. 


    My son's m16 has a chunky NIMH battery in it and the performance is pretty damn impressive for a budget pew pew. 


    Good thing about NIMH is it's very hard to overcharge and damage in comparison to lithium. You also dont get memory effect problems. They are twice the size though. 


    I still have a Sky B6 smart charger which does everything i need. But the RC65 is the same price and I suppose easier to use, can't justify the cost of changing for the sake of it. 

  10. 22 minutes ago, Skara said:

    Not really, but you do you.



    First and last bursts come from the 2400mAh 40c battery :P It's not just the C rating, capacity (mAh) also plays a role.

    2400 mAh battery dumps 88 amps (2400 x 40) while the 2700 mAh only dumps 27 (2700 x 10).

    In your audio you can clearly hear how the 27 amps battery renders the gun sluggish while the 88 amps one gives the gun a much healthier sound.


    Smarty pants 😜


    I was of the thinking that under load, in full auto, there would be a more noticeable difference due to reduced voltage drop. 

  11. Well, now entirely sure the higher C rating has made a difference.... 




    Granted these shots aren't under load, but see if you can guess which two bursts were the 2200mAh 40C, and which was the 2700mAh 10C.





  12. 1 hour ago, Skara said:

    They have a sensor that reads the sector gear's teeth when they pass by and does some math to figure it out (Titan), or they have a sensor that reads the sector gear's cam (the one that engages the cutoff lever).


    Other mosfets like the old BTC Spectre or the G&G ETU still rely on a mechanical cutoff but it activates a microswitch instead of being read by an optical sensor.


    1 hour ago, Lozart said:


    The Gate mosfets (Titan and Aster) use photocells to pick up the teeth on the gear (the Titan is a break beam, the Aster is retro reflective which is why it has stickers to put in the gearbox). The issue with optical sensors is that they can get dirty and stop working or you can sometimes get too much ambient light into the gearbox that interferes. With the Aster needing a white surface opposite the sensor, you can run into issues if the sticker isn't flat or doesn't adhere to the inside of the gearbox properly.


    The Perun Hybrid uses a hall effect (magnetic) sensor to do the same thing. Arguably this is more reliable but both systems rely on correct spacing 



    That was what I was thinking - which means cracking open the gearbox.  Which I am far from comfortable doing at this stage of my limited experience.  If it was simply splicing some wires and soldering, then fine.  Especially as my gun has its MOSFET swinging in the breeze anyway.


    But having spunked a lot more than I was planning on already with this sport, I think I can wait and chalk this one up to a little added realism.  I can save my pennies now for when I am in Japan and have access to a wider range of pew pews than I would here.  

  13. Very much depends on what battery you have, both in terms of chemistry and size. 


    The setting equates to how much you're jamming into the battery at a time.  With NIMH its not so critical.  With a lipo then it's vital not to over do it. The higher the number the faster the charge speed which can cause a fire if not careful. 


    If you're charging lipo's then send the charger back and get a smart charger that you can select the exact battery type and let it sort things out. 


    It will also help you track battery health by monitoring the amount of juice going in and out..... Lipo's need to be stored at a certain voltage too, which means getting them to that level if you're storing for more than a few days. 

  14. Well... It fits the same way my current battery does.... Strapped to the underside of the stock with velcro strips 🤣🤣🤣


    Rough as all balls but you can't get anything meaningful in the stock of the gun anyway.   I've come up with a good way to secure the power cable as it comes through the back of the buffer tube protecting it from rubbing. 


    Changing the stock to an M4 is something I brought up the other night.  But I'm minded to not spend anymore of this gun and stsrt thinking of the next one. 

  15. I suppose the next question is how high to go?  I was thinking 30 C should do it. 



    Although there are a couple of 50c ones on Amazon and 25C as well. 



    Just found this thread

    Interesting read. Especially about the mAh and C rating working as a multiplier.  I never thought of it that way.


    I use 2200mAh 10C batteries.  So that changes my search parameters significantly as I was going to get smaller mAhs. But a lot of those are 1200mAh 25c.  So not a meaningful change. 

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