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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. Had to sort out this gem the other day:




    British Gas left me this abortion to sort out once:




    Fuck Knows What this dude was smoking:




    Shit like this is why we charge by the hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣




    This was another fun one:




    An electrician was responsible for this lot:




    The challenge was I had to add more shit into it.  Had to take a run up to get the cover back on LMAO

  2. Had to sort out this gem the other day:




    British Gas left me this abortion to sort out once:




    Fuck Knows What this dude was smoking:




    Shit like this is why we charge by the hour 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Logistics are demonstrably not too much of an issue as demonstrated by Spec Ops. 


    Where laziness is an issue I can't argue against is that asshats leave the bottles for staff or we'll minded individuals to pick up.  Plus ensuring recycling plastic bottles.


    I just have a thing about drinking water being available.  This isn't restricted to the world of airsoft 👍.   If you operate a business where fluid intake is essential to the safety of your punters, provision should be made.  


    But of course I'm British,  so I can happily stick to grumbling online and sort myself out.

  4. 15p for a 500ml bottle of Costco mineral water isn't going to break the bank, especially when you can get a pallet with free delivery - these are customer facing businesses, and while personal responsibility is a thing...  Why not make sure there is drinking water available for free - or cost?  Especially in this weather.


    Bottles can split (as happened to us last time), get forgotten, knocked over.  All sorts of reasons other than lazy for someone to not have water with them.


    One of the reasons I took extras yesterday. 😋

  5. Same at Special Ops.  That's possibly my main criticism of AWA as they don't have mains drinking water to the site. 


    Really they should have slabs of water bottles for people.  However, people are stupid..... And at Spec Ops there's always a shit tonne of half empty bottles strew about the area for some poor sod to pick up. 

  6. I found it on ebay for £30 or so and took a punt.  There's no branding on it, but it is great. 


    Has a fairly decent field of view and the reticule is so minimal.  Means it does its primary job of letting me see better down range rather than making me think I can shoot the snot from a field mouses' nose. 


    Ditched my cheap Acog 4x as the optics are so far off that the bb doesn't even hit in the field of view. 

  7. Just got back from AWA.  It was their Big Skirmish event which was pretty good.  Although the other team apparently couldn't communicate properly so ruined the way the combat was supposed to happen, meaning a lot of walking around looking for someone to shoot. 


    Still, 100 people turned up so when the fighting did happen it was pretty good fun. 



    Only thing that really put a downer on the day was the dust cover of my svu fell off..... Thankfully found by the boy in a rather obscure place.... And my Osprey armour has taken the skin off my waste through rubbing, which is now very sore. 


    Still ran, nearly 7 miles, so feeling good about the exercise 👍


    Camelbak hydration kit certainly paid for itself too.  I got through at least 6 litres of water.  Can't believe there were people playing with just little bottles of water. 



    Looks like AWA are going to rename these events Battlesim Lite and running more of them, which as they get used to how thi gs like these play out should only make them better. 

  8. 37 minutes ago, RonLancs said:

    Doubt it’s your first time wearing the osprey however how long until you remove the rod on the right shoulder? 


    Never really thought about it.  Although today for some reason, the vest was rubbing and has taken off the skin down both sides of my waste. 


    My shower this afternoon was excruciating.  😭😭



  9. 5 minutes ago, DaktariT said:

    Not quite what I was aiming at but for some reason works


    Yeah... It should say " added to my ALERT ME WHEN IN STOCK" list. 




    • [mission details]. Are there any questions? 
    • [silence] 

    Walk to game area


    • So Marshall, what's the crack? 
  10. Found one of the lesser spotted boy in his Russian hat.... I say lesser spotted because he hates having his pictures taken.... 




    As for tacticool.   I have a few briefing shots, but one thing seems common to the sites I play.... The official photographers are better marshals than they are picture takers. 


    My shots are heavily cropped and tweaked 🤣🤣

  11. As someone who lived in Gloucester when that all kicked off.. I approve LOL


    Actually, my old man named his last pair of cats Fred and Rosey as they had a thing for finding their way and hiding under floorboards. 



    When the investigations were taking place we used to get crime tourists coming to see the house.... Being long before SatNav, we used to send people miles out of their way, on some occasions even Cheltenham LOL. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, Davegolf said:

    I was seriously considering that SVU, very nice and great value!


    What does your cap moral patch say?


    The badge translates to "Running Fat"...  The nearest I could find to "Fat Boy Running" with getting one made up.   Normally have it on my arm though. 


    Loved the unique look of the SVU which is why I got it.  Typically not an AK fan though. It certainly has some gravity to it as AVE would say. 🤣

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