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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. 4 hours ago, BigAl said:

    A fax is also accepted as a legal document unlike e mail. 


    I've signed many pdfs for contracts 🤔 some worth house buying money. Have watched a few court cases in the states where the editing of PDF files from banks was going to be part of the evidence against the defendant. 


    I think the time is coming... 


    Limited though my view is I know, I haven't seen a functioning fax machine here in years, but they do like them over there. 

  2. 15 hours ago, rj1986 said:

    I'm more impressed with going through the green channel at the end. Nothing makes you feel more like a mob boss under surveillance by MI6 than picking your bags up at heathrow. 


    I have a pretty packed schedule, but a couple of free afternoons so I'll try and plan a trip to a couple shops and see if there's anything super nice that i must have.


    I always put it down to profiling.... Flights from Japan probably don't flag up as many people/bags of concern.  Not sure if it's the same now, but we always used to land just after an air India flight, and there always seemed to be a healthy number of people having all sorts of interesting and tasty looking things plucked out of suitcases.  They just ignored everyone else.


    In recent years I can't remember seeing a sngle person pulled aside for inspection though. 


    Kind of ironic when I think of all the dodgy insect killers and Kobe beef steaks my wife and MIL used to stash in my luggage - and not always warning me about. 😂😂😂😂


    10 hours ago, The Waco Kid said:

    A lot of airline stuff is oddly outdated. Faxes are still used, I think investment tends to go where it’s seen and back room stuff had been left behind.



    I've found over the years that Japan is a strange mix of super high tech and beligerently stuck in the past. I remember chip and pin being years behind Europe, and signing for credit card purchases with random Disney character names for ages.   Could have done very well in charge backs and dodgy purchases had I been otherwise inclined. 


    Airlines, I suppose are like banks.... The cost of upgrading the backend is so much more than just the hardware and software, that they're just hoping that it all just hangs on in there. 



  3. On 10/01/2023 at 09:45, rj1986 said:

    @Dan Robinson

    Indeed, it would be good to know what the outcome was like, as I'm going to Tokyo/Osaka in March with BA, but the return is a 2 part code share, with JAL being the named airline for the first bit.


    Yep - made it through the green channel no problem.  


    Was quite entertaining breaking out hte guns in the middle of an airport - had to prove they were empty and what we said they were.  Must have messed with a few other passenger's heads LOL.








    If you're flying back with JAL, they will need you to Fax them the spec sheet of the pew.  I just sent them a print out of the web page from KSC and Marui.  Felt very archaic - even the father in law had retired his fax machine to a cupboard.   SWMBO offered little in the way of translation help too, so the boy and I had to muddle through with the lovely JAL ladies.  


    Top tip with JAL.... Fly with something unusual, as an extra bag, and they'll treat you differently - in a good way as they process the baggage individually.  Twice now I've done this and got through check in and boarding ahead of other people.   Time before this I had to bring a guitar back.  Anyone would have thought I was Ed Sheeran's older, better looking and more talented brother.  Shame it didn't land me an upgrade though.


    Someone asked me about a Derringer two shot, not sure if it was here or at AWA... Pretty good prices too for guns, but the accessories and outfits were more expensive.


    Bloody early start it was too, but had nice sunrise to say good by to what will soon be my new home.





    Safe journey!!!  I doubt I will be going back until the end of the year, but the boy is going in the summer, all things being equal.  Not been to Osaka yet... Guess you'll be chomping on he Okonomiyaki 

  4. On 07/01/2023 at 00:00, RostokMcSpoons said:

    Good news from Special Ops, they're reopening on the 12th Feb!  


    It may settle back into the normal pattern of "every other week and alternating between Saturday and Sunday" after that.



    The boy and I will be there, but frustrating as the game days are the other weekends to AWA - was hoping to be able to alternate between the two - not that we will be around after the end of the year.


    Not sure what changes they've made, will be interesting to see.


    Bet the farmer is pissed LOL.

  5. Little update....  Getting packed for the plane back home now.  Spent most of the break with a stinking head cold and a fever that knocked me out for two days and nights. 


    Which seems to happen every time I come here.  Hey ho. 



    Made it to Akihabara this afternoon and picked up a Tokyo Marui Glock 19 for the boy at around £80 and the famous Auto 9 Robocop hand cannon. For about £140.



    Spoke to Japan Airlines, and although cutting it close as the want 72 hours notice not 24 (bloody illness), but was told to fax them the spec sheets and a covering note with flight numbers and they'd get back in touch. 


    Which of course they did when we were on the train where answering the phone is a big no no culturally.  So had to hoped they'd call again. 



    Which they did. 


    All I need to do is take the guns to the airport, prove there's no gas in them and they will check them into my hold luggage with no extra charges mentioned. 


    Happy days. 


    Fingers crossed it is that simple at the Heathrow end.... But if you hear of a terrorist incident tomorrow afternoon, it might be me and the boy. 



    Somewhat surprised that a place so technically advanced still relies on fax machines, but this place is a bit weird like that. 



    SWMBO is far from impressed however. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Sometimes I surprise even myself at how daft I can be - I didn't even think to look under 7.62mm pouches LOL


    @JimFromHorshamwill have  ganda at the classifieds later, or feel free to post a link. 



    Fecking expensive week this - didn't bank on making a complete new loadout.  🤣🤣🤣🤣  £100 on optics, £70 on mags, £530 on the pew pew stick, New slings, new gloves, bipod, gun case.  Thank christ SWMBO is not here.



  7. That's good to hear thanks.  I figured out the spring selector fairly easily, it was already on the highest setting.


    Will look at the mosfet situation in the near future methinks.

  8. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding - but the boy has just bought one of these so I need to know the basics....


    Can you use the regular rubbers/buckings?  or do you have to buy ICS bits?


    Was pleasantly surprised at how well and far it shot out of the box even with a relatively low FPS; which I assume will get better with a few more game days?

  9. 15 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

    If the screws are stripped, yes

    If it’s the holes threaded on the gearbox/receiver, not as


    Looks like they are either screws in the gearbox with threaded heads, or captive nuts (I didn't look too closely).  I'll get a gameday out of it then take it back to the shop for a proper fix. 


    The actual screws that hold the grip to those have the last 5 threads eaten away, but at least not crossed. 


    Bit crazy for a £500+ gun/toy 🤣

  10. 1 hour ago, Spartan09 said:

    Went to onlyairsoft in Stevenage yesterday to get a few items...


    Nearly bumped into you then.  Looks like they had a successful day all in all because I went in to pick up the boy's M16 after they fixed its mashed gearbox, and see what they could do with my SVU.  Bumped into the person that domed me at AWA last week. 


    Anyway, as per my other thread.  The sadness felt at the demise of the SVU resulted in the purchase of this:




    Which rather annoyingly, the grip has just separated itself from the fecking reciever.   😨


  11. Looks interesting, but don't think it will... The broken bit on mine is on the lower reciever.  In the photos you can see the bit of metal I'm thinking of getting machined.


    Hopefully we can make it such that it grips just below where my finger is. 






    In other news:


    Bipod is on with the foregrip.... Shitty ACOG is there as a placeholder until the other scope arrives this afternoon.... Have another coming tomorrow then we'll take a vote on which to keep.




  12. 54 minutes ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    You can get side mount plates for AKs that rivet/screw on to a receiver.  You could flatten the existing broken bits and Araldite one on (or do it vaguely properly anyhow). 


    I have a few thoughts on how to remount it, but I want to avoid drilling/permanently cementing the housing if possible.


    Bipod and first-draft scope coming tomorrow for the Rapax so looking forward to having a tinker in the garden before the boy comes back from Army Cadet camp and sees what I've been up to on my weekend alone LOL.  Shot the side of a hot water tank with it today and am very glad we have MED on sites... 'cos that made one hell of a dent in what was quite a thick sheet of copper.


    Don't have anything I would risk filming a game with, but got some pretty good pictures from the Halloween shoot at AWA:









  13. Hi folks, been a busy few months with work and life, but still been pewing regularly.


    Had a bit of a disaster with my SVU, snapping off the little bit of metal that holds the scope on.  Happened when placing it down mid game to switch to my M4 - which had managed to slip its outer barrely a suppressor without me noticing either (thankfully found those on the walk back to the safe zone).


    So the SVU needs either a new receiver - which I can't find anywhere; or machining a new bit of metal that will enable the scope to grip the gun a bit lower down.  Gggrrr.....


    By way of therapy, I bought myself a new Pew in the form of a Rapax XXI M7.   But of course it doesn't end there..... New battery needed, extra mags needed, new scope (although oddly my shitty ACOG seems to work pretty well with it), bi-pod, Mlocks and mag pouches.





    God dammit!  Only meant to spend £300..... Now I'm over £700 in the hole and still need to fix the SVU 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  SWMBO is going to go nuts when she comes home in hte New Year to discover all these new guns (the Boy bought himself an L85 and complete Afghan loadout)


    Tried a couple of new sites - Skirmish Wycombe and Skirmish Billericay, both a good laugh, but a bit of a trek.  Brother and Nephew are coming to a day next week at AWA which should be a laugh. Nephew shot my lad in the eye the other day with a Nerf gun, so he is out for revenge.... My bother is not the most outdoorsy of people, but gives everything 110% so that should be a laugh.


    Anyway - hope you're all keeping well?

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