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Dan Robinson

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Posts posted by Dan Robinson

  1. On 11/02/2023 at 20:44, RostokMcSpoons said:

    I'm playing my first game in a loooooong time, and went a bit bananas today trying to work out what I needed. 
    So I put all my kit into a spreadsheet (and greyed-out the stuff I'm not taking / don't need)


    It's a bat-shit crazy amount of kit
    I know it's quite an OCD thing to have done... I wish I could attend to important things with as much diligence ;)


    The TL;DR version is

    • Comfy clothes (plenty of cheap army surplus available)
    • Decent boots with some ankle support (the first time you trip over a tree root or stick your foot in a hole, you'll thank yourself for buying them)
      They're a very personal thing, but I took a punt on Swiss Paratroopers' boots which are heavy, but good.
    • Eye protection: Bolle Tracker 2's a cheap and good starting point, or British Army ESS goggles perhaps.
    • Half or full face mask (cheaper than a visit to the dentist)   Perhaps a Dye full-face mask if you're thinking of CQB.
    • Baseball cap or bush hat (scalp shots hurt, protect yourself at least a bit)
    • Gloves (knuckle shots hurt too) - Mechanix are great value.
    • Battle belt or chest rig + mag pouches.  You can just stuff things into pockets, but it's just not tacti-cool ;)

    If you're thinking of spending upto £500 on a RIF then you could be choosing AEG, gas or HPA  "The world's your oyster" - make some friends and ask to try their guns out on the field for a few shots, you'll soon get an idea which way you want to go (might be all 3 of course, in the long term)

    We usually advise it's best to rent for a few games, make sure you really enjoy it first before splashing major cash though.

    There are plenty of separate threads for more discussion on all these things so have a search... see if they help at all.

    Good luck and have fun!  (And call your hits)


    All that and no Tamya to Deans adapter?  🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. On 13/02/2023 at 13:08, RostokMcSpoons said:

    I'd got killed (probably mostly by Dan from these forums, including a pistol shot to the back of the head!) an awful lot,


    I counted three times - as well as getting that Youtuber guy who thought it was a sniper that stood behind you. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


    The afternoon was much better than the morning, and it was very tempting to shoot those busy-bodies filming from the footpath.  I suspect Carlos will have to erect a safety net around the perimeter if he wants to continue with that site.

  3. Thanks for the advice chaps.  Got a call today to say the fix has been done, and so far no mention of a charge - so that's good if it stays that way.


    Not sure if they're reading the forums 😉


    Of course the repair itself has to hold - apparently it's just the screws coming lose again and the gearbox side of it is fine.



    So - looks  like this will turn into a positive thread instead of a moaning one - which is always a good thing. 😁

  4. Hello peeps....


    Had a frustrating conversation with the airsoft shop today... Took the Rapax M7 I bought at the start of December in because the pistol grip had come loose - again.


    The day I first brought it home, the grip came off completely, and it was evident that the 4 screws had been stripped in the factory.  Took it back the next day and said that I had tried to put them back in, but it didn't look good.  Shop tech rather abruptly said I might have voided my warranty; but took it out the back and did something to it.


    I was given the gun back and no charge etc.   Scroll forward to last week and the gun's 4th time out, and the handle goes all loosie goosy again; so dropped it back to the shop.  Tech guy half pretended he didn't remember the gun and started waffling on about it might only have two screws which isn't enough for a gun that heavy, or I might have been holding to wrong, but would have a look.


    Phoned this afternoon to see if there was any chance it was ready for tomorrow, to be told it might be outside the warranty period, and that either way it might not be covered.


    I told matey boy firmly, but politely that it would be under warranty and that it was the same fault the gun was sold with.  To whit, he said it would be looked at on Monday and that they'll get back to me.


    Won't name them just yet as it might turn out to be a nothing-burger; but "welcome to airsoft" memes aside; do these merchants realistically think they can get away defining their own Consumer Rights Act by stating a two month warranty?  I can understand limited warranties on batteries and gears, but not the structural integrity of the gun itself.


    Various terms spring to mind:


    • An unreasonable contract is an unenforceable contract.
    • These [consumer] rights effectively overrule any warranty and guarantee for the product 


    As an aside, Patrol Base were excellent recently when the boy's L85 shit the house.  They sent a returns label with no questions asked after I sent them a video of the gun sounding like a strangled cat and not feeding properly.  Turned out to be a simple motor height issue and the hop.  All sorted and sent back in around a week FOC and a good 4 months after they sold the pew.  I was expecting and willing to pay for the shipping, but they covered the lot.



    Tah in Advance!

  5. 2 hours ago, Stevobeavo said:

    I had teeth snap off my spur gear on my specna edge. I've ended up getting a new zci shell from ak2m4 with all new Gears and internals 




    Was looking at those this evening... The boy wanted to do a DMR build, so might use that as an excuse to learn how to build a gearbox from a donor seeing as we have a perfectly good aeg box in it now.... Just change spring and boxes out to change roles.   Then of course need to learn more about motors and interactions with voltages. 



    God damn this hobby 😂

  6. Does strike me as odd that being shot at seems such an issue. 



    As for breaking fingers at more than 20m with a BB... assuming I read that correctly?  I smell some bullshit frankly. Either that or medical attention should be sought immediately after selling all your kit.   There's some severe osteoporosis going on there. 


    @AirSniper, From your description your running the Lebanon, not an airsoft field. Grow a pair, or grow sone lovely flowers instead. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Shamal said:

    Shame it's not the end of August cause the national Airsoft festival on the 27th,28th and 29th is a great Weekender.


    Yeah, that's what he was hoping for... But he'll be in school by then LOL


    1 hour ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    Look at the Filmsim website.   Lots to choose from. 



    OOH Forgot about that one.  Will have a gander tomorrow. 

  8. The boy wants to go on a big blow out airsoft weekend before he moves away some time in early/mid August. 


    Does anyone know of anything? 



    Not necessarily looking for Milsim, but something he can get his fill with as it could be his last game for a year. 


    Near to the home counties would be nice, but I don't kinda drive. 




    Tah in advance. 

  9. Looks like it's going off to Cage anyway. I can't get the damn thing back together without it jamming up.  


    Two teeth are missing from the spur gear, and 3 are missing from the Sector gear. 


    2 of them were already broken as I picked them out when I got it open.  Not sure if shortening the Tappet spring caused it, but ce la vie. 


    Might buy myself a boneyard gearbox to practice with instead of my main AEG's 🤣

  10. 11 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    Somebody did say it could be a broken spring.

    Halfords do a box of mixed springs.might be something in there which will do the job.



    Yep it was @Tuton, so browny points and extra thanks to him 👍 


    5 minutes ago, Speedbird_666 said:

    You could trim the broken spring end and bend another coil out with needle nose pliers as a stopgap. I've done that before. It will put a bit more tension on the tappet though during cycling.


    Nothing to lose I suppose LOL. 

  11. I'm feeling very pleased with myself..... 


    Tappet spring snapped.... 





    Now where to find one? 

    For reference, and because it should get here in time for the weekend.... 





    Now the cat is out of the bag.... I'm thinking new cylinder head as the seal seems a little disappointing. 


    FFS what have I started? 

  12. That's what I was afraid of.... Not done that before so not really sure what I'd be looking for. 


    Took my Rapax into the shop in Stevenage this afternoon as its under warranty.... One of the guys in the tech room opened a gearbox as I walked in, only to see a spring shoot straight out of said box and launch itself clean across the room LOL. 


    Tried to take a picture of the inside of the cylinder but it's next to impossible. 😢


    Will have a look around You Tube to get some tips. Then I'll call Cage to give it an overhaul. LOL. 

  13. Not sure if I'm going in the right direction, but I've changed the hop unit and have much more punch down the barrel, so there was a seal problem of some kind.  But there is still the same feeding issue. 


    Not totally convinced by the new hop unit itself though as it came with a small tear on the down-barrel end on the bucking, and the nub lever seems too long as if it was forming its own nub.  So I'll put the maple leaf and omega nub back in the box for now.... Can always trim the lever down a tad if needed. 


    Anyway, did a couple of slow motion shots and it seems like the nozzle isn't always pushing forward:




    Sorry for the grubby fingers. 


    That being said if I cycle the piston with careful use of the trigger, the nozzle is freely moving when the piston is retracted. End of the nozzle looks OK to me too, but then what do I know? 




    Also have a spring left over that came with the hop.  Presumably for a different type of pew? 



    Thanks again for the advice. 

  14. I was wondering how freely the nozzle should move.  I don't remember it being lose that's for sure.


    Looks like the goodies are coming tomorrow so when I get home from work/dropping the Rapax back at the shop because the pistol grip came lose again; I'll take it apart again and see.


    I'm assuming the nozzle is supposed to move freely assuming the piston is retracted?

  15. Rightio...


    Here is a linky to the video of the pew.  Took the barrel off and fired at a piece of blue roll, and I think it is OK on the cylinder and nozzle end.



    Next test was to get a BB in the hop, hold my finger over the magazine receiver hole, then fire.  Got a decent shot off every time.  Leading me to think its the seal between hop and mag - or perhaps, the nozzle and hop?


    Have ordered a new CNC hop up from Rocket Airsoft, and whilst I was at it, a new bucking and nub from @ak2m4 .  Double checked the barrel seal to the existing Specna Hop and it was fine.



    On a different topic - perhaps @ak2m4can help here - thinking of upgrading the spring in my Rapax do you know what is in there from the factory?  Dude at AWA said he'd changed his to an M110.. Do you have the right on in your shop?


    Cheers in advance!

  16. JAL UK must have been forced to use emails because Faxes are rarer here LOL.  I'm guessing that is JAL check your bags in, it's down to you and UK authorities after that as the bags are effectively sealed at check in.


    Sounds like you should be OK.


    We've just booked our tickets for the next trip - Christmas again for me, the boy is moving permanently some time in August.   Poor lad wanted to go to the two day festival at the end of August, but I think he will be packed off sooner - guess I'll have to keep his RIFs well exercised in the interim :D.



  17. Will do that... Might have to be done in stages.  Have a mad week with work, plus SWMBO is flying back at silly O'clock Thursday morning so have to hide our arsenal that she doesn't know has built up over the last year 😎

    One thing springs to mind, is that the gearbox locked up and I freed it by releasing the anti reversal latch through the motor housing...  Pretty sure the problem had already occurred by that point though, and the gun does cycle and operate OK visually with a decent puff of air coming out of the nozzle when the barrel is taken off.

  18. Good but chilly day at AWA.  Our side ended up with a party of 12 rentals who's English was less than optimum.  Lead to a rather funny incident with the marshal yelling at one of them for taking his eye pro off in the game zone - Dude's soul left his body for a minute LOL.  But they were a good laugh and certainly put in the leg work when it mattered.


    Started the day off with my favourite game "Touching Cloth" which is essentially Capture the Flag, but with the flag on top of the bunker hill, with people shooting at you from either side and the rear.


    Managed to get a decent run with the Auto 9 - including rushing a marshal in the kill house at the end of the day whilst shouting "dead or alive, you're coming with me" - well you kind-a have to don't you?  Think I'm going to get a shotgun Scabbard for it as it sounds less painful than cutting a hole in my leg - plus its too big for a regular holster.


    Other than that it was another day as DMR due to the Specna not working.  Entertaining exchange with a mate on the other side who was just out of range taunting me as the BB's landed inches from his feet.  Also domed one of my side when he stood up in front of me whilst I was looking down-scope.  He wasn't tall enough to move into my vision, but was tall enough to be 3" in front of the barrel when I sent a BB down range.  Sounded like a branch of a tree breaking it was that loud.


    The boys M16 also isn't feeding, so that's another mystery to solve.  Little smart arse came up with a good plan for his gas pistols....  Stashing those fisherman hand warmers in the bottom of his mag pouches.  Kept them working nicely throughout the day.



    Certainly better than last time out with torrential rain and multiple gun failures 🤣

  19. Well it looks like the O-ring on my cylinder head has a small nick in it leading to no firing (BBs don't feed properly or only go about 4ft).


    The barrel and hop have a good seal and the bucking and nub are brand new, so can't think of anything else that can cause the problem?



    So the big question....  What do folks recommend by way of new parts?  and how straight forward is it?  Seems simple enough on looking at YouTube vids, but then it always does.



    Tah in advance.

  20. My Skymax B6 charger has a storage feature which takes the battery up or down to where it needs to be.   Trying to remember how I did it before getting that charger - probably not very well.


    Can you not send it back and get one with the storage feature?


    Voltage to store at obviously depends on the rating of the battery.

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