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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Proof if there were needed they walk among us.... Ooh good pick. Having been on both sending and recieving ends of various gas shells they've always been underwhelming. Even the dreaded 40-mike when used as-intended (ie at some distance, not point-blank to the throat) is thoroughly underwhelming and suffers from airsoft innovations curse of working at best 50% of the time. Ofc the answer foll will put forward is tags, but from what i've seen of the impact detonating breed of tag (as in insta-boom) that's something that imo has limited place on a regular skirmish. While we're ranting about boomy things, we can add basically all non-pyro (in this case i count blanks as pyro) grenades, if a good one exists i've not met it.
  2. [contraversial take] Anything noticably 3d printed, especially in an incongruous colour. "If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" You've all seen the pews i'm referring to..... [/Contraversial take] More realistically, bipods, because very few airsoft pews are capable of actually benefiting from having them fitted and they are otherwise dead weight. Although i suppose for some aesthetics is worth the penalty.
  3. Waterproofness will be no better or worse than an aeg with a fancy mosfet. For installation etc have a little read here, it's mostly focused on polaratar but has some details on the tuning: As a starter engine i'd lean towards reccommending the f2 over the fusion, less shenanigans to get dialed in and can be taken to a wider range of platforms in the future.
  4. Whilst this is entirely true, and there's a lot you can do by being a careful custodian there are some points to consider; -there's the ever present risk of tripping etc, and theres never a guarantee you wont land on it in just the right way to break something. -even just the normal course of shooting you can get broken or worn out parts, for run of the mill stuff you just replace what breaks but if the gun has uncommon proprietary parts go they can be a pain to source. -babying a gun can detract from the gameplay experience, as you'll be too distracted to play the way you really want to if you're forever being careful not to scrape it against barricades or drop it in the dirt. -there remains the risk of it being pinched if left unattended, although that said i've only ever heard of guns going walkies anecdotally. If the gun has rarity value, with it being difficult to repair/replace parts if they break (internal or external) then it's maybe better to leave it at home, not like a cheaper more common gat is gonna be massively worse at the fundamental task of bb lobbing. End of the day a pew that you aren't afraid of picking up some battlescars is the one you want to be taking to the field, where you draw the line on the cost/rarity graph is something that's entirely personal.
  5. I imagine that might not be that massively hard if you can deal with the entire body being 3d printed. Certainly the hpa gubbins wouldnt be too hard, imagine there's plenty of room for a 13ci tank in there. Always did wonder why no manufacturer took a crack at the g11, it's not as if its any harder to make or has less demand than the likes of the f2000.
  6. Money spent on gats isnt really the barrier to having a decent times pewing imo. Some of my most enjoyable days have been running gats that are definately not what would conventionally be considered premium. Indeed i'd argue that the more premium the gat, the more good performance from said gat becomes "well of course it should be good". If it brings you joy running gucci gear then by all means go for it, but you can still have fun on the cheap. If money were no object methinks i wouldn't be spending money on gats, but instead on the site, both in terms of renting/buying an interesting venue and putting the money into trained and motivated staff to try and minimise the impact of those who's enjoyment stems from spoiling the enjoyment of others.
  7. There's some debate on how accurate testing gas effeciency is when dry firing. As for working out how much gas your mag takes/is using, weigh it. You can for example with a fresh bottle of gas and an empty mag, weigh the bottle before and after filling the mag, then after firing that mag (with bb's) dry, you can work out a ballpark for how many shots you're gonna get per can, at least for the gun, ammo and ambient conditions you're testing in. Ofc grams of gas per shot expended isn't the only metric that affects running costs. One thing to consider for co2 is that outside of the normal flow of events (ie install bulb, shoot until bulb is expended, replace bulb) then your consumption is gonna be dramatically higher; End of the day and you wanna remove a half-discharged bulb? That gas is gone Maybe you didn't remove the bulb from last game day, how much gas is left? Is it near full or are you gonna run out in 3 shots? Better change it to be sure. Is there a leak? Well every time you try to fix it and don't succeed that's a bulb. Whereas green gas? Just leave em at the end of the day, top em up the following weekend, and if there's a leak you don't need to waste an entire mag full of gas to test.
  8. Had a set of these that one of the bearings was mixed up, instead of having the flange on the topside (as viewed during installation) of the gear it was on the underside. The practical upshot of which was the equivalent of dropping a 1mm shim under the gear which massively restricted the ability to put the gear where it needed to be. In my case it meant i couldn't get the bevel in the right spot for a decent mesh but could just as easily cause tappet squishing.
  9. think this is a good comparison. as with anything cosmetic done to pews it's gonna add value for those who share your tastes, and detract for those who don't. but if your target demographic is willing to pay the extra then it's not really dreaming to be charging it.
  10. Play several games with the gun as-stock, do nothing but clean the barrel. Figure out your playstyle, are you getting up close and personal? plinking from distance? Have a good notion in mind of how the gun is performing, and what about its current performance needs improving. Then its time to start talking about how to go about improving the performance to make it better at doing what you need it to do.
  11. memory is rather vague on this one, i think it ended up on my warhead build but honestly can't recall how i ended up fitting it, but i suspect a significant amount of bodging was involved.
  12. brass can be susceptible to corrosion that a stainless barrel wouldn't, i've always leaned towards stainless for that reason although if you're keeping your barrel regularly cleaned it shouldn't make much difference. as for diameter, i wouldn't worry too much about it, overall barrel quality (ie the straightness, consistency of diameter and surface finish) of the barrel tend to be the more important factors. yes tighter diameters eg 6.01 can foul more quickly affecting accuracy, but this can be solved by regular cleaning. you're unlikely to be getting enough rounds through a mk23 to need mid-day cleaning if you're showing up with the bore spotless.
  13. sort of yes and sort of no. whilst yes a bb will be using gas for its propulsion, if you consider the effeciency of nbb platforms versus blowbacks it's evident that the lions share of gas usage in the gbb is in actually cycling the thing, and tests with no bb fired do still demonstrate that the relevant sealing surfaces are doing a decent job of not sending half the reservoir into the atmosphere every shot. that said, an element that firing a bb will bring to the table is an increase in backpressure, one thing i found running heavier than your average ammo in pistols is that one side effect is the bulging (and i've heard albeit only anecdotally catastrophic bursting) of the nozzle due to the pressure, needless to say, this is gonna be putting more strain on the sealing surfaces which wouldn't be there in a dry fire test.
  14. More expensive, does not always mean better performing
  15. This, right here, is why the internet is awesome
  16. If the clip fits don't worry about it. You might want to check the rubber isn't getting stretched when pushing the barrel into the hop unit. Made the mistake of buying a madbull hop unit which was so damn tight it would pull the hop unit over the end of the barrel when fitting.
  17. It is true, money can't buy you happyness, but it can buy you bacon and that's pretty damn close.....
  18. whilst they can sort of work with standard nubs, anything without the radial shape of the omega is gonna distort the bucking, reducing the effectiveness of the contact patch. how bad is the over-hop? if it's minor then jumping up the ammo weight might be worth considering.
  19. it does amaze me how folk are happy to take the ridiculous depreciation hit that selling airsoft equipment secondhand provides, but then cheap out at the last minute for the sake of a few £.
  20. think there was a topic recently about this, vague memories of the judgement being that the forum code didn't support ads expiring or somesuch. changing "completed" to "sold" would probably fix the issue of new joins contacting members about long sold items although it might be confusing when the ad is set to "sold" because the seller has withdrawn it only for them to re-list it later. i know i've done that if life stuff means i won't be engaging with the forum for a while and i just want to temporarily "pull" the ad.
  21. replies to post about some new escape room with airsoft adjacent 2 posts later;
  22. In that case it does really sound like the nub has ended up in an odd position/orientation, but you've already checked for that.....
  23. the omega nub isn't designed to be used with anything but the maple leaf rubbers, so i wouldn't be surprised seeing those symptoms with a standard style bucking. that said, it shouldn't really be doing that with the maple leaf bucking. these are a rotary style hop aren't they, is it possible the tail end isn't engaging in the wheel in it's correct slot? also worth looking down the barrel whilst moving the hop through it's range of motion, see if it's actually moving as it should.
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