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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. I'd lean towards the warhead, the ramp up speed makes for a better percieved snappyness. Only downside (although afaik they might have alleviated it on their newer motors) is the contacts on the warhead are much more delicate, so a lot more care needs to be taken on the install rather than stuffing wires in willy nilly.
  2. gotta love it, no detail of exactly what was replaced, why it was replaced, what the replacement part is, or even any claim (let alone guarantee) that the replacement part netted any improvement in performance over the original.
  3. Out of context it's saying they have a good relationship with rs vortex so won't sell clones of vortex products?
  4. How dissappointed would you be to buy that, show up at the next game thinking you were gonna stand out with your limited edition faithful replica only to realise most people arent going to notice just another green m4.......
  5. makes it a 2 in 3 odds though, guess the 1 in 3 are hoping folk are ready to gamble. and it's not as if a pew that appears to be functioning reasonably well on the surface can't still be a horror show once you get under the hood.
  6. tis a tricky balance. on the one hand a well executed sneaky play can be equal parts hilarious and effective, but on the other hand, if we can't trust someone is out when everything about their demeanour is saying so, then that's just gonna invite people to be sure, which whilst fair enough if their hands aren't up is regardless going to illicit salt from those who are genuinely out and just have their hand down. yes you could argue that not having a hand up is fair game, but even outside of fatigue if you've got some tricky ground/obstacle to maneuver around/over you might need both hands to balance.
  7. Site dependant, some places the play area can be within the effecitive pew range, but generally yes. Sites will have their own rule, but the one guaranteed thing to think when this happens is "how do you know its freindly fire?" Generally a lot of sites say no, but as above you need to be sure it's a ricochet and not someone hitting you from an unexpected angle. You tap them with your dummy knife and hope they get the memo.
  8. On the gate mosfets (warfet, merf, nano etc) the wiring isnt that bad if your handy with a soldering iron. Basically you wire the two contact wires (small black plug) to one set of contacts, then link those to the second set of contacts in paralell so either contact sets the mosfet off. Then the motor is just wired to a deans plug which plugs directly into the mosfet. I'd advise against anything with active braking bar the warfet, as without adjustable precocking the active brake functionality can screw with the function of the cutoff (which is bad enough in a conventional pew let alone one with a rube golberg trigger mechanism). Took me longer than i like to admit realising thats what was causing the endless semi lockups on me f2000
  9. Well you might wanna reconsider, likely invalidate your warranty......
  10. No end cap or retaining mechanism? Just dont point the gun down it'll be fine......
  11. Same, but then the number of times i've chrono'd on the limit with .48's to be told my gun's shooting low because they're reading the fps and not the joule readout..... Not encountered that one much, although mostly because the sites hadn't evolved that far..... Tbf kinetic energy is (unless they've changed the curriculum) still taught in schools yet we still have sites that struggle to understand the difference between velocity and energy. Yeah i get not everyone's an engineer or even an enthusiast but as you say so much is documented, the conversion charts and calculators freely available on the internet and the majority of chronographs even do the conversion for you and that still aint enough. I can understand lower limits for energy at cqb sites. Whilst i don't personally subscribe to the idea of heavy weights being an issue when fired at lower energy i can understand that a cqb site limiting ammo weight as an expedient means of avoiding joule creep issues especially when the site environment (especially indoor close range) means that realistically there's no benefit to the heavies anyway. As long as on a per-site basis the rules for that site are well signposted, and enforced as advertised then it's up to folk showing up to prepare for that.
  12. Sounds needlessly complicated. Limit in joules for regular/dmr/sniper, strip of tape converted to fps for common bb weights, chrono on the players game weight with a stash of speedloaders to verify suspect cases, follow up with in-game spot checks and most importantly actually enforce bans for infringement. A well dialled in hpa setup can be very consistent, emphasis on the well dialled in. Needless to say sub-par tuning can have an hpa being every big as inconsistent as an aeg. The issue comes with the phenomenon of joule creep, which also affects gbb guns (and some modified spring bolt actions when heavyweight pistons are involved) whereby the gun can chrono entirely legitimately on say .2g, but then with no other modification output more energy simply by switching to a heavier ammo (the fps will be lower but not by as much as the same switch in an aeg), hence my above caveat of chronographing on players game weight.
  13. Loving the dedication to accuracy of the maxx hopup unit and custom made edgi barrel... And the dedication to ruining it by using an open bolt engine......
  14. does it? because if they have a problem with hpa players then lowering the limits for those players will be as effective as a lower speed limit sign is at preventing speeding...... ahh, so you do understand that hpa in and of itself isn't the problem, it's the person operating it....... yes, i get how annoying it is to play somewhere with regular occurrences of players who are, one way or another, being assholes. but there's only 1 option available that you can do to fix it, and that's to move, either to a better site or if that's not an option move out of the hobby. because people will always be the worst kind of people and there ain't no changing that.
  15. This, unless the journey is desired more than the destination just throw in a maple leaf and have done with.
  16. Am i the only one thinking that looks a little too well polished to pass as a cobray
  17. The battery is but one component in a complete system. Whilst the concept of "thou shalt not use 11.1v lest it destroy your pew" is complete bollocks, it is only so because its antithesis "7.4v shalt not save a speediboi motor spinning speedierboier gears" remains true. End of the day for a given energy target there is a fixed cycle time, trying to push beyond this limit no matter how its acheived will result in sadness. Yes short stroking or its deviant brother dsg'ing aim to allow shorter cycle times without failure, they do this by artificially increasing the spring rate required for a given energy target, thus reducing the chance of pme. But the ultimate answer to the question of "muh trigger response" isn't in hammering the system until it cries for mercy but in leveraging the advantages of precocking and brushless motors but if that fails then the only answer is to slow it the fuck down. If you really want cycle times measured in milliseconds and your rate of fire to be limited primarily by how long it takes a bb to work its way from the hop to the end of the barrel then hpa remains the easiest, and by that i mean least likely to fail catastrophically, method. At least with hpa the downside of trying to run too fast is a failure to feed rather than catastrophic failure.
  18. To be fair, an organisation that doesnt charge for its use or for that matter be particularly overbearing with engagement (as evidenced by my penny pinching self having thorougjly forgotten i'd signed up) it's hard to care that much about what they do. Yes in principle a single unified body representing our hobby sounds like exactly what we need, ultimately many folks simply dont notice or care the "on the ground" effect and thus are unlikely to give a monkeys if #3457 of their 10000+ strong email spam list are or are not in breach of their constitution. Until ukapu gets the widespread site engagement that means you'd realistically notice and care for a ukapu approval notice on their webpage then the majority of players are unlikely to care so deeply for how its run. Having left the hobby precisely because of a lack of consistent good management amongst the sites i have access to it seems obvious to me that what this sport needs is not government lobbying or annual general meetings, but a widespread network of sites that agree with a real world noticable effect on performing duties such as marshalling, good chronograph practice and site bans that not only stick at the sites that initated them but at others in their region. But alas we're stuck with sites that ask "what size bb's are you using?" With no real effort to understanding the effects of joule creep or for that matter the difference between joules and velocity measurements despite it being something anyone with a gcse in physics should at least understand the implications of even if they remain ignorant of the factors that cause it. Hell even when explained something as simple as "you can put a cable tie on most hpa regulators, here's how you do it *cable ties his own regulator to demonstrate*" or "you know you can can just print the site fps limit of various common bb weights and sellotape it on the back of the chono" is largely ignored with at best a token effort to ask what weight of bb's a player is running
  19. i'd argue it's sufficiently airsoft adjacent to be ok, we don't bat an eyelid at an RS optic or RS furniture so there's precedent that unregulated RS components are fine. all that seperates an rs mag from an airsoft mag is a donor cyma, a dremel and a lot of swearing.
  20. Tbh at this point i'm not sure how the argument started, what its about or how its continuing, it seems to be mostly arguing about how people are being argumentative in their arguments from argumenters who argue they arent argumentative as an an argument to the argumenter they're arguing against.
  21. For the benefit of the curious we have established via pm that the problem in this case is my atrocious memory.....
  22. See i'm not the only one who got this. Although i dont rightly remember ever signing up to ukapu so one is wondering where they got their hands on my email?
  23. Whilst i appreciate the dedication, and thoroughly endorse this idea as being fucking awesome, i might be inclined to suggest that if you don't have the confidence to work on a mechbox, this might not bode so well for the mountain of fabrication work that will be involved in such a project. However, i say that in the hope that i will be proved wrong
  24. Cordless, although corded woulda been fine for what we were doing
  25. was using a dewalt sds a few months back and i couldnt help but feel the resemblance to a vector If we're talking guns we need more of we need some more old school stuff, nice m1 carbine (as an aeg that is) or sks.
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