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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. to be somewhat generic as i don't know the exact programming sequence of the jefftron: if you're going to use precocking, then set active brake to on, otherwise off will hopefully prevent cycling issues from the gb stopping too quickly, precocking off+no ab=standard aeg cycling to set precocking, a quick and somewhat easy way is to pull the upper reciever (or whatever you need to do to be able to see the back end of the gearbox whilst running) and do the following: 1. set precocking level to the minimum value 2. increment the precocking value by [appropriate feeling figure] 3. repeat step 2 until: -you feel the response on semi is adequate for your needs -the piston seems to reliably stop very near the end of travel -you get a double fire, in which case decrement until it doesn't 4. profit in terms of why to expend the effort, precocking is basically free "trigger response" ie it will make the gun "feel" snappy and responsive without it needing to have the brrrrrrt levels that typically come with a high rps build, for example an 18rps build (ie moderate in auto) with a brushless motor and copious precocking can feel in semi auto as snappy as you could realistically want a pew to be, but without the stripped pistons and other associated headaches a traditional high rof build entails. in terms of downsides, precocking means that especially if you play in semi your spring will always be left in a "cocked" state, some mosfets (idk if the jefftron is one of them) can alleviate this by holding the trigger to de-cock the gun, meaning that the spring shouldnt lose power during storage. in-game however there's no real downside to precocking as long as your motor is man enough to cold-start when there's tension on the spring (if it isn't, that's gods way of telling you to get a better motor because even without precocking it could stall after a burst of auto).
  2. sounds like a polymer bodied m4 would be the logical choice, i'm tempted to say arp9 would suit quite well. although i must admit outside of the weight requirement or an absolute desire for dat blued steel an e&l provides the cm045 is a damn fine choice of gat.
  3. About the only good thing i can say about the condition is at least he's declared it. This seems like a perfect example of why secondhand prices in this hobby tend to be so low, you can have a gun that doesnt look that bad in photos, it may well shoot, but that doesnt mean it can't still have a myriad of horrors lurking under the hood.
  4. Kinda always been a fan of the maple leaf macaron, with a proper omega nub (the off brand ones i've seen tend to not be so square) or other appropriately radial block (eg the r block in a maxx unit) For gbb's again maple leaf autobot/decepticon with maybe an i-key and the odd bit of creative arm shimming can work wonders. As a secondary for the guns that dislike maple leaf feedlips i've had good results with the pdi w-hold buckings, although find they're not keen on heavier than 0.32g at least in the 1j energy category. G&g green are good as stock style buckings go, i'd put them in the same shelf spot as the prommy purple for guns that aren't expecting to be fed the heavies. Ofc as with all things airsoft ymmv, throwing the bestest bucking, barrel and nub in the universe is gonna be useless if the gun's idea of energy consistency isnt.
  5. Huh, suppose that makes sense, 50mm aint much
  6. that's impressive i mean assuming the components themselves weren't made incorrectly (ie the barrel window isn't cut on the wrong side) how the hell do you fit a hop bucking upside down and not at least have either a big lump or the locator pin making it painfully obvious the thing isn't going to fit in the hop unit?
  7. Eh, a lot of guns aren't really setup to have their irons removed, so keeping a vestigial set on a gun isn't really a loss unless you dislike the looks or find few grams extra weight a meaningful difference for handling. They can be useful, if a cheap airsoft optic gets shot out, or if you have a fixed magnification only to find the game flow demanding a quicker unmagnified alternative. But likewise you can run without any sights and still do well, even at range.
  8. I mean i can see the validity. I'd go with keeping a stash of speedloaders at chrono with the common weights, ask the player their weight and stuff a few of whatever they say in there. Alternate version, i once made a device for extracting 10bb's from a magazine, think a stub of inner barrel slightly turned down at one end and a pin stuck in the other. Its original purpose was to releive midcap syndrome but such a device could easily be used to extract [known number of bb's] and weigh them.
  9. Looks like standard pistol hop tilt to me, standard as in a common design flaw of that style of arm you'll see on many pistol hops. You can bend the arm a little to square it off but be very careful as it's very easy to go a little too far and have it snap.
  10. What on earth is it going into? Longest barrels i've seen in airsoft are in the 650mm range particularly dragonuv's and the mg42.
  11. Might not be, some guns dont have them or have a couple of washers on the spring guide that theoretically can spin. Generally i like a proper bearing on the spring guide and nothing on the piston. Might want to pay real close attention to it if you're using it again. The visual cue is on a 3 cell battery one of the lights won't change when charging (ie the same effect you get when plugging in a 2 cell battery), assuming it's the same type as i've seen. A better charger is one thing but a really useful bit of kit is a cell checker, even for as simple as "did i remember to charge this battery" but also can tell you outright if for example the charger has failed to charge one cell.
  12. Can't say it isnt the spring, plenty of debate one way or the other if modern steels care about being left under load but whichever side you come down on creep is a material phenominon that is known to exist and the question is not if but how much it'll relax by. What's the situation for thrust bearings in the box? If you've got one on each end of the spring then ditching the piston end can be a handy way to drop a few fps to get the original under. As for the battery, assuming it's not ancient then theres a load of possibilites from just not fully charged to a cell imbalance, it has been known for some chargers (particularly the 3-led type) to partially die leaving one cell uncharged.
  13. Imma pretend that was for mr sniper's benefit before we got the tirade of hpa's needing to have weight limits and not the result of brain fog
  14. Sadly yes If it's within the site energy/med rules (as fired in-game at people) then i see no issue. If it's established that the site limits on any weight of ammo at any range result in an unnacceptable amount of owchie then the relevant site limit should be lowered or med raised to accomodate.
  15. Speak for thine self peasant #geoffs.48gmasterrace
  16. In general i've found the elimination of spring twang to be a nice side-benefit of using precocking, so that might be worth considering. I did try the heat shrink once, but found it didnt help much and pretty quickly wore through making a mess in the process, although it may have been the breed of heat shrink i was using.
  17. Yeah, at least there's plenty of space to get some steel in there. I had mine drilled out and a bolt through the pivot, which meant it took slightly longer than usual to break Since when has that ever stopped us
  18. at least within the gate family of mosfets it's plug and play, not that you're gonna need anything fancier than the nanoasr for a 42. smarter than me then the spring change is one thing, but the other major flaw (other than the weak receiver which bends if you look at it funny) in the agm design is the split gearbox will play merry hell with angle of engagement especially if the grip assembly is loose, ended up (albeit slowly and with some shenanigans along the way) hpa'ing mine after i got fed up with it eating pistons every 5 minutes.
  19. Yes your summation is right, for the use case of an lmg then most mosfet features like active brake, precocking etc aren't going to be any use. Depending on how pro-active you are at battery management you might want to consider battery protection as a worthwhile feature but that's pretty much up to you. For relelatively simple setup i'm a fan of the gate stuff, in particular the nanoasr for basic protection needs which if you take the time to solder the twin wiring (super easy if soldering itself isnt a barrier one plug goes to the trigger one plug goes to the motor) and can be easily swappable for the more feature rich warfet. Out of interest is this the agm mg42? If so then i'd caution against making the mistake that i did and wiring the magazine winder into the main battery because especially on 11.1v it wont take long for the titchty little motor it has to fry.
  20. These two do not belong in the same paragraph, let alone sentence.
  21. is it running an autobot/other ml bucking with the metal c clip? the c-clip maple leaf uses is a neat idea, and great for enhancing seal on some platforms, but if the nozzle is already a tight fit then it can cause the nozzle to fail to seat properly meaning it sits rearward of its usual position. if you can force the slide a little further forward after cycling with the resulting shot being decent velocity this might be whats happening. if it is, then removing the metal c-clip around the bucking will loosen it up, although possibly enough to flip the other way and give a more conventional poor sealing issue.
  22. Thought evike had a history of dissassembling guns to get otherwise hard to find parts? Ie evike having the spare is not an indicator of the manufacturer providing them
  23. i've played fields that have on occasion used a blank firing pistol as part of "find the macguffin" games, and in that context ie on a site that allows loud bangs, with everyone under no illusion that the game will end in a literal bang, i see no issue. however random players carrying them as a secondary? at best someone recognises it's a blank, and continues play accordingly at worst someone mistakes it for a real gun, and reacts accordingly in neither case can i see the use of a blank firing pistol in leui of an airsoft pistol has any utility to its user. as for cheating chrono? ban 'em, ban their mums, ban their hair, ban their pet chinchilla, ban their best freind's mate's plumbers aunt, ban their children and lay a curse upon their house unto the 9th generation. as for sites that have insufficient chrono/enforcement procedures? well i'd say play somewhere else but that's how i ended up leaving the sport when i ran out of sites.
  24. eh, i don't really see an issue with people wearing ghillies. end of the day if you don't know what you're at then draping yourself in mock hedgerow is going to offer the square total of bugger all assistance to your ability be concealed in the same way that owning a gucci set of screwdrivers doesn't make you a top tier airsoft tech. likewise someone who's gifted in the art of the sneak can become invisible almost entirely regardless of their choice of attire. this to me is separate from the other issue with ghillie wearers, to wit, the insistence of ankle armbands or other such lacking of identifiers. if the rest of us mere mortals are gonna have to wear a bright red armband to distinguish friend from foe then there should be no exceptions.
  25. a site can have all the clear signage, shouty marshalls and mandatory things you stick on the end of it. the question is: do we trust the average airsofter to do it? the answer?
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