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Status Updates posted by Asomodai

  1. I have updated the original post of the SE Tour - Airsoft Billericay review with some new information. 

  2. I Swore off doing site reviews or playing Airsoft at all beyond the AFUK Mall game this month... However the Mrs just told me to have fun next Saturday...I really do want to try out either Hockley or the newly re-opened Bush Valley. Watch this space ;)

  3. I think it's time to start culling some of my collection. Very rarely will I use something non bullpup, so gonna post a few things to the appraisals section. 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Skara if someone can give me a rough idea how much for them then you'll see!

    3. Asomodai


      @Skara. There you go. Selling my M4, my MP5 and one of my XM8s :(

    4. Skara


      I feel you.

      I have 4 guns and I already feel like they're enough, can't imagine having more than that.

  4. I want a Tavor… No decent deals around... But I haven't got an AK, never even held one, and there are plenty of those on offer...

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Asomodai


      Hmm. I may need to hold off then. I cant justify 230 quid right now on something that's not a bullpup ;) 100 quid for the JG AMD-65 is really tempting mind! I believe that its mostly steel apart from the bits that matter! (The stock)

    3. AK47frizzle


      i'm looking at one of these atm: https://www.taiwangun.com/en/electric/ak-carbine-at-ak04-arcturus same factory as E&L. though, i'll be changing out the gearbox because their ones don't allow the fitment of a gate titan

    4. L3wisD


      Don't get a Trevor. Buy a PDR-C from me so I can buy @Davegolfs KWA vector 😎

  5. Incredibly frustrated is what I am right now. Waited 3 months on an order from JKArmy, only for them to send the wrong 5KU Zenitco Stock! I ordered the PT-1 Gen 1 for E&L, but they sent the one for Cyma/LCT/GHK. Arggh!

    Anyone want a brand new unused one for £75 posted? 

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      no room for a bit of fettling to get it to fit? in the truest of ak fashions

    2. Asomodai


      It wouldn't fit well enough to satisfy me. 


      The Stock tube on the Cyma/LCT one is 20mm where as the E&L stocks are 26mm. So it would have to be shimmed to a ridiculous amount, The holes would have to be drilled out to accommodate Real Steel pins. 

      I'd rather sell and get an E&L one ordered. I am in no hurry. 

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      fair enough, i'm just suffering from a lack of any repros of the pt5 so i'm stuck either going RS or getting a whole other gun.....

  6. Its about time I supported the site. Grabbed myself a patch :D OD though, don't want anything too loud :P

  7. Just began the laborious process of making the site reviews a bit clearer, adding contact details and changing from a Positive/Negative rating to Good/Average/Bad. On site shop ratings are being changed on some reviews as the average shop was smaller then I thought. Also need to make things a bit standardised as there is a marked difference between the early reviews to the last few months. :(

    1. Albiscuit


      Well I certainly appreciate the efforts!! Thanks bro

  8. Just did my first bit of teching. Replaced the Bucking and barrel and installed an I-key tensioner onto my TM Strike Warrior. Seems to have done the trick! I was going to replace the hop unit entirely, but the 1911 Maple leaf hop unit is not quite compatible with the Detonics slide system. 

    1. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      good job man, teching ain't so hard once you get the hang of it (well, except version 3 triggers, that never gets easier)

  9. Just got back from the latest Skirmish site to be reviewed. Urban CQB, very interesting day. Somehow my project P90 made it through the entire Skirmish! 

  10. Just got my booster from someone clad in Multiglam, I feel so violated. Couldn't they have sprung for some Swedish M90 or Belgian Jigsaw? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chopper92


      They are getting more cunning with ways to get inside you ! Never drop the soap or tie your shoelaces in front of someone dressed in Multiglam ! 

    3. Asomodai


      I feel like absolute crap today, I think I got a case of the MultiGlamz

    4. EvilMonkee


      Ahh but it isn't multiglam.  Its the very subtly different mutation called PCS.  We don't use multiglam in HM Forces.....license costs

  11. Just picked up my second pistol... It's a bit boring compared to the strike warrior though...

  12. Latest SE Tour Review is up: Apocalypse Paintball and Airsoft. 


  13. Latest SE Tour Review is up! Bush Valley Airsoft! 

  14. Latest SE Tour Review is up. A poor day at Ace Combat in Kent. Give it a read!

  15. Latest SE Tour Review: Tower Airsoft (Essex) Run by AP. 


  16. Looking at 9.9V LIFE batteries for my TM Famas. Even after the motor upgrade, very occasionally the motor wont quite turn the gears enough on semi, locks up and needs a quick burst on full auto. This is using a 7.4 lipo. I have used a 11.1v lipo in storage mode and I no longer get the lock up. 

    Even though it has a mosfet, I loathe to use 11.1v lipo on full charge as breaking the Famas means a lot of work to repair.

    Would a 9.9V Life battery be a good halfway house? Looking at this one. 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      Nope never have , I just don’t buy in to the whole “stops the connectors burning out / faster trigger response” gumff . Me personally I think if your not spamming the trigger or firing huge bursts all the time then your not going to be pumping that much juice through them are you ? And my 10yr old TM socom recoil proves that , it’s connectors are absolutely fine and the trigger response bit ? seriously ! is the trigger responding point something something of a second REALLY going to make a that much of a difference to a hit or not ? Yea right ! 😂😂

    3. Asomodai


      Fair enough. I have ordered one for a trial on the FAMAS. I do have a few guns that would prefer the life over a 7.4v lipo. 

    4. Asomodai


      @Druid799 Just received it last night. Bigger then I thought it would be but firing on semi has no issues. Genuine halfway house between the 7.4v and 11.1v lipo. I may need to buy a couple more slightly smaller ones. 

  17. Looking for some appraisals on a small part of my rifle collection. Has some uncommon things. Thoughts? 


  18. Managed to convince my BattleBuddy to buy the new TM AK47 Type 3 Recoil whilst at CamoRaids today. The Recoil is soft, but the sound is bloody gorgeous! 

    1. Druid799


      If he needed persuading, then get away from him ! as quickly and as far as you can ! sounds like he’s infected with the insidious disease that is  ‘will power’ ! 😱

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Ahh yes, i've heard of this will-power, think it's a birth defect iirc?


      Not his fault i'm sure but nonetheless he needs relinquished of temptation.

    3. EvilMonkee


      Meh GHK AK Master Race > Japanese plastic knitting machine :P

  19. My Real Sword T97 has been stuck at the GLS German international sorting office for 6 days now. Nothing coming up on the Parcel Force tracking number either. When do I start kicking up a fuss? Haven't had a delay like this before!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. hunter511


      @Asmodai, less defense more the Germans get a huuuuge sad on about full auto at above .5 joules. Why some minor functionary may have decided to open your package is beyond me. That's the only thing I can think of out of hand tho I may be completely wrong. 

    3. Skara


      Where did the guns you ordered from San Marino pass through @Asomodai? Germany or France?

    4. Asomodai


      @Skara not sure about zmfrom Italy.  But the guns bought from gunfire were sent via GLS from Poland through Germany. Only difference this time is from the Czech Republic through Germany. 

  20. My TM M9 U.S is making a quiet popping a second after I fire. Is this mags or the pistol? I presume I need to lube or clean something. Any ideas?

    1. Steveocee


      I had something very similar recently with my G18C, needed just a touch of lube around the loading nozzle and return spring and a bit of "movement" to settle it in. Maybe worth a try. I hadn't lubed/maintained my G18 for a year prior to this.

  21. Need time to sit down and review The Mall last night. Its gonna be a difficult one ;)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albiscuit


      No free donuts?

    3. Asomodai


      Cant think of any site that does provide them!


      Only negative is that they do not promote more bullpup usage. I feel so alone :(

    4. Albiscuit


      Then all of your reviews should have NO FREE DONUTS as the main negative :P  


      There was a time you got free donuts at EAG Tunnels and Dorking with lunch ;) 

  22. Need to stop looking at Airsoft Stuff online. It's a toss up between the TM Desert Warrior and this beast! https://wolfarmouries.co.uk/armorer-works-custom-1911-compact-airsoft-pistol-black.html

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai


      It does feel great @BibbsOnTour but I already have an MEU mag pistol and its unusable in the winter with the small gas capacity, I think the Desert Warrior has a heavier slide then the Strike Warrior as well...


      Maybe I should be sensible and complete my French loadout with a PAMAS (M92 Beretta copy)

    3. BibbsOnTour


      Ahh I've not got a GBB pistol (or any side arm) as yet so I'm not that knowledgeable on them but yeah I reckon you should complete that loadout!

    4. Asomodai


      @BibbsOnTour I caved and bought the M9 to round out the French loadout. 


  23. New SE Tour Review is up of EAG Dorking! 

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