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Posts posted by GearTech

  1. On 04/05/2019 at 14:00, TheFull9 said:

    Hope you've got a cosplay instagram account for this kinda stuff, people over there fuckin love it.  Some airsofters will too of course but the real demand is in cosplay and I'd reckon that's an overall globally bigger 'thing' than airsoft these days.

    My Instagram account has everything I paint. Always try to tag the right crowds when I post: @geartech_custompaint 

  2. 23 hours ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

    @GearTech Out of curiosity what's your inspiration? It looks incredible and to be honest it reminds me a bit of some of the uniforms and kit used in Terminator Salvation. Keep up the excellent work!


    @Lasbrisas17 Good work, I must admit I wouldn't mind a MICH myself but unfortunately my big fat head won't fit airsoft ones 🤣

    The inspiration for this one came from listening to the amazing audio book "World War Z" (nothing like the movie) where Alpha Teams were dropped in to rally pockets of survivors and work on building back communities. The idea is this is one of the survivors that the teams are helping so he has a mixture of civilian, military and law enforcement kit. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Druid799 said:

    WoW ! I’m impressed you actually made an evo look less like the lump of smegma from the Devils foreskin that it actually is ! Well done sir !😱

    Yet again congratulations on the Sterling paint job  , only negative (yes I’m actually going to pint out some negative points !😳) I know it’s what the customer will have wonted but those big ass stencils on the mags ? Nope you’ll never see anything like that on Sterling mags and the same for the ‘dirt’ looks 100% real but wouldn’t happen as the RSM would rip your heart out of you chest if he’d seen dirt like that on ANY weapon ! 🤯


    Good points. I'm not into rusted firearms. Even in the apocalypse they would be too valuable to allow to get that way. The Sterling is from a near future/post apocalyptic type scenario. The "rust" is actually dust and the stencils.... Well everyone puts stencils on things during the apocalypse. Don't they? 

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