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Everything posted by Chopper92

  1. Anyone else going to Anzio camp on the 22nd me and a load of guys travelling up for it! Heard good things !

  2. 'Quiet couple of pints' stumble in at 3am, over slee, banging hangover, that's Airsoft written off today

    1. Monty


      No drunken purchases?

    2. Chopper92


      Luckily I managed to avoid although lots of different tabs are open on the iPad!

  3. Time to fix the VSR !

  4. Classic Army or ASG AUG? Any noticeable differences apart from the price?

    1. Monty


      The ASG is a JG, the Classic Army is a much better choice.

    2. aftershock


      I have a tm and it's my baby all standard. They are 250 new and 130-40 secondhand. The classic army is poor compared to asg one.

  5. Best place to get pencott badlands gear ?

    1. Comicbook hero

      Comicbook hero

      Military 1st have some Pencott stuff in as do Flecktarn.co.uk. I have used Military 1st a number of times and they give good service. Never used Flecktarn.co.uk

  6. VSR broke at the weekend :( bolt comes back but then won't go forward again! Any suggestions, stripped it down re-greased it but still the same, maybe a trigger box problem?

    1. padraigthesniper


      yep it probably is check your spring guide stopper that sounds like a weird issue

    2. Chopper92


      Yeah just randomly did it in the middle of a game and then has kept doing it since, bit odd, will only go forward if I pull the trigger which makes it fly forward

  7. From experience , which is the best courier to send a RIF with? Inside the U.K.

    1. jcheeseright


      Parcelforce 48 is pretty much the only service that will allow a RIF


    2. two_zero


      also probably the worst company :/

    3. Monty


      They've been pretty reliable for me.

  8. To sell my m4 and buy an LMG or not ?!?! Hmm decisions decisions

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Monty


      Every LMG

    3. Chopper92


      M249 , now I have my scorpion the m4 is seeming slightly redundant

    4. Lozart


      M249 for the win.

  9. After basically coming home with tinnitus after playing at The Gaol this weekend, I think it's time to invest in a BFG.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. two_zero
    3. Sacarathe


      Thanks Lozart, i've ordered some :D

    4. Chopper92


      Enjoyed it! Was good change of pace from the norm and pretty eerie playing in old prison @SgtTalbert

  10. Any holo sights going ? Also those with scorpion evos, what ways do you carry your mags and how many ?

    1. Spatch


      I just sold my evo, ran 6 mags, blue force gear speed ten MP7 chest rig holds 5 perfectly, not cheap but awesome, all my rigs are blue force

  11. Anyone got an ASG scorpion evo ? Looking for some feedback, also is there only 75rnd mags available for them ?

    1. Rock-climby-Dave


      They're awesome and yes, only 75 round mags

  12. Facing the fact I may have to sell a couple of guns , to find something new.... Can't decide what's going to get the chop though !

  13. Looking for a cheapish comms set to go with a bowman single pin headset ? Any suggestions can't find any baofeng sets that are single pin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mr Monkey Nuts
    3. Mr Monkey Nuts

      Mr Monkey Nuts

      baofengs use a kenwood style connector

    4. proffrink


      Ideally stay away from the Baofeng if you want something simple and legal without a licence. Look at Motorola 1-pin and getting their T80 or T81 as they're rugged, simple and legal.

  14. Combat Action Games in Felthorpe, I usually play there and just this Sunday gone we had 110 players.... On average we get around 50 players though. All wood land with various different bases dotted around some building some bunkers an led trenches. Although the marshalling is very good and they will adjust the game area according to the amount of players. Therefore you will never be short of action!
  15. Anyone got any suggestions on a holster for an M&P 9 ?! Preferably a hard body one as its keeps getting caught in my fabric one

    1. M_P


      I use a serpa for an XDM

    2. Lozart


      Fobus do a few nice ones.

  16. Anyone used fire support before ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mos


      Bought everything I use thats airsoft related, from there. It's a quality store.

    3. Jedi_Master
    4. Blondie


      When i get parts form them, they are always fair and help me out, however i once sent my G&G M4 there, to be upgraded and tbh, it has never run right since then.

  17. After an LMG preferably a m249, anyone selling ?

  18. What's evike for shipping mags into the uk? Last time I ordered they refunded my money as they found the item was out of stock

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. proffrink


      Yup, there are very few things that you can't buy in the UK or Europe that you can in the US. You just gotta look - won't always be on a British site, but France, Spain and Germany have some huge retailers.

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      or take chance ordering from hong kong - dunno how good thes guys are:



    4. Sitting Duck
  19. Anyone dealt with bbguns4less before ? As a general rule of thumb I don't deal with places that refer to airsoft weapons as bbguns but they seem to be the only place to have what I want in stock

  20. Stepping up to .4s in my sniper from .3s , any suggestions? Best places buy ?

  21. Picking up a GFC PP19 Bizon for £75 tomorrow? Bargain or not ? Reviews seems to rare on this particular gun but everything I have read seems fairly positive

    1. Zvezda


      Much like LCT its probably a copy of the silverback model so it lacks a front sling mount >:( Also watch out for the pot metal. Due to the mag's strange shape and the weapons limited use there aren't any dedicated pouches for it, most people use RPK mag pouches due t their length. That being said it is a bargain really :)

  22. Very tempted to pre-order the new Krytac LMG. Only place that seems to be able to have it is Action Hobbies though, can anyone vouch for them ? As I never bought from there before .

  23. That meant to say Ghillie* suit. Bloody autocorrect!

  24. just ordered a chilliest suit. Im either going to hate it or love it !

  25. Why's everyone suddenly buying WA2000's ?!?! They're horrible

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      Where have you seen them?

    3. Chopper92


      Predominantly Facebook groups

    4. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      Oh, why don't you express your views on them haha?

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