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Showing content with the highest reputation since 13/03/24 in Status Updates

  1. I know the mk23 isn’t to everyone’s taste, but still a bit harsh
    7 points
  2. Happy Christmas to all forum members. I hope you all get what you wish for. Have a good time🎉👍 Regards
    6 points
  3. Hey all I hope I find you well. Some of you will know me some not. Many of you I have met. I'm somewhat of a dinosaur now. I spent some time hunting 80-90-2000s spring guns. It became quite an obsessive project. I never thought I would get rid of any of them but I've come to realise much of the thrill was in the hunt, and I let one go and it was nice to let it go to someone else to enjoy. I'm not sure what I want to get rid of some of you will have watched as I amassed it. There are so many it's very hard to list. If there's anything anyone is interested in do give me a shout.
    6 points
  4. I think I'm letting the side down. I've got one rif, one pistol and am happy with what I've got. I look at other pews and think That's nice but I wouldn't use it as I'm happy with what I've got! I'm sorry. I'll try harder.
    6 points
  5. This guy is repeatedly contacting people, offering considerably more than their asking, clearly it's a scam but the finer details are unclear, merely because no one has fallen for his bullshit. But rather than wait for someone to get suckered, he's gone🔨
    6 points
  6. Guys, this member is being looked at as a possible scammer, don't enter in to any deals with him while this message is visible. Update: he's responded to the buyer finally, with a plausible excuse, but the situation remains the same until the goods are delivered.
    5 points
  7. He's from the afuk Nigerian club👎
    5 points
  8. Be advised, replied to a wanted ad of mine with images from a airsoft online retail store.
    5 points
  9. Jez_Armstrong

    off you fuck, spammer

    off you fuck, spammer
    5 points
  10. ATTENTION ALL G&G LEVAR OWNERS! THERE IS AN ISSUE WITH YOUR RIFLE. It has come to our attention that there is a serious design flaw in the G&G LevAR rifles - both sizes. The pistol grip is breaking and disconnecting the gas line that travels from the gas tank within the pistol grip and into the main receiver. If gassed and under pressure, this can happen with an explosive release of the pressure, so please DO NOT use or mess about with your rifle. We were notified two days ago of a customers rifle 'exploding' as it was lifted from its box immediately after delivery. As we have not yet received that rifle back, we were not sure what had caused this failure and were hoping that it had been damaged in transit by the delivery courier. Around 5 mins ago, we've had two customers at the same airsoft site with the exact same failure. First use of the rifle and they both failed after a small impact. All three of these were the LONG 15" version but the grip is the same on the shorter 7" and although the shorty doesn't have the associated weight and leveraged forces of having the full stock and longer top receiver, there is still a risk of the same thing happening if you impact it hard enough. One rifle was propped on its stock and slid sideways, landing flat on the ground. The other was accidentally dropped to the ground from waist height whilst standing in the safe zone. Both pistol grips shattered and instantly released the gas as the line connection disconnected. Please bear with us as we are not open again until Tuesday (we have always been shut on Mondays) and we will contact YOU. So please do not start sending us emails, texts and everything else you want to throw at us, including the LevAR's We cannot get hold of G&G until Monday, and although I'm fairly sure they must already know about this failure we need to discuss a solution in order to resolve this quickly. PLEASE PASS THIS ON
    5 points
  11. Jesus H effin christ, the rule 5 thingamabob has taken a right pasting tonight, so many noobs that join & immediately post in the classifieds without reading the rules ffs 🤬
    4 points
  12. Hi, ALL! 👋 Today my channel reached 400 subscribers, been a crazy year of back logged footage and editing, worth it! 🎉 Will continue to have fun and do more. 🫡 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    4 points
  13. Shit sales threads which he attempted to justify by claiming selling on behalf of a dead friend, & then abusive when anyone questions it. No place for his lazy shit eating attitude here.
    4 points
  14. @Stokey2785 your adverts are terribly written, very little info that's of use, awful pictures, especially the gun thats covered in ghillie wrap, people need to see, in detail, what their actually contemplating buying. And finally, why have you joined to sell your mates stuff, maybe he needs to sign up & take responsibility for these atrocious sales threads. Sort it out please, before they get deleted due to their misleading nature.
    4 points
  15. I know I probably posted this last time, but I'm always amazed at Japanese efficiency. Ordered a barrel from Orga on Saturday and it just arrived today, all the way from Japan!
    4 points
  16. I just fell for the classic ‘ooh I’ll try fettling with some airsoft bollocks to unwind a bit before bed’ which predictably led to me losing a grip screw and lots of swearing. Anyway, 30 minutes of rolling around later I’m headed to bed full of dust, screw still MIA and more wound up then when I started 😂
    4 points
  17. Welcome Sofie, whatever dad posts in the "what I've just bought" thread, you can't tell mum about it😏
    4 points
  18. POTENTIAL SCAM. Replied to a wanted ad of mine using a picture I'm sure I've seen before on another ad. When asked for close up photos, I received cropped/zoomed parts of the main picture that was sent. When asked about using PayPal G&S was told that they didn't have a PayPal account.
    3 points
  19. Tackle

    Bye bye scamming cnut

    Bye bye scamming cnut
    3 points
  20. No prizes for guessing what ls on my TV tonight 😂
    3 points
  21. @ak2m4 with another Christmas miracle! Ordered some internals for my latest project, not expecting to see them until after Christmas, when they arrived about 15 minutes ago! Excellent service as usual 😀 Now, the postman who's seemingly unable to work a doorbell is another matter! Had to quickly put on some shoes and chase him down the road before he disappeared! 😂
    3 points
  22. I really don’t get why there’s not a semi auto gas tri shot SPAS 12 in production. Feel like it’s a job for someone like North East Airsoft to take on. wouldn’t want it to eject, just run off the Marui shells would be fine
    3 points
  23. Report to admins newest user @scottmiller going through wanted ads getting people to email “Matt” to be scammed. Had this one a couple times already on the same wanted ad.
    3 points
  24. Hi, ALL! 👋 Still around, been busy with things going on…. Steadily going through the backlog of footage collected, upload them when I can. I know players on here, that I encountered, you will soon be in a video. I will message you, likewise and check my page more often. Thanks for the support on here. 👊😎 💷GAMBLE💷
    3 points
  25. Apparently I'm now ranked as a Mentor! I think they've missed the De off the beginning!
    3 points
  26. Been called bro more times then I can count today 😄
    3 points
  27. Corfu is distinctly lacking in Airsoft shops. But sells alcohol that could get a spitfire engine running from cold. 😂😂😂😵‍💫
    3 points
  28. Hi, ALL. Haven’t been on here in a while, been busy, just getting back into editing. @Lozart backlog of videos, was great to meet you on that day, liked the comment. 🔫😎👍 💷GAMBLE💷
    3 points
  29. Puzzled by the amount of kit with mad prices gone on in the last few days.............🤔 Then I remembered it's the school holidays 😂
    3 points
  30. V3 clicker's PDF is available if you want to salivate before it's released fully: https://perunairsoft.pl/clickerv3.pdf
    3 points
  31. Found some really cheap 0.40g BB's, thought "wow" and bought 4,000 of them for the DMR. Now I have them I realise they're black 😢
    3 points
  32. Took down my first V2 today, swapped over the knackered compression parts from my UTR's jam and even tried my hand at reshimming - and it works! Made up, honestly - thought it'd be a disaster but I'm absolutely buzzing - chronoing tomorrow to see how much it's jumped up!
    3 points
  33. It's always a good day when you receive an @ak2m4 order!
    3 points
  34. So many people getting played/scammed when it comes to trades. I myself would never do a trade but if I was it would always be done in person. Always use Paypal goods and services!
    3 points
  35. Bankholidayatworkandithinkivehadtoomuchcoffeealreadyyyyyy
    3 points
  36. Do not approach. As previous comments have stated, this seller uses images from other Airsoft sites to claim as their own. Also requested payment via PayPal friends and family.
    2 points
  37. I've been out of the sport for so long, glad to see it's still doing as well as ever, need to get back to some games
    2 points
  38. Something different in the works....
    2 points
  39. Merry Christmas! Wishing you, your loved ones, and the entire airsoft community a joyous holiday season filled with happiness, good health, and exciting adventures! May your guns always be upgraded, and your games always be epic!🥰🎉🎊🌲🌲🏕️🎇🎆🧨🎐🎄♻️🔫
    2 points
  40. Regards your g&g L85 you were hoping to sell, forget it, as well as the issues with you using stock images, your fps is above the lawful limit, & could be considered a section 5 firearm, naughty naughty 😏. II'll hide the thread, in its current state it cannot be sold here, get that sorted, new spring etc & take some pics of the actual gun & your welcome to readvertise it.
    2 points
  41. rj1986

    TM NGRS m60? too much to ask?

    TM NGRS m60? too much to ask?
    2 points
  42. After a few scam attempts, I am STILL looking for that sweet sweet TM MP5k High Cycle if anyone wants to get rid of one. Prompt payment waiting! Cheers
    2 points
  43. If you've ever felt like you received a genuine optic from Aliexpress by accident then go ahead and hit that subscribe button, guys... Like and comment the comment section is out of control, do your thing, I will do nothing to stop you.
    2 points
  44. Tackle

    Scammer pos from Nigeria

    Scammer pos from Nigeria
    2 points
  45. Hoffa


    2 points
  46. Another scammer, well actually the same guy I banned last week, just back with a new name🤬, thanks @aragoth for the heads up & remaining vigilant.
    2 points
  47. I just went and spent way too much money on short MWS mags and hi-capa parts, but now my "list of things I want" only contains the MTW and a winter ghillie setup. But I'm starting a new job with a hefty pay rise, so it's okay, right?
    2 points
  48. I have spent way too much on Aliexpress this week...
    2 points
  49. Airsofters are Airsoft's worst enemy.
    2 points
  50. Does anybody else start off with a solid build plan in mind, then go to look at parts and end up finding something completely different? I planned to build a GBB MK18 out of the spares I've got, and then stumbled across some Colt Canada furniture in the green and now my mind is changed fully 😂
    2 points
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