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An-94 Akaban
BIGwat and one other reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
Looks like this will happen, pretty quirky “next gen” Ak released in the 80’s/90’s period I wonder if it will have the Hyperburst, anti recoil/moving barrel system 😳 Garand Thumb did a video on this about a year ago Pretty cooool https://www.taiwangun.com/assault-rifle-aeg/an-94-airsoft-assault-rifle-tg Click the “Watch on YouTube” link2 points -
Macks airsoft dreamers of the week thread
Galvatron and one other reacted to Cannonfodder for a topic
True but £80 is still double what it's worth2 points -
Dying for for Emperor at Biohazard 2. It went great after I gave up on trying to defog my eyepro and just switched to mesh. The most remarkable thing was the countdown timer to the next game, which meant actual 10 minute breaks and a 45 minute lunch (plus wrangling time). Klaxons and everything. All sites should have this, no exceptions, no excuses.2 points
Yesterday myself and my 2 lads went back to Level 2 for the later afternoon session A few renters in the session, but the mjority of players were well kitted out. My eldest had some issues with his pistol not feeding, which we rectified when we got home My youngest had to run the gauntlet as we notifed the marshall it ws his birthday earlier in the week, he had to run between 2 houses in nuketown whilst the entire player base peppered him with shots. He took it rather well 18 players a side, and we were on the Non Stripes My guns chroned at 299 for my rifle and 240 for my pistol, both on .25 Game 1 - TDM. Standard first game affair, a nice way to warm up. Probably my best round of the session to be honest, only got hit twice and went on a nice killing streak, that included 4 knife kills back to back. We won the round 92-87 Game 2 - Bombination. This round we were tasked with moving the bomb to our detination point, whilst also stopping the enemy team from moving the same bomb to their detontation point. If you move to fast with the bomb it flashes red and you have to put it down so it resets. We managed to get control of the bomb quite early in the round and I was carying it around, sadly we managed to miss our detination point as it was rather well hidden. The rest of the round was back and forth with bot sides trying in vain to get the bomb to their designated spots. Round ended in a draw Game 3 - Nuke. This mode consisted of 2 bombs placed around the map without their plungers, we had to find the plunger and get it to the bomb to detonate it, there was also a dummy plunger in play that didnt do anything. We managed to find one of the plungers and detonate one bomb in the time limit, but the other one remained intact resulting in a loss Game 4 - Defend the zones. This time there were targets placed around 2 locations that we had to defend, if the traget was shot it would change colour. The aim was to finsih the round with more targets in our colour than theirs. 9 Targets in total and as they were placed around 2 locations it concentrated all the firefights there. At the end of the round we still held 7 target out of the 9 so another round win Game 5 - Domination. Final game of the night and the one where I didn't see that much action to be honest. I managed with my lads to secure the middle point on the map and then we proceded to defend it for the duration, I think we only saw a few players trying to capture it. Not really sure why as the middle point is usually the most contested. We didnt loose a single point from this point and due to this won the round. Final Score - 3.5 - 1.5 My Team won overall Only real sour points yesterday were the rate of fire at times was way too high, pretty sure some people were using full auto and here was far too many instances of players not taking their hits. Stillwe had fun and will be back there again next month for another game or 22 points
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
Cocha and one other reacted to strykerles for a topic
Continuing the £20 masada story, stripped the God awful black paint from it (and some of the original) 🙄 Sorted the non existent safety, changed the 10yr old hop rubber, adjusted the motor and general tidying After stripping the paint there were a few stains left over but I feel it gives it a used look which is fine. Acquired some mags from @Colin Allen and it feeds and fires at 310fps on a .252 points -
Gun picture thread
MasterGouken and one other reacted to Darkmikey22 for a topic
2 points -
Galaxy mp5k, fully auto only
BYRNEMORGAN52 and one other reacted to Colin Allen for an advert
2 points -
New player looking for Acturus guns
Rogerborg reacted to Cannonfodder for a topic
I wouldn't trust the 99% ofairsoft youtubers to be able to tie their own shoelaces, let alone give an honest and unbiased review. Many of them are sponsored and it's not in their interests to give a bad review1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
ButcherBill reacted to strykerles for a topic
The feed tube is in a totally different place to a regular AK mag, you can buy those types of mags for a regular ak too If you don't need them I'm happily accepting donations 😁1 point -
The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread
Colin Allen reacted to Impulse for a topic
A very successful day today. I decided to try using my m40a5 on red gas today to see if it would be happy even though it was still pretty chilly today (though it was definitely warmer than it has been). It was a challenge getting the power down, but I managed to get it to 2.2J and then took it out. The problem I had in the past when I ran it on green gas in the winter, was that the consistency was awful; I'd start a mag at 2.2J and end it at 1.4J. However, on red gas it was absolutely fine today and I managed to use it for the whole day without issue, so that was a welcome surprise. Well, I had one issue, but... well, I will try a 4uantum rubber in it because the 60 degree Flamingo was excited today. I could barely turn the hop on before it started sending BBs to the moon, so I'll trial a different rubber in it. There were some pain points today though. They were all brought up to the marshalls, and the marshalls did act on it so I'm not going to complain about it; the past few game days haven't had these sorts of issues, so hopefully it's just a blip. We had some people going waaaaaaaay out of bounds and spawncamping today (group of ghillie players with HPA guns, to nobody's surprise I'm sure...), we had people shooting over a field that we're not allowed to shoot over, there was some questionable hit taking, and some people moving and talking when dead. Also the hi-capa and AAP worked really well on black gas today, and the new holster is just phenomenal. Almost lost one of my hi-capa mags, but it was found and handed in thankfully. With all these successes with higher power gas, I think I might try my mk12 MWS (set up as a DMR) on red gas next game day. In these temperatures, it should be fine as the psi of red gas in these temperatures is lower than green in summer, and will hopefully just be a bit more consistent than green gas in the cold.1 point -
New player looking for Acturus guns
Cannonfodder reacted to Mik3F for a topic
Electric Guns - Airsoft Forums UK Thats the place for AEG's, probably plenty of topics in there covering what you need The best thing you can do is ask questions, find a gun you like and then ask questions about it Buying from somewhere like PatrolBase will get you a warranty on it Also ask what guns the players use when you go to play yourself, most players will happily show you what they have and talk about it Also don't forget batteries and charger, most guns don't come with one unless you get a starter bundle1 point -
TM MP7 intermittent trigger issue
WildBoneZ reacted to Diablo675! for a topic
If it’s soft and squishy have a look on YouTube for a video that explains how to modify the hammer and check the sears. they are over moulded from factory so after time they give the feeling of the dead trigger yeah the chassis only needs very light greasing and the piston needs oiling every 20 mags or so for it to be decent.1 point -
Magpul MOE AK+ AK47/AK74 Pistol Grip
davidf reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
Enid_Puceflange reacted to Anonymoose for a topic
What kind of bullshit is this? (You better go buy a gun to make up for it.)1 point -
Magpul MOE AK+ AK47/AK74 Pistol Grip
davidf reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
Most gbbr’s will accept R/S grips I’d be quite confident that’d be a direct fit1 point -
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
ButcherBill reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
An effing Quooker! Apparently more pressing than me getting more toys 🙄1 point -
Wanted mk18
Tackle reacted to Callum harrison for an advert
1 point -
I don't know any weekenders that are as big as the NAF. The only two larger weekend events I know are... AI500 is usually around 400 - 500 players. Usually at a pretty cool and unique sites, like the upcoming one is at an amusement part that recently closed down, but the quality of airsoft varies. Some are decent, some have been a total shitshow. Shift Your RIFTs is... I don't know how many players, but it's pretty big too. At RIFT's REDCON site, which is pretty nice and it has a bit of everything; CQB areas, open areas, wooded areas. Only been once myself, but I had an absolute blast last year and will definitely be going back again. Both are best enjoyed with friends though. The social aspect of large events is the main draw in my opinion.1 point
TM MP7 intermittent trigger issue
WildBoneZ reacted to Diablo675! for a topic
What type of feeling do you get from the trigger? soft, squishy or does it just feel like a dead trigger? has the chassis been removed fully cleaned and lived lately? tm Mp7’s are known for intermittent working if they are over lubed. the seat sometimes fails and the steel sear is a good replacement if can find one.1 point -
Exactly my thoughts 🤣 I see AN-94, I click buy! Takes me back to Battlefield bad company 2 days 😂 they were talking about trying to get a hyper burst system (first two rounds at a higher rpm), but that sounds pretty complicated 😂1 point
There are some really nice models. Umarex px4 is a nice piece for features but there are probably a few similar examples. I'm shifting a few of mine if you are in the market. https://youtube.com/@herosharkno1?si=eZmmuFfsLYZF6_5K Kwc desert eagle is a very detailed model as it's based on the gbb version and shoots pretty nicely even has adjustable hop.1 point
The 'What have you just bought' Thread
BigStew reacted to Anonymoose for a topic
1 point -
Proposed S&T AN-94 - good or bad!?
Lozart reacted to strykerles for a topic
Yep me too, then do my usual thing of gutting it and rebuilding it to my liking 😂1 point -
Cyma Platinum SLR AK 105 hop up issue
scrumpy reacted to The_Lord_Poncho for a topic
Yes, this isnt normal. That kind of reduction should only happen if you are cranking the hop enough to lift depleted uranium BBs. Assuming you don:t have deep enough pockets to feed that habit, it would seem that either the bucking is torn/nub incorrectly fitted, or something else weird is going on with the hop bucking combo. Either way, the way forward is swapping to a good quality bucking and nub combo - and crucially a combination that is known to play well with your particular hop unit and gearbox/nozzle length (or if there is a paucity of Info on this, be prepared for some trial and error).1 point -
1 point
PTS Masada paint removal
Defender90 reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
I don’t think it will The only thing I found that will remove anodising is drain cleaner, it needs a soak in that and a good brillo Ano goes into the aluminiums pores, you really need something VERY aggressive to remove that (and whatever you use will also want to remove your skin!)1 point -
PTS Masada paint removal
Defender90 reacted to ButcherBill for a topic
Just don't smoke while you do it or you'll remove a few more layers than expected.1 point -
PTS Masada paint removal
Defender90 reacted to Enid_Puceflange for a topic
You’ve asked the second most common question in Airsoft after… ”what am best gnu?”😄 Give it a wipe with a cloth covered in petrol, it’ll remove it in seconds without damage. you can use acetone or nail polish remover to, but it’ll take longerer 😉1 point -
1 point
The Depot 1.0. An Old Abandoned Furniture Factory with loads of dedicated parking. 180,000 square feet. Seven stairwells meant that there was always another way to push. Daylit upstairs, dark and dank downstairs. Cover absolutely everywhere. Locations full of character, including a canteen with counters and chest fridges (perfect for hiding in, or grenade-popping hilarity). Anything that ejaculated BBs, right down to a springer shotgun or pistol, was usable. Best of all, it was (generally) superbly run with a marshal team that knew their site and what they were doing. Chrono was run efficiently and guns were tested in-game with site BBs. Shenanigans were shut down, games were rebalanced on the fly, mentals and cheaters were punted off site, including a couple of rogue marshals who got caught with hot guns and sent away in disgrace - that's the way to do it. There's a Depot 2.0 now but it's reportedly more linear with choke points that can lock games down in ways that never happened at the OG site. I'll try it at some point, but I suspect it'll be like dating your hot ex's chubby sister.1 point
There were elements about urban assault that I loved.....mainly their night games. The buildings were just a bit to far from each other to suppress from one building to another and there was next to no cover on between buildings. Led to lots of frustration, cheat calling and generally after lunch game play was not great. Whether that was from a frustrating morning or the after lunch sugar slump I don't know. The weird cliques on site weren't fun either. Miss ucap the sandpit, epic site. Found the skirmishes there didn't maximize the site but my god, Stirling games with the boats etc were epic.1 point
For me there’s a few that I wish I’d gone too and missed out on or ones that I played a lot of but have been shut down. the Mall, never got to play their due to transport etc and always regret making the trip down. From what a few of you are saying it ran better when first & only had it before Z adventures. Ucap the sandpit, I remember watching a milsim video on it once of players going across in boats and was hooked ever since, never got to play it though. Raf upwood. Played there a couple of times and always had a lot of fun. It did seem like it was very clicky though and if you weren’t a regular you got looked down on. Grange farm Airsoft, a good little site. It was nothing special map wise but the gameplay always ran well and the marshalling/hit taking was the best I’ve seen. When the special event ran (sort of a 2 day social) the made the extra effort to make sure everyone was having fun. there’s one site that I find brilliant but unfortunately due to how many players go now it takes it away a bit. And that’s the national airsoft festival. I went 2011,2012,2015,2017 and the early years were so much better game play wise.1 point
PTS Masada paint removal
Defender90 reacted to Anonymoose for a topic
Acetone is likely to damage/melt the plastic. It'll definitely remove paint, but quite possibly more too.0 points -
0 points