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  1. Sierra Bravo Airsoft - Op Yarra 3-4/6/23 Ultimate Wargames Kent Another in the Namsoft series of games, this one has a difference in that the game revolves around Australian involvement in Vietnam. Teams were therefore Australian SAS, Australian Infantry and a pair of New Zealanders versus the usual array of VC and PAVN players. A few civilians hung around the village too, and play an increasingly important role in the games too. The site is a woodland site with some well-constructed buildings, and a CQB area that comprises of steel fencing dumped old crap cars etc. The safe zone is central and splits the site in two. The main half is very pleasant, the CQB side less so, but a good game space none the less. We arrived to the first shock, which was that bugger all people were there. Our usual group of lunatics number about a dozen or so, only three of us made the trip this time. Mrs TPH was ill, so it would have been four. I think that this was due to the game next week at Gunman being so close. Personally, I’ll keep the gear in the car and just charge the batteries up again. The teams were fifteen a side booked on, slightly less in attendance. Friday night was a good laugh, very laid back and I ended up reading for half an hour before bed. Mao on rural warfare was a good primer for the morning I thought. Briefing was brief, informal and stuck to the basics. Each rif chronoed was recorded. Any late changes and I doubt that you’d be covered by site insurance. Quite right to. With regular players in attendance, only the basics needed saying. Most players were on first name terms. Saturday started with a simple game setting out boxes to respawn with. These had to be hidden well and intelligently. We manged to set out five or so out of a minimum of eleven, avoiding the enemy all of the time. Each had to be guarded for ten minutes after placement and this was achieved, the coordinates marked and relayed to control. After years of playing together we're finally getting our basic act together re: comms and maps - hurrah. Next up, we fancied some trigger time. We set off in what we guessed was the location of the enemy only to blunder into them. They got the drop, we ran away like schoolgirls, except myself, who manfully hid in a holly bush after a strategic retreat of thirty yards (I wasn’t awake enough to run…) I waited to cover the retreating VC only to hear them blunder into another patrol that must have been following us! I sat tight and the pursuing SAS team made straight along the main track in a huddle. Ho ho ho Chi Minh… I let rip with the RPK and sent them legging it in turn. By this time, someone had the presence of mind to order us all back into the centre of the site out of the Australian pincer. Final score two VC wounded for several Aus dead according to our radio. Next up we set up two boxes of high value in the CQB zone and waited. And waited. For almost an hour nothing happened. I then decided that the only part of the site not covered must hold the other team, so I set off, collecting someone with the same vague intention as myself. We soon bumped the Aus squad, and exchanged fire, radioing in our position. We were told to pull out and so did, firing as we went. The time was up for the Aus to attack and so we legged it with both boxes intact and a second leg won. Third game was an attack on the Vietnamese village that we had to repulse. This went well, we decided to defend a few small strong points rather than randomly defend a few. I set up in the upstairs of the corner building along with three other players. One covered the stairs. After a while we heard someone enter downstairs. They could have easily shot a sentry so our plan was a good one. Then things got strange. Our comrade fired a shot that followed by a blood curdling scream and a loud series of thuds. Someone shouted ‘cease fire.’ A civilian player ran over with a chair, fearing a broken lower limb from the stair fally noises. We looked over the banisters to see someone holding their head and shaking. They suddenly exploded into a series of shouts that they had been badly hosed with BBs and that they were in great pain. FFS, they’d been hit with a single BB… With much effort we didn’t laugh but consoled the person that they had been hit with a single BB and advised that they go and lay down which they and the rest of the SAS squad did. The ASAS reenactors are a decent bunch, but they do miss the point sometimes. The next minute, the police station exploded with noise as a mammoth pyro battle ensued. I ran out of bangs and feared that I’d run out of BBs for the first time ever. It was one intense set to, and to be honest, I was glad that I was watching the noise from another building. One of the civvies had a blank firing MP40 and was adding to the noise and confusion with 9mm blanks. The ‘nade throwing was pretty accurate and we out threw the Aus team in the end. Much ear rubbing ensued. We then all sat down and swapped fags, drank water, and did a post-mortem on the stairs incident in case any of us were dreaming. We rebalanced sides with a couple of ‘picked volunteers.’ Next up was an attack on the main Aus base. This was important as it was the last game of a hot and long days airsofting. Luckily, our spawn boxes were all unfound at that end of the site, so we had little distance to run, although we still had the five minute bleed out time. We really threw ourselves at the fort. I set up in decent cover and really did suppress the oppo side. A pal with a DMR set up to my left, swearing that I drew too much attention with my timed bursts. They shot really well tbh. I did keep a few heads down. A few brave souls charged as we suppressed and did very well, getting into a few feet of range before engaging. We rolled the position up after a hell of a time though. It was really back and forth. I was about dry when we finally took the position. Sunday dawned warm and clear and we started late. The SAS team went home. We were down to six ANZACs versus eight VC. Three VC had to leave early so we left it at that. This was a fall back game with the Vietnamese chasing the Aus team from the fort. I can honestly say that this was some of my most memorable airsoft ever. We blundered into the Aus side at first, in a repeat of Saturday. Third game in a row that I’ve fucked up Sunday morning! I’ll change my brand of isotonic sports scotch I think… Next attempt we really tightened things up. I set up a spot to suppress from, the DMR guy held an overview at 45 degrees and we sent our rifleman in to draw fire, respawn and try again. Third attempt we got the two groups of two as they tried to do their fall back in rushes bit. Shot our son for the second time that weekend. Well satisfied. The next fall back was an attack on two blockhouses. This was classic airsoft too. I sneaked around the back and got to within feet of the window before being spotted and shot. The next attempt I took two others and we aced it. I was the only one un-hit , and managed to slide into blockhouse one through a window. I set up and listed as the second blockhouse put up a good fight. I laid down fire to have it returned well passed my position. They had not realised that the first blockhouse was in our possession. In time my BBs found their mark. The whole fight had taken so long that we decided to wrap up with one last scrap over the main base. I’ll leave it there (before we got beat) to say that it was truly classic airsoft, and one of my favourite days ever. Why drive four plus hours and camp just to play games that are not 100% different from normal if themed? Well… the gameplay was excellent. No cheat calling, no arguing (bizarre bollox on this occasion excepted), good hit taking, great atmosphere, fun social in the evening, nice food and company and a meet up with old friends. I much prefer doing a couple or one of these games a month March to November than skirmish silliness every couple of weeks, much as I loved my last skirmish game. I came home after little sleep and a lot of booze and exercise feeling refreshed and very mellow. The lad agreed that this was a very good game indeed. Mrs TPH well pissed off at missing things. No worries as next week we will roast the lick-spittle running dogs of the comprador capitalist class all over again on a different site. Cheers: just about everything. Best airsoft games ever AFAIK. Moans: getting a bit too loose on the loadout front. Get yourself some proper black PJs people. I’ve had mine for 17 years and trained kung fu in them thrice a week for twelve. They’re in a state tbh but they do look authentic. Likewise, leave the scrim wrapped M4 at home and borrow a gun if need be. A non-tactical AK74 will pass, we’re not stitch counters but make an effort. Du ban GI!
    6 points
  2. As per this reply in the other thread, KombatUK makes a version of this boot too. I picked mine up on sale for about £25 but their MSRP is usually around £40-£50. Here's a pair for £40. I've been using them for indoors play and they've very comfortable. Zero complaints about them. Not been to an outdoors site this year but I tend to use my surplus AKUs then.
    2 points
  3. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Umarex Mp5k PDW for sale, im lead to believe its an Asia only release so had to be imported from Taiwan. Was imported end of March this year and has had minimal use. Comes with 6 leak free mags some of which are brand new, task force power up/mock suppressor, tight bore barrel which is new not fitted and also comes with the sling butt plate to make it a regular mp5k. This is a ver 2 so steel internals and steel cocking handle so you can practice safe slaps 🫱. Any questions pop me a message. Willing to drive an hour for a face to face sale or can post.


    2 points
  4. Since sports direct took over karrimor I'd avoid using their kit for anything more than a trip to the shops. They've gone from being a decent respectable brand to cheaply made tat which will fall apart if you just look at it funny. The same goes for mountain warehouse. I picked up a pair of their boots a couple of months ago and they started to split in 2 weeks. When I took them back the woman behind the counter said she wouldn't touch any of the footwear they sell
    2 points
  5. Jebus, Jason, Dan thank you so much. I really really appreciate it, its definitely a trust thing I've been burned and it knocked me and I'd really like to have someone trustworthy to send my parts and aeg to so super glad for your replies thanks so much
    2 points
  6. As per the title, this is a continuation of the discussion in the How Did Your Day Go thread which started when I mentioned my Karrimor boots had suffered a 'disruption to the natural order' during gameplay, which had necessitated zip ties, Gorilla glue and duct tape. That got me through the day, but has left me with either Clompy McClompy-Face boots (2.4kg of Austrian paratrooper boots - great in the mud, too heavy in the dry), or trainers (don't fancy twisting my ankle on a tree root thanks) So I need some new boots. Must have good ankle support, must be ok in a CQB battle area, must look vaguely military / tacti-cool, and preferably be cheap! My awkward foot size of 9.5 length and 11 for width means I'm probably searching for a 10 Wide or 11 Standard My shortlist looks like.... Wellco classic jungle boot £28 brand new, available in wide, slippery soles? Baltes German jungle boot, £35 grade 1, green and black for extra style points, better soles? Karrimor SF full leather wet weather boot, £50 grade 1, highly recommended Iturri Desert boot, £35 lightly used eBay, wide fitting, not great ankle support? Iturri Wet and Cold Weather boot, full leather, highly recommended Iturri Patrol boot, full leather ~£45 used on eBay Viper Multi-cam Spec Ops twin zip £80 YDS Kestrel patrol boot, £35 grade 1 A trip to bricks-and-mortar stores has added these expensive options, which might get a look-in if I can find 'em lightl;y used on eBay, or if I win the lottery / actually get a job Lowa Renegade GTX (£140 on-line, £215 in-store) - never mind the quality, feel the quality. Super comfortable even in a size too small! Salomon Quest 4 GTX (£120 on-line, £170 in-store) - look the part, super lightweight OEX (GO Outdoors / Blacks brand) Crusade Mid Height (£100-120ish?) - look good, very comfortable for my feet (I'll try to add some links in for the best prices I can find. It seems 10 / 11 are popular sizes so a lot of places just don't have stock) I've just found the German jungle boots are ~2.1kg which rather surprised me, and I'm a bit concerned a lot of the other boots are going to be heavier than expected. Maybe those expensive boots will become more attractive! Current front runners are the Iturri Cold and Desert boots, and the Karrimor SFs ... unless someone is going to put me off I'll probably try to find the best deal for one of those on eBay and go for it, because £35-£60 depending on condition on eBay makes them all a tempting value proposition. Some slightly tatty Lowa or Salomon boots at the same price might tempt me too, though.
    1 point
  7. Wegalaxy

    post deleted

    post deleted
    1 point
  8. Dan Robinson

    Ics l85a3

    Ouch. Is it because you have them hanging with the handle touching the racks? I purposely hang mine charging handles out..... The boy's L85 handle is lose and always has been.... We have a Web page for a spare saved for when it happens 🤣
    1 point
  9. I’ve got Haix combat boots, both the desert and leather type and they are great. Really comfortable and they’ve taken a lot of abuse on a farm shoot, the ones I wore Saturday are 6 years old now and still going. The deserts aren’t too hot in summer and the leather ones keep you feet warm and dry in winter - I’ve been in water virtually up to the tops and they don’t leak. Mine also came with an insole for ‘adjusting’ to half sizes. They are the best boots I’ve ever owned and if I remember correctly I think I paid about £130ish for the 2 pairs. They also come in a wide fitting: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195803021042?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Jt4G-NuLT_K&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=Xa3FQbI5T1K&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
    1 point
  10. I realise these aren’t on the list, and definitely don’t fall into the cheap bracket, but I have some Lowa Zephyr ahi’s (there is a Mid option) and they’re exceptionally comfortable and have stood up well to being used in the woods and in CQB. The only thing I’d change is for them to be leather rather than suede for boggy and muddy conditions, but they’ve been excellent in the snow and the heat.
    1 point
  11. Cool. I don't know if you meant to add links to the shortlist. I'll put in my boots which are the US Vietnam style. Link to best price thanks to @Cannonfodder Wellco Peruana US Military Combat Jungle Boots - Brand New (preppersshop.co.uk) Or the German version with better soles German Military Jungle Boots (preppersshop.co.uk)
    1 point
  12. A very valid point! Here's my new thread
    1 point
  13. Speedbird_666

    Ics l85a3

    It could also be the trigger pack - it's quite a complicated Heath Robinson affair with a long connector rod to disconnect the trigger. There's a few reports of them wearing out, or just flat out not working in semi. I replaced my neighbour's trigger pack as he was having some issues with the trigger reset. I have his old one on my desk at the moment.
    1 point
  14. I wasn't complaining. Just thought it was a pity that people might not find the interesting info and links about boots.
    1 point
  15. Oh yeah, I've found my combat boots in the loft, and weighed 'em. 2.4KG for the pair. That's divers boots lol. You will know it after a day's skirmishing with them on🥵 Keep a look out on the bay cause viper boots do come up for sale now and again. You can get them for less than £70 but it takes some searching. I've only ever bought good condition used pairs for around the £25-30 pound mark. But honestly they are sooo comfy.👍
    1 point
  16. Mate don't pay a Kings ransom for boots just get some Viper v-cam double zip. Great for work,rest and play.👍
    1 point
  17. @rocketdogbert does the horse piss and shit come with the boots, or do I have to pay extra for that? Well that's quite a recommendation. And a very good price, compared to the sticker shock in the shop. However, we both know what happens when you recommend something to me matey.... :Goes off to search Alibaba for a cheap knock-off for a quarter of the price: In all seriousness, I am tempted. Given the intermittent use they'll get, they'll last me a lifetime and they'll look good when I wear them to the pub
    1 point
  18. I'll post the results here but it seems a pretty easy task. biggest problem will be keeping the heat down to a minimum so that the plastic toggle doesn't melt. I think the datasheet mentions 240C which is the temp i used to remove the knackered one.
    1 point
  19. not sure if you managed to source this part yet but I had the chance to take one of the trigger contacts apart today. The link to the part needed, posted above, is the correct part and you need to get the bossed version as it will make fitting it to the little board easier as the to bosses (i.e the little black pegs) fit in the holes on the little board. I've got a couple of switches coming from mouser and once they arrive I'll fit one and see how it works. If it all goes to plan then let me know if you want your board repaired.
    1 point
  20. Another game that we didn't know about, but I don't think we could do two full weekends in a row (because money) and the Gunman ones take priority for us. 15 a side sounds like a blast though and glad that it was a great weekend. Here's hoping this coming weekend is good as well (even if I feel a little called out by your moan about loadouts 😂)
    1 point
  21. From the classifieds the going rate has been anywhere from £350-£400 with 1 magazine, when you add in the suppressor and other magazines maybe £500 all in as the maximum price?
    1 point
  22. The ankle support on the Iturri desert boots is good; they are great boots as long as you keep them away from anything that vaguely resembles water. I would not use the issue AKU Pilgrim for anything more than everyday around town use; they are very comfortable and reasonably supportive but are not particularly well made. They are also not very waterproof and are quite narrow. They are very popular in my eldest son’s reserve unit because they do not need polishing for parade. Just to throw another option into your considerations, the Meindl black Bundeswehr boots are excellent; really good soles, goretex lined, comfortable, supportive, light and quite wide.
    1 point
  23. Oooh, Goretex lined too, and only £50 grade 1 used or £65 new.
    1 point
  24. I spent the whole morning building a time machine – that’s four hours of my life I’m definitely getting back.
    1 point
  25. With your weird feet being the opposite in width to length scale to my weird feet, I'd go German in xx-wide.
    1 point
  26. Welco Paruana are £28 new at Preppers Shop at the moment.
    1 point
  27. RostokMcSpoons

    Hi all

    Dan, we pewed everyone in that defence round when we didn't get killed at all. Just the law of averages says Cowboy suffered our Plastic Balls Of Humiliation too 😆
    1 point
  28. Dan Robinson

    Hi all

    I don't remember pewing you - but the boy says sorry not sorry for shooting you in the back three times. 😁😁🤣
    1 point
  29. RecsPowerCode

    WE Apache MP5A3

    This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    the gun has a few wears and tears but work perfectly, except the triple shot function is only working as semi. NPAS is installed and it also has a hop up rubber. 3 mags in total, all leak free feel free to contact 07361688525 by whatsapp


    Birmingham, England - GB

    1 point
  30. It's a Surefire Redi-Mag. Allows you to hold a spare magazine on the rifle next to the to the one in the magazine well. Saves having to draw a spare from a pouch, and on some AEGs they double up as battery containers.
    1 point
  31. Cannonfodder

    Airsoft CIWS anyone.

    I'd put one on one the porch roof for next time the jehovah's witnesses come knocking
    1 point
  32. Mmm, after my Boots, Surplus, Assault, Gore-Tex, Kingdom, United wore the soles right through after a mere 6 years, I just took a punt on a pair of those Fallschirmjägermilitärstiefel, freshly resoled. They are chonky bois and no mistake, so I'll likely relegate them to motorbike use, and... uh... wear my motorbike boots for airsoft, I guess. 🤔
    0 points
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