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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/17 in all areas

  1. The Mall was a BLAST today! Loved it. Honestly the best airsofting I've done this year. Highlights included @CarloBear and his 6-7 kill grenade and the mass rave on the concourse in the last game!
    2 points
  2. Wish G&P made it easier to get their standard flash hider off...... Finally off JEEZ
    2 points
  3. The twins
    2 points
  4. So I'm an idiot with too much money and not enough responsibilities who fancied a Glock. So I bought a WE G Series.
    1 point
  5. Just finished stippling my TM HK45, decent for a first attempt but still room for improvement...
    1 point
  6. i have a Lenser P7QC torch, can i play ....it can be white, red, green or blue at the twist of the end
    1 point
  7. Hey guys. So... I just got word that my folks are moving back to the States in three weeks time. I am already back in the States, and I am trying to supervise packing my stuff from the other side of the Atlantic. One thing ive come across is the stockpile of Green Gas and BBs that I can't bring back with me. So if anyone is in the Ascot area and wants a bunch of free gas and BBs, let me know.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Had a pretty productive afternoon in the sun putting the finishing touches to ma ASG KC-02 paint didn't turn out to be as flat or as dark or as earthy as I was hoping...in fact it's just tan but I'll live with it for a while. Got everything pretty tuned in just need to put several hundred more rounds through to bed the hop.
    1 point
  10. Latest creation. This is genuinely put together from leftovers and salvaged bits. It doesn't owe me anything except the ready mag. 43rps DSG, 310FPS, space in the ready mag for a 2500mah 11.1v lipo, or whatever I can find to shove in there. It still does 28rps on 7.4v and only pulls 22A doing it. I might even get round to putting some paint on it.
    1 point
  11. proffrink

    Gun picture thread

    Congrats on being the 1,230,139 person to put 'Molon labe' on a gun. But seriously, like the wood.
    1 point
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