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What guns are needed?

Guest Polyscript

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Guest Polyscript

Hi all,


sorry if this is the wrong thread happy to change where I am posting if its in the wrong place?


Wondering if you could all advise on what is a good airsoft gun to start with or for longevity and accuracy, maybe also power?


I am wanting to open up a small area with obstacles where people can come play with airsoft guns. So what would be the best for quality and price? I want to get probably 40-45 guns but would start with a couple to test with. Probably majority need to be airsoft pistols and some maybe large guns. 


Also could you advise how much these guns hurt so I can figure out protection gear?


Thank you in advance!

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Sounds like you've never played airsoft but want to open a site? Doesn't sound like the right way of doing it. Go and play a few games first, and ask other players what they think, then you'll answer a lot of your questions.

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First of all, which country are you in?

Before buying the toys you have to find out about the legalities of setting up an airsoft site.


If you are in UK and own a large plot of land you can legally allow friends to play but you must have Public Liability Insurance for strangers to play.

If your land is near public access footpaths etc then you need to find out what precautions must be taken.




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We can have fun with the answers (and with arguing over them), but this isn't a serious question.


Setting up an airsoft site is a huge undertaking. Even people who've done it successfully before sometimes just give up while starting new sites.


As noted, you'll need a large area of unambiguously private land, explicit permission from the landowner, and if you have any sense at all, liability insurance to cover you when someone shoots Little Johnny's eye out (example from real life) and you get blamed for it.  That insurance will come with a set of assumptions and conditions about how you run the site.


If you're even remotely serious about this, you'll want to play at several sites first, and take careful note of how they do things: boundaries, safe zones and safety checks, chrono, briefings, and marshalling. Rental guns are way, way down the list of priorities.


If you're not prepared to interject yourself into a petty altercation between multiple grumpy men hopped up on Red Bull and adrenaline, then it's best to just enjoy playing airsoft at someone else's site.

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Ffs is half term over yet?


Seriously though, this reads like you've just discovered airsoft and are having pie in the sky ideas about making money from it despite having fuck all clue about what's involved. There's far more to it than just charging people to play and sitting back watching the money roll in. The fact that you think you need that many rental guns shows you don't have a clue

Edited by Cannonfodder
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Guest Polyscript

Hi all,


I've been interested in it for sometime but like I said I would first like to know which kind guns are best and spend some time playing around with them. Maybe buy a few and once I know how it all is and have other peoples opinion and much more research then I would consider opening a place.


My intention was first to get some information on what guns you experienced lot thought were good to try out. I obviously wasn't going to write a business plan on here. I am doing research first.


Would anyone please be able to advise on some good guns?


Also I am from the UK.


Thank you in advance.

@Cannonfodder Is there any need to be rude while not knowing the full intention of what im playing. Though I have even stated I want to get a few to play around with first?

If you can't speak amicably please don't speak at all.

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Just going on the information at hand. If you're that thin skinned that you get upset by someone being honest and blunt then that's your problem. Either deal with it or be prepared to go through life perpetually offended

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@Polyscript chill, some of us have been at this for literally decades, posts like yours are ten-a-penny, & 99% of them never come to fruition, of the 1% that do, half don't last beyond the first year.

Hence why some of us can be a bit cynical when we read first posts such as these. 

As has been pointed out, to get a good understanding you need to ideally be playing, visiting the best rated sites to see how they do it, comparing your potential site to others, what features does yours have & how can it be improved, assuming the landowner will allow alterations. 

No ones gonna want to visit a flat featureless open field, that's gonna get boring 5 minutes in. 

Then, assuming you get to the point of opening the "doors", you need marshals, you need multiple game scenarios THAT WORK to keep clients interested, the list goes on & on, come back when you've played a few games & tell us about it & what you've learned, you'll get a much better reception than asking to be spoonfed info. 

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Guest Polyscript

@CannonfodderIm not being thin skinned, you weren't being honest or blunt. You were being rude and seeming high and mighty.


All I was wanting was some help with gun recommendations. 


Am i asking for too much? Had i not included the extra information I would have my answer by now, albeit, it seems as though everyone is focused on the less important subject.


So, would anyone be ever so kind as to please advise on some gun recommendations? 

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13 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

@CannonfodderIm not being thin skinned, you weren't being honest or blunt. You were being rude and seeming high and mighty.


All I was wanting was some help with gun recommendations. 


Am i asking for too much? Had i not included the extra information I would have my answer by now, albeit, it seems as though everyone is focused on the less important subject.


So, would anyone be ever so kind as to please advise on some gun recommendations? 

You have much more research to do before jumping into a "What guns question?"

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11 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

I'm not being thin skinned, you weren't being honest or blunt. You were being rude and seeming high and mighty.

Yes you are. The fact that you're getting upset about being told how things are shows it. If you were expecting a circle jerk with everyone congratulating you then prepare to be sorely mistaken. As @Tackle posted, these type of threads are common and the vast majority don't go anywhere

14 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

All I was wanting was some help with gun recommendations. 

Which you could've found in 5 minutes rather than expecting to be spoon fed.

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Guest Polyscript

Ill take that as a solid no. 

@Cannonfodderwhat are you on about you silly little prick. All I wanted was for some experienced airsoft players to tell me which guns they thought were good, I would have then taken that information and searched those various guns to check further reviews before making a purchase. Nothing was being spoonfed, you're just a sanctimonious little prick who wouldn't be acting so brave if it was in real life.

6 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Yes you are. The fact that you're getting upset about being told how things are shows it. If you were expecting a circle jerk with everyone congratulating you then prepare to be sorely mistaken. As @Tackle posted, these type of threads are common and the vast majority don't go anywhere

Which you could've found in 5 minutes rather than expecting to be spoon fed.

 Sorry what other research do I need to do, im not being sarcastic. Im just wanting to play around the house or in the garden so I would like some gun time before going to a club.

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Guest Polyscript
34 minutes ago, Asomodai said:

You have much more research to do before jumping into a "What guns question?"

Not sure if you were following but I wasn't getting any help.


Each time I would reiterate that I would just like some advise on what guns can be recommended, I would be reminded about anything else but a gun recommendation.

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Guest Polyscript
1 minute ago, Leo Greer said:

Leo's Gameplan for Forum Success


Step 1:


Start over again as a beginner. "Hello all! I've never played airsoft but I'm here to learn new things and increase my knowledge."


Step 2:


Don't ask to be spoonfed, ask for info about things you've already researched. "I like the look of M4 replicas and the ones by G&G seem to be well-received; how do y'all feel about the CM-16? Is it reliable? What kind of range and accuracy could I expect? Thanks for the info!"


Step 3:


Take it step by step. Play with a rental, get your own gun, learn to play well, observe and learn. Gain experience. And then start asking about a field.



You are not getting any responses to your question because you are asking the wrong question. They're just trying to point you towards the right ones.

I appreciate your response, however as a beginner I believe I asked the relevant question. 


I have asked for experienced airsoft players to tell me which gun they like, I would then go searching for reviews of those guns. 


Im not asking to be spoonfed. Apologies if you feel like I am, that is not my intent. Once experienced gun players suggest guns, I would go check reviews- how is that being spoonfed.

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27 minutes ago, Polyscript said:




 Sorry what other research do I need to do, im not being sarcastic. Im just wanting to play around the house or in the garden so I would like some gun time before going to a club.

Having a good look at the legalities would be a good start. Even 'playing' around the house or garden isn't straight forward. Even ignoring the potential loss of brownie points if you damage anything in the house, if yoiu can been seen by neighbours, the public etc you stand the risk of getting a visit from plod for waving a gun around in public. 

You also need to look at PPE for you and anyone else in the house. Getting a BB in the face can and has caused loss of eyesight as well as loss of teeth. 


This is why you are not getting gun recomendations. You have lots of other things to considder,which people are trying to tell you. honestly you are best off going along to a site and playing a few games with their rental kit before starting to look at buying guns.  For starters that will give you a chance to try a few and see what you like, it will also give you a grounding in the basic safety requirements. Yes airsoft guns are toys, but they are toys that can cause life changing injuries, range disciplin is vital. 


Listen to what folk are saying and considder the whole picture before running off to buy guns. Also if you don't want 2 toned guns you will need a defense , so play some games and get a UKARA


Everyone has a different idea of what are good guns, I love GBBRs and rarely use anything else, others will say they hate them  because they limited ammo etc, loafs will say go hpa ( I hate hpa with a passion) 


read the threads on here, there are plenty of ones discussing different makes , platforms etc.

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Just now, Polyscript said:

I appreciate your response, however as a beginner I believe I asked the relevant question. 


I have asked for experienced airsoft players to tell me which gun they like, I would then go searching for reviews of those guns. 


Im not asking to be spoonfed. Apologies if you feel like I am, that is not my intent. Once experienced gun players suggest guns, I would go check reviews- how is that being spoonfed.


In terms of recommending a gun, the first step is for you to go online, look around, and simply see what appeals to you. 😁 The right replica for you is highly individual based on what you value, and ultimately you're going to be happiest with the gun that presents the most characteristics you value, regardless of who's recommending what. The first step is for you to evaluate what you value. Do you have a specific pattern that you like? M4? M16? G36? AK-47, 74, 12? Do you have an overall profile that you like? Do you value ROF? Range? Upgradeability? My best beginner advice is to see what looks good to you, and then bring that back here and we can steer you into something that'll be quality and you'll enjoy.

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2 minutes ago, Polyscript said:


I have asked for experienced airsoft players to tell me which gun they like, I would then go searching for reviews of those guns.


You'll have more luck asking 'how long is a piece of string'.


This question has been asked ad nauseum, and you didn't even attempt to qualify it with a gun type. At least others start with 'I want an M4/MP5/G36 etc (delete as appropriate) what do you recommend?'


So yeah, spoonfeeding. 





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47 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

Cannonfodderwhat are you on about you silly little prick. All I wanted was for some experienced airsoft players to tell me which guns they thought were good, I would have then taken that information and searched those various guns to check further reviews before making a purchase. Nothing was being spoonfed, you're just a sanctimonious little prick who wouldn't be acting so brave if it was in real life.



The fact that you've resorted to childish insults for not getting your own way shows that my initial suspicions are correct.


As you clearly have trouble understanding my posts I'll break it down for you.












The answer to what is the best gun is very subjective. Asking 10 airsofters this would get you 11 different answers but you'd know that if you weren't wanting to be spoonfed

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If you like to fantasise about opening a field like me, you can take a look at r/airsoftfields where I dump my research and notes


To find out your first gun you need to first find out:

1. your site and your play style, which might favour certain types or lengths, generally speaking shorter for CQB, longer for outdoor distances

2. your personal preference or aesthetic or ergonomic choices e.g. AR or AK or others


To find out, you need to go rent a few games at your site, which is required to get your UKARA anyway

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1 hour ago, Polyscript said:

Ill take that as a solid no. 

@Cannonfodderwhat are you on about you silly little prick. All I wanted was for some experienced airsoft players to tell me which guns they thought were good, I would have then taken that information and searched those various guns to check further reviews before making a purchase. Nothing was being spoonfed, you're just a sanctimonious little prick who wouldn't be acting so brave if it was in real life.

 Sorry what other research do I need to do, im not being sarcastic. Im just wanting to play around the house or in the garden so I would like some gun time before going to a club.

Don't be a dick, this is probably the most accomadaing forum/page around, but your question regarding "wot gun" wasn't relating to one for plinking in the garden (which in itself can have legal ramifications, consider that a friendly warning), but to a much bigger picture with regards to starting a site. 

You've had an answer, g36c is a great rental gun, leave it at that, but again be aware that in your current state, it's likely you cannot even buy ONE all black gun, never mind 30+, & no one will rent a two-tone, horrid things. 

Wind your neck in, use the search function, & if you need to ask further questions, be prepared to get replies that may admonish you, what your planning isn't straightforward or easy, otherwise most of us here would be doing it & raking in a fortune 😏

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1 hour ago, Polyscript said:

you're just a sanctimonious little prick who wouldn't be acting so brave if it was in real life.

Interesting theory. I'll let you know where and when I'm playing next if you'd like to test it

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