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Kit for the Ukraine .

Guest MGMGrand

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42 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Pretty sure that it all over the Internet to send money not goods.

Supply chains are a mess and since they are having genuine top of the line kit donated from governments all over the world I don't think a box of viper and 8 fields knock offs are really the best idea.


I am sure that the ops intentions are good but it is a really poorly thought out idea. Donate cash which can be used to buy the things they actually need which they can get much faster than a ups delivery.


People need to get off their high horses while waving the virtue banner and just do what is asked instead of pointless feel good gestures.





I don't know what they need on the ground whilst sitting in safety in the UK.  I am happy to believe that by donating money, this can be used to appropriate the things they need, where they need it. 

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14 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

it won't sort out the  real problem of corruption


Indeed, Ukraine's corruption index of 33 puts it square among such titans of integrity as Nepal, Sierra Leone, Swaziland and Zambia. I'd reckon the chances of any donated goods getting to any "front line" without being stolen, sold, bought, diverted, re-stolen, re-sold, buried in a cache, dug up two years later and flogged in a market stall in East Elbonia are slim to none.


In the spirit of total clarity that I'm trying to adopt, what I'm seeing in this initiative is folk planning to have an angry stranglewank while watching the documentary Red Dawn and fantasising that their spare radio pouch will somehow contribute to Ukrainian Ramboski sending truckloads of teen conscripts back to Mother Russia in body bags.


Other ways to help are here: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2022/mar/05/ukraine-crisis-how-you-can-help-donating-cash-supplies


Although as always, you might want to check out the accounts of any charity first to see where (they claim) the money actually goes.

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If in doubt Red Cross , simples .👍

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8 hours ago, MGMGrand said:


As it says in the text, they're from a national police special forces unit, not civilians joining a militia 

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Ok people the topic of donating kit to the Ukraine has been up and down like a nuns knickers in the Vatican so I’ve been looking in to it and I will be getting it done . Basically I’ve got an old mate who sells army surplus kit so obviously he’s been shifting an awful lot of his inventory in that direction and has the connections to actually get it their AND to the right people and is more than happy to pass it on for free if people want or the other idea we had was he sells the kit and the money (100%) will go to Ukrainian aid charities . Their absolutely desperate for anything that can hold armor and mags(he said their making their own armor in country) , helmets , tac vests basically load carrying kit , any pouches need to be able to take AK mags(he said M4 pouches aren’t much use as the ones that need the kit are being issued near 100% AK’s only) so either actual AK mag pouches or big utility pouches/dump pouches and the like , color wise the kit needs to be OG/DPM/OD or desert pattern .

what I’m looking to do is some time in the next wk gather up what I can to get to him and then drive to his warehouse  just outside Bristol to give him what I’ve collected . I’ll be driving up the M4 from Swansea so can stop off at the services to meet and collect and I’m also willing to go up the M5 as far as Gloucester’ish to collect from their as well before heading back down to Bristol . Going to be a few days before I set a date (only started organizing an hr ago!) but from what Mike said they are absolutely desperate for plate carriers real helmets etc etc . Cheers Druid .

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3 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

A little tip that will be most helpful is to ensure there are no badges, and ideally if items originally came from surplus check if the original users name is on it - if so scribble it out with marker pen 

Nothing to worry about their He’s well versed in sanitizing anything he’s handling .👍

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34 minutes ago, djben9 said:

Merged topics 


please keep posts here

Started a new topic and not continued with the existing one as it’s dead in the water and I’m actually doing something unlike the post you’ve merged it with which was some random unknown spouting off at the forum members who questioned him , hence the new post as I was trying to distance my self from him .

Can you please delete all the old posts just to keep this fresh ?

cheers Druid .

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Same goal, (very) different approaches to promoting it.  It looks like your chap isn't registered on https://www.ukrainesupport.org.uk/collection-points - it might be worthwhile suggesting that as well as doing word-of-mouth.

He’s not part of a charity or todo with any of them or anything like that he’s a business man who sells kit (and an awful lot of it !) he’s just said he’s happy to pass it on to the people he’s dealing with as ‘an extra’ as it where . 

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22 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

He’s not part of a charity or todo with any of them or anything like that he’s a business man who sells kit (and an awful lot of it !) he’s just said he’s happy to pass it on to the people he’s dealing with as ‘an extra’ as it where . 


That's appropriate for that site, it's just a way for people with stuff to donate to find other people who can pass it on.  Whether it's a particularly useful site or not will depend on the number of people using it.


With genuine respect, if you know a bloke who's accepting stuff, why not tell us who it is?   If people can't get their stuff to him via you, they may be able to do it themselves. Every little helps, right?

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

With genuine respect, if you know a bloke who's accepting stuff, why not tell us who it is?   If people can't get their stuff to him via you, they may be able to do it themselves. Every little helps, right?

I’d have to speak to him first to see whether he wants to get involved like that as he isn’t a collection point in any way shape or form , this whole thing has come about purely from me and him having a chat this morning about the random customers he’s had calling at all hrs of the day about the kit he has and how desperate some of them are and how he’s tries to get it to the ‘good guys’ , how he’s selling at a much lower price than he could if he wanted on those items .

he told me he’s doing ok as is before this all started so it doesn’t feel right to be profiteering from this situation unlike some others he knows in the business who’s stories have been in the press claiming their  “practically giving away kit at cost” is utter rubbish he knows for a fact their selling the kit at very overinflated prices ! And me then asking as a one off thing if he could pass on my spare kit as I do have over 20yrs worth of gear sitting in bags unused as do my team mates and as I’d be driving to his warehouse I could pick up along the way any other donations .

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There is a reasonable need for various types of supplies


People might not be comfortable with ‘combat kit’ etc, and the main Ukraine forces don’t require them but many of the volunteers do & it could ‘assist’ to a degree to have some ‘proper’ kit to legitimise them as a unit as opposed to getting their pictures taken for propaganda purposes as a civilian with a gun

In the longer term that could get resolved with international support



For humanitarian support use your preferred known charity, however currently on the border I know a couple of guys if you’d like to see where your money is going on a day to day basis

For example they have been providing supplies to the volunteers helping refugees as they cross the border and also are transporting refugees from the border to a processing centre 


They are both well known through paintball, and run airsoft events as well 






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An old claymore bag and good pair of boots is worth more that an airsoft plate carrier. 


Medical supplies and MRE's are what you want to donate. Either funds for, or the items. 


As for looking like a pro... In a group of local malitia the last thing I would want is to look like some HVT or advisor! I would much rather have a feild dressing and something to eat if I made it through the day. 


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11 hours ago, THE CHIEF said:

An old claymore bag and good pair of boots is worth more that an airsoft plate carrier. 


Medical supplies and MRE's are what you want to donate. Either funds for, or the items. 


As for looking like a pro... In a group of local malitia the last thing I would want is to look like some HVT or advisor! I would much rather have a feild dressing and something to eat if I made it through the day. 


Can only say what I’ve been told by someone who’s actually supplying the Ukrainian forces and he said there desperately looking for plate carrying kit . 

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This thread is what the internet was made for. Some over compensated moron bearing the cross of righteousness belittling an entire community into doing something they believe is right because it has the best of intentions and then getting super salty when people don't share the same belief.


Where's closest? I'll send my hi capas as well and that way the enemy will run away as they won't want to get speedy boi'd.



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1 hour ago, Steveocee said:

This thread is what the internet was made for. Some over compensated moron bearing the cross of righteousness belittling an entire community into doing something they believe is right because it has the best of intentions and then getting super salty when people don't share the same belief.


Where's closest? I'll send my hi capas as well and that way the enemy will run away as they won't want to get speedy boi'd.



Quite, now the neo-nazi aspect has entered the discussion the morals involved in this conflict look even more shifty.

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Extreme far right politics have always been the mainstay in most of the countries in the region, even their "lefties" would be considered right wing in most of Western Europe, so citing that as an excuse for what's gone on isn't valid.

You can't get away from the fact that a massive & extremely paranoid war machine, controlled by an equally paranoid dictatorship is committing wholesale murder on its neighbour, literally because it can, in the knowledge that the size of its nuclear arsenal is a deterrent preventing the west getting involved. 

The best hope for all involved is if an internal coup deposes Putin & those around him. 

Given the military losses coming to light, might be enough to initiate it ? 

Fingers crossed 🤞

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The Azov battalion have been known about since the fighting started and only make up a small percentage of the civilian militia


As for Putin being removed, it wouldn't surprise me as, according to the Ukrainian government, the intel on the chetchen commandos sent to kill the president came from the FSB. 

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I admire the op for bringing up "kit for ukraine" but il agree with others that ukraine needs medical supplies and other assistance for the civilians who are now in a situation which is desperately in need. 


Instead of sending airsoft vests/kit, sell it and in the advert make it clear the monies raised will be donated to a much needed charity/organisation to assist ukraine.   


You'll feel better for doing this than sending a plate carrier(without actual plates-wtf?)/toy helmet/other toy equipment. 


They need the whole world to play their part, we can too. 




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On 17/03/2022 at 22:27, Oneshotscott said:

Instead of sending airsoft vests/kit, sell it and in the advert make it clear the monies raised will be donated to a much needed charity/organisation to assist ukraine.   

You'll feel better for doing this than sending a plate carrier(without actual plates-wtf?)/toy helmet/other toy equipment. 

As I said in my post after speaking with someone who’s actually supplying the Ukrainians with surplus kit they desperately want plate carriers and load bearing vests for the militia units and are making their own plates in country for the ones without plates .
Plus to be fair you would have to be a bit of a thick twat to think they’d want your ‘onetigris’ fast helmet and your Nuprol ‘navy seal vest’ you got from ‘BBGunzisbestest.com’ that cost you all of 30 quid the lot ? 

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1 hour ago, Druid799 said:

you would have to be a bit of a thick twat to think they’d want your ‘onetigris’ fast helmet and your Nuprol ‘navy seal vest’ you got from ‘BBGunzisbestest.com’ that cost you all of 30 quid the lot ? 

Don't underestimate just how stupid people can be

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5 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Don't underestimate just how stupid people can be

Amen to that, when it comes to stupidity, there are no limits🤣

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