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Lack of enthusiasm. Again.


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Apologies for this trip back to 1973...

Edited by Tactical Pith Helmet
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edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity . 

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Not my place to take offence on others behalf but certainly bad vibes mocking people's accents. Not like it really makes a difference but its thanks to people like "Wang in HK" that we have this hobby. Just something to think about

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1 hour ago, GeorgePlaysAirsoft said:

Not my place to take offence on others behalf but certainly bad vibes mocking people's accents. Not like it really makes a difference but its thanks to people like "Wang in HK" that we have this hobby. Just something to think about

You are right mate.  I meant that to be a deliberate groan joke  rather than mockery.   I should have realised that it would be read as you say.  


Certainly hope no one was offended.  

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It's a tricky one.  Every culture cracks jokes about how funny the other chap sounds / looks / acts, without meaning anything malicious about it.  It's just in-group banter and doesn't necessarily mean that the other fellow is viewed as inferior, just different.  It's really a way of celebrating that the local culture, mores and speech are  - of course - correct and exceptional, which is something that all strong, stable cultures inculcate.  A culture that doesn't do that, which tell itself "You know, maybe those Huns and Visigoths at the gates have some good points, let's invite them in and see.", is on the way out.  [Sinister foreshadowing intensifies]


I've visited and worked in many places, and while the local professionals have always been polite and courteous, there's never been any doubt that I was the kuffar, gaijin or mat salleh.  I have no doubt at all that they were laughing about my hilariously awful pronunciation and clumsy, childish table manners the moment I was out of earshot. It's not something to take any offence over, because after all, I know that speaking the Queen's English around a mouthful of deep fried haggis being eaten with a knife and fork is the zenith of human civilisation, right? ;) 

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edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity . 


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wasn't particularly offended. believe it or not as someone who basically grew up with the internet i don't find racism or whatever particularly shocking or offensive. but it wasn't very funny either - think you may be better off leaving the jokes to ricky gervais, no offence intended of course.

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edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity . 

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I thought it was funny and so did my slitty eyed little yellow friend down the local takeaway 😳



( name withheld due to possible litigation)

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Think it's an age thing, those of us that are more mature (🤣) grew up before it became acceptable to be offended by absolutely everything, when comedy did focus on differences, colour/race/religion were all fair game, & that included non white comics ripping the shit out of whitey, & everybody laughed & no one gave a toss...............

in many ways, better times 🤔

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Plot twist, it was still racist/racism then. It wasn’t talked about openly because it was deemed too taboo to do so, courtesy of the oppression that came with it.


I’m confused why the examples keep leading back to comedy, or more importantly the works of professional comedians. It’s an entirely separate matter, if you’re watching a comedian the chances are you know what to expect. When I start reading a thread titled ‘Lack of enthusiasm. Again’ on a public forum racist (though no offence intended, of course 😒) ramblings is just in no way relevant. 


It’s just twisting the context to fit your thoughts/beliefs, you’re just as entitled to think racist posts are ‘ok’ as I am to think they’re not but spare the back in my day bullshit to try and justify your archaic view point.


I didn’t particularly care to comment, but I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how anyone could type out the phrase ‘slitty eyed little yellow friend’ and not think it’s massively racist.


It’s not a matter of being offended it’s a matter of presenting a welcoming, inclusive community. Shit like that just ain’t it chief.

Edited by alxndrhll
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*comes back on to thread to check out "hot replies"*


*Robin raises eyebrows in shock*:Holy thread derailment, Batman!

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34 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:

Plot twist, it was still racist/racism then. It wasn’t talked about openly because it was deemed too taboo to do so, courtesy of the oppression that came with it.


I’m confused why the examples keep leading back to comedy, or more importantly the works of professional comedians. It’s an entirely separate matter, if you’re watching a comedian the chances are you know what to expect. When I start reading a thread titled ‘Lack of enthusiasm. Again’ on a public forum racist (though no offence intended, of course 😒) ramblings is just in no way relevant. 


It’s just twisting the context to fit your thoughts/beliefs, you’re just as entitled to think racist posts are ‘ok’ as I am to think they’re not but spare the back in my day bullshit to try and justify your archaic view point.


I didn’t particularly care to comment, but I genuinely can’t wrap my head around how anyone could type out the phrase ‘slitty eyed little yellow friend’ and not think it’s massively racist.


It’s not a matter of being offended it’s a matter of presenting a welcoming, inclusive community. Shit like that just ain’t it chief.

I'm entitled to say what I like.

It's called freedom of speech. If you are that incensed about it then do the leg work and bring a case. Good luck👍

Oh and by the way I don't want your welcoming,inclusive hairy fairy community thank you lol

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edit ; for forum harmony and my sanity . 

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15 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

As are the sanctimonious politically correct it would appear ?

Decided to edit the message suggesting I kill myself did we? Would you look at that, the one that doesn’t get offended by someone butchering their accent does get offended after all.


I don’t think there is much sanctimonious in saying that typing out messages to imitate how a non-native English speaker annunciates their words is racist. Whether you intended it or not.


20 minutes ago, Shamal said:

I'm entitled to say what I like.

It's called freedom of speech. If you are that incensed about it then do the leg work and bring a case. Good luck👍

Oh and by the way I don't want your welcoming,inclusive hairy fairy community thank you lol


About as much substance as everything else you post on here. Useful as ever.


55 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

Top tip - massively tarbrushing the group you're attempting to reprimand is a hypocritical move.


You're certainly not wrong, but unfortunately neither was I.

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1 minute ago, alxndrhll said:

Decided to edit the message suggesting I kill myself did we? Would you look at that, the one that doesn’t get offended by someone butchering their accent does get offended after all.


I don’t think there is much sanctimonious in saying that typing out messages to imitate how a non-native English speaker annunciates their words is racist. Whether you intended it or not.



About as much substance as everything else you post on here. Useful as ever.

Thank you kind sir 😉

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Lol, thread derailment is the norm here, no one should be surprised.

As for racism, my best mate is from Trinidad, spitting image of Mr T, & there's nothing we don't say to each other, literally nothing, does he take offense ?, of course not, do I ?, not a chance, why, because we're bigger than that, we're aware of what's important in life & being offended by banter/jokes, even if it's by unknown third parties is the least of our worries.

In fact rather then lament & whine about genuine cultural wrongs/crimes that happened long before anybody here was a stain in their daddies undercrackers, he embraces it, so much so that when he married, he wore the tartan of the plantation owner slaver from whom he is descended, in acknowledgement of everything he is & has.

How's that for some "fuck you racism" ironic shit ?

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My best man was a coloured gentleman. I don't mean lots of colours just one main colour.Black

He was a groundwork on a site I was working at. 

We started talking and struck up a good friendship. And as @Tacklesays we could say anything without it being offensive for either of us. It was always a laugh if he was laying tarmac or I was spreading snowcem plaster lol



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10 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Lol, thread derailment is the norm here, no one should be surprised.

As for racism, my best mate is from Trinidad, spitting image of Mr T, & there's nothing we don't say to each other, literally nothing, does he take offense ?, of course not, do I ?, not a chance, why, because we're bigger than that, we're aware of what's important in life & being offended by banter/jokes, even if it's by unknown third parties is the least of our worries.

In fact rather then lament & whine about genuine cultural wrongs/crimes that happened long before anybody here was a stain in their daddies undercrackers, he embraces it, so much so that when he married, he wore the tartan of the plantation owner slaver from whom he is descended, in acknowledgement of everything he is & has.

How's that for some "fuck you racism" ironic shit ?

Did you literally just do the whole ‘I’m not racist I have a black friend’ thing?


I don’t doubt you can say whatever you like to each other, being best friends and all. I can’t speak for what you say to each other but assuming there’s an element of racism in there I doubt they’d take too kindly to me saying it to them?


As I said, though seemingly you’re intent on returning to, I’m not offended by what’s being said I just don’t think it’s appropriate on a public forum. Heaven forbid we have a ‘hairy fairy community’ where folks can turn up to talk about some airsoft bits without seeing casual racist remarks being spouted.

To be absolutely clear, Shamal’s comment was the big ‘what the actual fuck’ comment for me… and he seemingly couldn’t give two shits so there’s not much else to be talked about here. Glad to have seen the true colours and all that.

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9 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:

Did you literally just do the whole ‘I’m not racist I have a black friend’ thing?


I don’t doubt you can say whatever you like to each other, being best friends and all. I can’t speak for what you say to each other but assuming there’s an element of racism in there I doubt they’d take too kindly to me saying it to them?


As I said, though seemingly you’re intent on returning to, I’m not offended by what’s being said I just don’t think it’s appropriate on a public forum. Heaven forbid we have a ‘hairy fairy community’ where folks can turn up to talk about some airsoft bits without seeing casual racist remarks being spouted.

To be absolutely clear, Shamal’s comment was the big ‘what the actual fuck’ comment for me… and he seemingly couldn’t give two shits so there’s not much else to be talked about here. Glad to have seen the true colours and all that.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. 

Is that you?? 🤔


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7 minutes ago, alxndrhll said:

You can quote the bible all you want fella, there’s no coming back from your freedom of speech monologue.

Hardly a monologue fella.thats your department lol.

No coming back? In your eyes?

Well I shall loose no sleep about that 😉


Here's  another one.Judge not less ye be judged. 👍

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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