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Eyepro - Ski-goggle Type or Glasses-type?

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Hi folks,


In the past I've used mesh goggles, but I've heard horror stories about poor quality BBs shattering into pieces small enough to get through, and I suspect that mesh is quite a lot weaker in general. So I figure I'll have a look at solid lens ones.


I'm a touch concerned about fogging though. I appreciate there are sprays and things, but I'd like to keep the chances of it to a minimum. My feeling is that the goggles that seal against your face like ski goggles are likely to be less susceptible to it, since your breath doesn't get up inside them as much, but could someone confirm? If I'm not right about that then I might go for glasses-type ones so I get less sweaty wearing them.


Thanks all! 



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6 minutes ago, Little White Balls said:

Hi folks,


In the past I've used mesh goggles, but I've heard horror stories about poor quality BBs shattering into pieces small enough to get through, and I suspect that mesh is quite a lot weaker in general. So I figure I'll have a look at solid lens ones.


I'm a touch concerned about fogging though. I appreciate there are sprays and things, but I'd like to keep the chances of it to a minimum. My feeling is that the goggles that seal against your face like ski goggles are likely to be less susceptible to it, since your breath doesn't get up inside them as much, but could someone confirm? If I'm not right about that then I might go for glasses-type ones so I get less sweaty wearing them.


Thanks all! 



Hi Tom 

I think pretty much all glasses/goggles are prone to fogging especially if you sweat a lot. Its not all down to breath.there are various magical sprays and unctions available but I've not found one that works. Some of the guys swear by their particular anti fog brews though.

I am thinking about some active eyepro with built in fans to see if that helps.

At the end of the day if you wear goggles or glasses chance are your gonna fog ☹


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Yep, anything other than mesh is gona fog at some point.  Depending how efficiently your body cooling system works. (ie how much you sweat) 😉


I haven't tried it yet but read/heard good things about 'Cat Crap' (yeah stupidest name ever)

My biking buddy swears by it for motorcycle helmets and airsoft goggles.  I got some to try at my next game.


I've got some (cheap) FMA fan goggles and while they're quite effective they still don't get rid of the fog problem completely.  Maybe in combination with the above CatCrap might be the solution? (will try)


I've seen quite a few people use mesh and I have too on occasion when fogging was too bad.  In four years of woodland games I've not come across anyone who witnessed any incidents involving mesh.

CQB is a different story and I wouldn't use mesh for that. 


Forget shooter glasses type.  Worse than mesh.




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I tried a pair of sealed glasses type Bolles.   They fogged too badly to get the car out of the driveway...


Ski type goggles are not as bad but still fog.  With special coating and Cat Crap they are slightly better.


Homemade extraction fans, a row of double countersunk 0.5mm holes around the edge of the goggles, anti-fog coating and Cat Crap still fogs at times.  (Tested these with a point blank shot from a 40Mike)


Ignore advice from bikers, I rode in all weathers for a living and never had the issues that airsoft gives.  If you sweat enough the moisture gets to dew point and fogs the lens.   I gave up and used mesh.  


When riding bikes for a living, I did get one numpty to try rubbing his visor with a raw onion as an anti-fog agent...  



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6 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Tested these with a point blank shot from a 40Mike



have you tried anything more potent than that? i'd be seriously worried about how much strength will be lost by adding a bunch of holes.

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I sweat a lot and use bolles, i wont lie they do still fog sometimes but just lifting my head to let them clear naturally once every 1/2 games is all i need to do if i use anti fogging solutions and reapply half way through the day.

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When I used to wear contacts back in the day I never fogged up when paintballing but I would always fog up when I just went glasses mode and it would only ever be the glasses themselves which would fog up not the mask.

ive tried all manner of shiznit to stop my glasses fogging and it was never that great - lots of smudging/lens glare so I just mounted some 15mm fans in top of my goggles and a quick buzz of them now and then cleared them nicely - they do have a little hum when using but usually it makes people think they have a air leak. Cheap fix but limits you to that set of goggles.

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16 hours ago, EDcase said:

I've got some (cheap) FMA fan goggles and while they're quite effective they still don't get rid of the fog problem completely.  Maybe in combination with the above CatCrap might be the solution? (will try)


be careful with FMA ones, ive seen video's on you tube on the lens not withstanding shots well, 


on another note, i have both Revision and ESS fan goggles and they still fog a little with me, i just move away and lift up a little to let in some air. Best solution ive found so far is Fogtech wipes

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Just get a Warq. No more fogging ever. I've had Dye i4, Bolle X800. all fogged eventually even with Revision wipes. Upgraded to a Warq, never fogged, summer, rain, running, sitting, indooors or out


No more hassle with straps for helmet, mask and googles, just one chinstrap, light, comfy, superb vision and comms built in

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Revision sawfly anti-fog wipes , I wear glasses with prescription inserts so in reality I’ve got THREE lens surface to fog on me ! Give them a wipe first thing then every now and again throughout the morning , good clean lunch time and then same again the odd wipe through the afternoon . When I’m sweating like a pig in a synagogue I do find when I go static they may fog a bit bounce once I start moving they clear and away to go . So yea I swear by sawfly wipes .👍

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37 minutes ago, MadMole said:

Just get a Warq. No more fogging ever. I've had Dye i4, Bolle X800. all fogged eventually even with Revision wipes. Upgraded to a Warq, never fogged, summer, rain, running, sitting, indooors or out


No more hassle with straps for helmet, mask and googles, just one chinstrap, light, comfy, superb vision and comms built in


Would love a Warq as it would match my unique slightly sci-fi-ish loadout, plus providing excellent protection and it would allow me to wear glasses if I ever fancied a day off the contact lenses whilst skirmishing. Problem is they're feckin expensive.


I have considered a Future Warrior (slightly Warhammer 40k-ish and has built-in fan) or a G4. Again however they're dear.

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Thanks folks! Sounds like I have some experimenting to do! My current thinking is to get the cheapest pair of fan-ventilated goggles I can find, then pull the fan out and stick it in a pair with quality lenses and anti-fog spray/wipes, and see how those work for me.


But yeah, next time I find a wad of cash down the back of the sofa I might just look at a WarQ. I'm keen to have as few straps/pads on my head as possible.  🙂


Thanks again, everyone!  🙂



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On 03/04/2021 at 08:54, Adolf Hamster said:



have you tried anything more potent than that? i'd be seriously worried about how much strength will be lost by adding a bunch of holes.


I've tried a hot sniper rifle and impacts from a small ball peen hammer.  


I was testing an old pair with a baggy strap for amusement/learning rather than actually playing.  I did test them running/standing etc.  I did get a hole to fracture at the edge slightly, I think from an uneven/rough countersunk bevel.   The holes were drilled at differing distances to see how proximity effected strength.  The sniper actually dented the plastic, or an external coating to the extent that it effected optical quality, but the damage was cumulative.  You may catch a 550fps at 2" once in game, but the damage took about three magazines.  


If I find them up, I'll stick them on here.  Obviously we don't abuse our eyepro, so doing just that was informative to observe.  It was a pair of Uvex Ultrasonic.  They are great as log as you don't leave them full of water overnight, as the antifog coating if destroyed.  I discovered this getting pissed at a Namsoft weekend...  



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On 03/04/2021 at 17:18, djben9 said:

be careful with FMA ones, ive seen video's on you tube on the lens not withstanding shots well...

Yeah, I've seen the 'test' videos of several 500fps shots at point blank but I don't consider that a real world test.

When motorcycle helmets are tested they don't drive a truck over them even though that can theoretically happen.  (and more likely than being shot twice point blank by a sniper)




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36 minutes ago, EDcase said:

Yeah, I've seen the 'test' videos of several 500fps shots at point blank but I don't consider that kind of testing real world.


the general idea with the bolt gun thing is that if it can withstand the hottest thing on the field well within the distances they're allowed to operate then it'll be proof against all but the most insanely egregious users of creative game mechanics (read: spring swappers/regulator twiddlers).


it's the most extreme scenario that you'd hope, if it ever happened, you'd be protected from.

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22 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


the general idea with the bolt gun thing is that if it can withstand the hottest thing on the field well within the distances they're allowed to operate then it'll be proof against all but the most insanely egregious users of creative game mechanics (read: spring swappers/regulator twiddlers).


it's the most extreme scenario that you'd hope, if it ever happened, you'd be protected from.

That's what I mean.  Why test 500fps at point blank when min engagement is 20m?   If a sniper were to shoot someone closer than 10m they should be automatically banned from the site.

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1 hour ago, EDcase said:

Yeah, I've seen the 'test' videos of several 500fps shots at point blank but I don't consider that kind of testing real world.

When motorcycle helmets are tested they don't drive a truck over them even though that can theoretically happen.  (and more likely than being shot twice point blank by a sniper)

Do agree with you on this . Comes down to making your own educated decision in the end , same as you do wether to wear mesh goggles or not ? What are the chances of a BB hitting the mesh shattering and penetrating your eye ? and equally what are the chances of a BB hitting the lens at the right point that it’ll break through and still have enough energy to damage your eye ? All the eye injuries I’ve ever seen or heard off have been the result of either the glasses slipping down or the player lifting there glasses for what ever reason in game , now not saying it won’t or hasn’t happened but me personally I’ve never actually seen or heard of an injury through the eye pro failing like this , I have seen a pair of normal glasses inside a pair of fan goggles shatter because the player took a full auto blast to the face from less than 10ft and the goggles flexed against the glasses shattering the one lens and the shards of glass ended up in the eye(luckily no permanent damage done because I was able to get the player NOT to rub his eye) Equally your asking for trouble if you wear £2.99 goggles from B&M’s or Poundland but I think you can make an educated choice to trust the ‘named’ Chinese brands like Emerson , FMA , etc they’ve got way too much invested in the sport to risk there standing and as a result there profits being trashed ? 

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11 minutes ago, EDcase said:

That's what I mean.  Why test 500fps at point blank when min engagement is 20m?   If a sniper were to shoot someone closer than 10m they should be automatically banned from the site.

While I agree point blank range is unrealistic it should still be close e.g. 550fps at 1m (hot gun catching someone just as they pass in front of a hidden sniper as they fire their shot). I is these unitended circumstances you want to account for. Sure you can ban someone for being over fps limits or shooting within minimum engagement but that will be after the act and too late to save your eye.

2 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Do agree with you on this . Comes down to making your own educated decision in the end , same as you do wether to wear mesh goggles or not ? What are the chances of a BB hitting the mesh shattering and penetrating your eye ? and equally what are the chances of a BB hitting the lens at the right point that it’ll break through and still have enough energy to damage your eye ? All the eye injuries I’ve ever seen or heard off have been the result of either the glasses slipping down or the player lifting there glasses for what ever reason in game , now not saying it won’t or hasn’t happened but me personally I’ve never actually seen or heard of an injury through the eye pro failing like this , I have seen a pair of normal glasses inside a pair of fan goggles shatter because the player took a full auto blast to the face from less than 10ft and the goggles flexed against the glasses shattering the one lens and the shards of glass ended up in the eye(luckily no permanent damage done because I was able to get the player NOT to rub his eye) Equally your asking for trouble if you wear £2.99 goggles from B&M’s or Poundland but I think you can make an educated choice to trust the ‘named’ Chinese brands like Emerson , FMA , etc they’ve got way too much invested in the sport to risk there standing and as a result there profits being trashed ? 

Again it is a risk verses probability choice. While highly unlikely, if you are that 1 in 100,000 that loses their sight in one eye then the impact is huge. People do win the lottery even is most of us never will. For the sake of a little checking and the cost of a couple of bags of BBs why is there even a discussion. Just get the proper rated eye protection.

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
2 hours ago, EDcase said:

That's what I mean.  Why test 500fps at point blank when min engagement is 20m? 

Because you're testing worst-case, not edge-case. If you lose an eye due to a hot gun, whether they were under the MED is going to be the least of your worries.

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9 hours ago, EDcase said:

That's what I mean.  Why test 500fps at point blank when min engagement is 20m?   If a sniper were to shoot someone closer than 10m they should be automatically banned from the site.


even if we assume everyone on-site is perfectly abiding by fps and med rules, you could still accidentally pop your head up at the wrong place and catch a round from a sniper point blank who was trying to shoot someone further away.


or the much more likely scenario that some scrote rocks up with a hot gun and is blasting away and you're the poor sod who rounds the corner on him.


people can and do run far in excess of limits, yes we try as a community to stamp it out but the reality is it absolutely does happen despite all our best efforts and i dunno about you but seeing is something i quite enjoy.


edit: probably relevant storytime:


a much younger (although not fitter) hamster when he had just started out cut his teeth at a site that had, well, a questionable standard of chrono. he didn't realize it at the time but it was pretty normal (at the time) for the site regulars to be running a tad higher (read: a lot) than the specified limits, needless to say these regulars had no qualms pumping rounds into you at point blank range and the young innocent hamster just thought this is how airsoft is- hurts like hell, it was so bad it nearly drove me out of the hobby.


during this time caught a few rounds to my first ever set of mesh goggles, fortunately (by luck of the amazon special lottery alone) they were the hexmesh type rather than woven wire and just about were up to the task of resisting the impact, although not without accumulating serious dents.


it took me going to a different site with a different culture to realize what was truly going on, needless to say though the experience planted the seeds both of my obsession with range but also my hatred of people who run hot, because i've experienced first hand what it's like to be an inexperienced player trying to play by the rules against those who break them (whether it was ignorance or malevolence on the site's part i don't really know hence my reluctance to name and shame in the hope that the site has changed its ways in the years since).


the point is that rating against the unexpected absolutely is worthwhile, for sure if i'd only ever worn eyepro capable of surviving the rated limits and no more i'd have pretty poor depth perception......

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17 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


even if we assume everyone on-site is perfectly abiding by fps and med rules, you could still accidentally pop your head up at the wrong place and catch a round from a sniper point blank who was trying to shoot someone further away.

Having been in a similar scenario, although it wasn't quite point blank, I can confirm this does happen. Basically I was crawling on my belly hoping to get into a position to post a pyro into a sniper's position. I lifted myself up to go over a log and was met with a heavy weight round to the face from about 3 yards. When I spoke to the sniper later it turned out he was lining up a shot on someone else when my face filled his scope and the sudden surprise made him jump and accidentally pull the trigger

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28 minutes ago, EDcase said:

You should name the site so people can report if they've mended their ways.

If they haven't then they should be reported to the authorities.


I know where you're coming from but it's been the guts of a decade so dont wanna go slandering somewhere when it could be a completely different place now.


I'm planning to head back myself to check it out (assuming they survive lockdown). They seemed to have the right motivation so maybe they just had as bad an understanding of physics at the time as i did.

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Bit late to the convo but I really suffered with fogging with any goggles until I bit the bullet and got an exfog.


I won't lie, it's overpriced and you can make something similar for much cheaper. I have no tech skills however so got the exfog and have literally not fogged since. I like that you can use it with any goggles as well and have cut multiple tubes to suit a few different set ups.


I consider it my best airsoft purchase tbh, even the nicest RIF is useless if you can't see past the end of the barrel. 

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