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Kicking Mustang, SO Whats the Story?

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I am new here *waves* but i have seen several posts mentioning the guy negatively and him being banned from a number of sites?

So what is the story around this?

I stopped watching his videos because they were just plain boring after you had watched a couple and I have a personal rule that I wont watch any youtuber who has to constantly click-bait their videos. 






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That pretty much covers it, oh and they are a terrible person. You might need to get creative with search terms as km name might not be there.

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Click bait videos sums it up.


I know people who think Airsoft is all hiding in a bush shooting people in the face due to videos like his.


I have not met him or played against it with him (to my knowledge) but we have played at the same sites often. And the stories are the same. He thinks he’s above everyone, pushes site rules to suit himself (like going out of bounds a lot) and his click bait headshot only videos when in a lot of cases he didn’t NEED to shoot someone in the head or face as a body shot could have been made.

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There are certainly some creative nicknames around for him thats for sure.


I tried to mention both sides of the story in the other thread as i've never dealt with him personally, so the rumours of things like running hot and getting banned aren't something i can confirm, likewise i've heard folk on the other side of that coin saying he's nowhere near as bad irl as his current youtube persona would have you beleive.


Regardless of what the truth is when it comes to playing against him the problem i do take exception to is the way he portrays sportsmanlike conduct as dishing out "justice" to cheaters, intentional headshots (when alternatives are available) and most importantly referring to anyone who thinks this isn't cricket as a snowflake.


Problem is as albiscuit points out is when new players think this is what airsoft is about, or how airsoft should be played. As much as i dislike the term him and novritsch et al are the closest thing airsoft has to celebrities and are acting as role models for the sport.

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Saw a long video a while back detailing some of the uhh... less than youtube friendly things he has (allegedly) done. I think it got removed but the guy accused him of hurting a kid. I think he's also been banned from a few sites (dunno why). Must say that I only heard one side of the story though

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I know several people that have met him and they all say that he's actually quite a nice bloke, the problem is that he has a YouTube channel to run which he has quite rightly worked out responds best to a certain type of video complete with clickbait titles. Like it or not, he's responding to his audience so they're just as much to blame.


I tend to take some of the online hyperbole about "airsoft celebrities" with a hefty pinch of salt as chinese whispers contribute to at least half the rumours that circulate about them but there is no doubt that some do indeed start to drink their own Kool Aid and disappear up their own arses.


Personally as far as KM goes whether the things he shows in his videos are how he spends the entire day playing or not, quite a few are dick moves plain and simple and risk tarnishing the whole community purely because of the reach he has on social media (his videos often get picked up by the likes of LadBible for example). There's plenty of others out there that are much bigger dicks that get away with it because they don't film themselves (anyone remember Captain Teamkill from The Mall?).

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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco

Building on Lozart's post... I've played with KM at a private skirmish, someone's stag do.


KM is polite enough in person to chat to, and *REALLY GOOD* at playing. We were at Strikeforce CQB - somewhat of a departure for him, he normally sticks to woodland iirc, he was consistently taking out most of my team every time he got behind our lines. He used a TM MK23, when most of the people playing were using GBB or GBBR, and managed to out-gun us a lot of the time. KM has incredible "map sense", and knows how to exploit that, moving quickly. Despite wearing one of Heroshark's custom ghillie masks, he was somehow able to blend into the CQB pallet scenery at times.


Someone thought he was going out of bounds - he wasn't, he was just moving quickly enough to get to a position where someone was surprised to see him.


What I've said thus far is high praise, and I think he deserves that part. However at the same time I think his choice to brand and edit his videos so they're focused on personal conflict is fucking disgusting. Even putting aside the supposed cruel headshots for a moment, KM makes an active choice to court the type of Airsofter who loves to shame or fight other airsofters - he's making his vids to purposefully appeal to people who want to see people getting whacked in the face with no facepro, or people who want to see someone take a 40mike to the face. It's antithetical to what Airsoft should be IMO. I think it's a shame he chose to take his channel in that direction, his vids from a few years back were completely different in style and tone.

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45 minutes ago, Lozart said:

There's plenty of others out there that are much bigger dicks that get away with it because they don't film themselves (anyone remember Captain Teamkill from The Mall?).


I remember hearing tha name once but never had the fortune of knowing who or what it was...

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Go to the comments section of his videos and it doesn't take long for people to start echoing his mantra "If you don't want to get shot, stay at home snowflakes!"

Perhaps surprisingly, most of the people watching/commenting don't appear to have ever played airsoft. My concern is if they do decide to give it a go, they're the type to full-auto you to the face for 30 seconds whilst screaming "if you don't want to get shot, stay at home snowflakes!"


...OK so maybe that's hyperbole but he's still a negative influence on new airsofters and has chosen views over promoting the honour system our hobby relies heavily upon.

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21 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:


I remember hearing tha name once but never had the fortune of knowing who or what it was...


He was a full on Multiglam clad wannabe that stood at the back shouting for everyone to "PUSH!!!" and complained about people getting in his line of fire. SO then he just started shooting people point blank in the back of the head to make them move. Utter cockwomble.

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:

 complained about people getting in his line of fire. SO then he just started shooting people point blank in the back of the head to make them move. Utter cockwomble.

Sorry, that kinda shit would get me banned from the site & him a big bill at the dentist.

what a knob, I'm surprised no one has sorted him out with that behavior ?

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I'm not one to complain too much about headshots as I've always just accepted that they will happen.


However, I will agree that specifically going for headshots is just wrong. If you're going out to play airsoft because you want to shoot people in the head and cause them pain, you probably need to see a doctor.


On the topic of KM; as a sniper, I don't like him as a sniper because of his clickbait videos and penchant for headshots. I will admit his camo and general awareness is very good, however that doesn't make up for the myriad of other negatives.

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:


He was a full on Multiglam clad wannabe that stood at the back shouting for everyone to "PUSH!!!" and complained about people getting in his line of fire. SO then he just started shooting people point blank in the back of the head to make them move. Utter cockwomble.

Does sound familiar.

wouldnt have lasted long at the mall though I’m sure

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4 minutes ago, Impulse said:

I'm not one to complain too much about headshots as I've always just accepted that they will happen.


The way i've always run is centre of mass of what i see. It's not just out of sympathy but increasing my chance of hitting given the sketchy nature of airsoft ballistics.


Headshots are a fact of the game, if all you have to shoot at is a face or a hand or a foot then that's what you shoot at.


But regardless of wether or not he's intentionally aiming for headshots when alternatives are available or just editing the camera footage to make it look like that's what he's doing is irrelevant, point is its the portrayal of doing it is the problem coupled with the sketchy "snowflake dont wanna get shot dont play" attitude because that's whats setting an example to new players.


I suspect that its an evolution. His earlier vids arent near as bad but i think once he put a few up after encountering drama "in the wild" and saw the viewa he's snowballed to the point i wouldnt be surprised he's trying to generate drama to keep the clickbait rolling.

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10 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

But regardless of wether or not he's intentionally aiming for headshots when alternatives are available or just editing the camera footage to make it look like that's what he's doing is irrelevant, point is its the portrayal of doing it is the problem coupled with the sketchy "snowflake dont wanna get shot dont play" attitude because that's whats setting an example to new players.


I suspect that its an evolution. His earlier vids arent near as bad but i think once he put a few up after encountering drama "in the wild" and saw the viewa he's snowballed to the point i wouldnt be surprised he's trying to generate drama to keep the clickbait rolling.


At the end of the day, this is it. A lot of people, especially younger players, will come into airsoft because they've seen videos online and want to get into it. If this is the content they see, they're going to get into airsoft with that negative mindset, therefore proliferating bad sportsmanship and behaviour. It's unhealthy for the hobby (just like all those "TOP 10 FIGHTS IN AIRSOFT MUST WATCH" clickbait nonsense videos)

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5 minutes ago, Impulse said:

just like all those "TOP 10 FIGHTS IN AIRSOFT MUST WATCH" clickbait nonsense videos


This is a good point to keep in mind that km is by no means the only person on youtube who's ended up like this.


Its a tricky problem, as someone mentioned earlier it's as much a symptom of the fact that its what people watch.

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1 hour ago, Impulse said:


At the end of the day, this is it. A lot of people, especially younger players, will come into airsoft because they've seen videos online and want to get into it. If this is the content they see, they're going to get into airsoft with that negative mindset, therefore proliferating bad sportsmanship and behaviour. It's unhealthy for the hobby (just like all those "TOP 10 FIGHTS IN AIRSOFT MUST WATCH" clickbait nonsense videos)


1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


This is a good point to keep in mind that km is by no means the only person on youtube who's ended up like this.


Its a tricky problem, as someone mentioned earlier it's as much a symptom of the fact that its what people watch.


Unfortunately I think it's true, the last 5+ years I've noticed a serious decline in the attitudes of SOME players on SOME sites, often means I'll come away with the hump & not go back, & the sites have got to shoulder some of the blame for not clamping down on overly aggressive or antisocial behaviour.

YouTube has got a lot to answer for.

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Also another problem with Airsoft Sniper Youtubers in general is most people don't seem to realise the crosshair and sound of the BB hitting is added post-production. With one person in the comments section adding "It definitely hit him, you can clearly hear the impact!"



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8 minutes ago, Tackle said:



Unfortunately I think it's true, the last 5+ years I've noticed a serious decline in the attitudes of SOME players on SOME sites, often means I'll come away with the hump & not go back, & the sites have got to shoulder some of the blame for not clamping down on overly aggressive or antisocial behaviour.

YouTube has got a lot to answer for.


Its a tricky call. Certainly sites being lax is a major problem which can be compounded when theres a lack of competition in the practically accessable area so your choice is to put up with it or find a new hobby.


Cant blame youtube for bad management though.

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make of it what you will but I know that he has really upset the hunteering guys who are mostly a pretty easygoing group.


from what I understand they were running hardcore multiday sniper Vs sniper events and decided to run a hunteering lite or sniper ops as they called it... it's this fb group that Mr KM now runs today so they felt a bit hard done by to say the least.


as to my personal view I don't like the YouTube side of his persona as he comes across a little vindictive but I don't think he's like that in person and equally he has actually helped design an improved leafsuit which works very well. yes it's made in Russia but there is enough Innovation in there to make it unique if you're willing to pay attention to the little details. (yes I do own one as it met my requirements for what I needed)

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1 minute ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

Also another problem with Airsoft Sniper Youtubers in general is most people don't seem to realise the crosshair and sound of the BB hitting is added post-production. With one person in the comments section adding "It definitely hit him, you can clearly hear the impact!"




I dont read yt comments as a rule, but you can tell whoever's saying that is either a troll or never played.


I run quiet guns a lot, and i run heavy ammo a lot and i run an ambient amplifying headset, and its very rare you're close enough to actually hear the bb impacting over all the other noise that's going on.


Likewise i never put store in the hit markers, if you cant see the bb hitting, or the person calling out, then theres always doubt in play. I cant seriously beleive that they can remember their scope view for every single shot in a game (never mind the hours of footage thats edited out) in order to put those markers in with any kind of reliability.

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The only airsoft celeb I was aware of was Matt the Musketeer but I believe he gave it all up..... other than that I reckon Luke from NA is by far my favourite airsoft celeb now 🤪 

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4 hours ago, AlphaBear said:

The only airsoft celeb I was aware of was Matt the Musketeer but I believe he gave it all up..... other than that I reckon Luke from NA is by far my favourite airsoft celeb now 🤪 


I dont mind dutch's stuff, sure theres a bit of clickbait but nowhere near on the level some do and mostly his play seems decent.

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