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What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?


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  On 15/10/2019 at 16:39, Lozart said:

I'll also say one of the BEST channels for airsoft is Negative Airsoft https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdWFrvXg78qI4j8Brfit2XA cos Luke is ace and he swears like a navvy with Tourettes.


The guy loves TM recoils btw

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I think we can all agree something with a handsome ginger bearded man wearing dungarees, possibly a vest. In a shed mumbling about springer pistols and the odd obscure gas pistol is the ultimate in airsoft youtube blog/review/jibberish. 



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Today guys Kicking Mustang playing at extreme sniper site down in Kent. He has employed his trusty fully upgraded SRS sniper rifle and his impenetrable MK23 sidearm for those stealth shots. He's wearing his Kicking Mustang ghillie which is advertised as not needing any extras whatsoever, yet he covers himself in foliage on top. Let's get into the game.

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Far too much advertising and paid reviews now. It is really difficult to get a solid review of anything and even testing some things, if it flies in the face of fanboys nobody will listen. 


From a bloggers perspective, it's not always easy to do direct comparisons on things, like comparing recoils as an example, because it means you have to buy both things to do it fairly, which gets expensive if you're just doing reviews for views, unless you get freebies but then there'll always be pressure to give a positive review of whatever you were given in order to help the sales of whoever gave you it and then to get more in the future. Most comparisons I've seen tend to be done by retailers... 


Personally, on stipsniper.com, if I do come across something good and worth buying I'll review it. Knowledge is free, and worth sharing because knowledge passed around comes around and you get to learn something new. Never understood players or groups who keep secrets to themselves (worst of all the ones that want to charge for it); we're all in it together and the more we all learn off each other the better we all get. 


And to finish on gameplay vids - they're generally shit. Airsoft on camera doesn't translate well and is nowhere near as good an experience as playing it. Kit reviews are far more helpful, and demonstrations of techniques. 

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  On 17/10/2019 at 16:58, stipsniper said:

Far too much advertising and paid reviews now. It is really difficult to get a solid review of anything and even testing some things, if it flies in the face of fanboys nobody will listen. 


From a bloggers perspective, it's not always easy to do direct comparisons on things, like comparing recoils as an example, because it means you have to buy both things to do it fairly, which gets expensive if you're just doing reviews for views, unless you get freebies but then there'll always be pressure to give a positive review of whatever you were given in order to help the sales of whoever gave you it and then to get more in the future. Most comparisons I've seen tend to be done by retailers... 


Personally, on stipsniper.com, if I do come across something good and worth buying I'll review it. Knowledge is free, and worth sharing because knowledge passed around comes around and you get to learn something new. Never understood players or groups who keep secrets to themselves (worst of all the ones that want to charge for it); we're all in it together and the more we all learn off each other the better we all get. 


And to finish on gameplay vids - they're generally shit. Airsoft on camera doesn't translate well and is nowhere near as good an experience as playing it. Kit reviews are far more helpful, and demonstrations of techniques. 


Actually love your blog. Never not found something interesting to read and refer back to it every now and then 😊

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On a side note, I just can't stop watching Negative Airsoft's videos.


Brutally honest, tells you why that thing is bad and absolutely hates ptfe and sorbothane..

Almost makes me want to disassemble a gun just for the sake of it..

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  On 17/10/2019 at 21:06, Skara said:

On a side note, I just can't stop watching Negative Airsoft's videos.


Brutally honest, tells you why that thing is bad and absolutely hates ptfe and sorbothane..

Almost makes me want to disassemble a gun just for the sake of it..


same I don't intend to touch my evo but I like to learn.


hes not trying to sell you anything.

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  On 17/10/2019 at 21:06, Skara said:

On a side note, I just can't stop watching Negative Airsoft's videos.


Brutally honest, tells you why that thing is bad and absolutely hates ptfe and sorbothane..

Almost makes me want to disassemble a gun just for the sake of it..



I love ptfe and sorbothane. Essential kit. And thanks for the positive comments about my blog :) glad it's helpful 

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  On 17/10/2019 at 21:46, stipsniper said:


I love ptfe and sorbothane. Essential kit. And thanks for the positive comments about my blog :) glad it's helpful 


Heh, different applications tbf, they do make sense on a bolt action, not so much on an AEG though :P


By the way, I am afraid it's time to write another 2 or 3 articles :P your content is really enjoyable, at least for me, what makes it good is the little tips here and there, impressions and your honest opinion on whatever is the topic.

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ptfe and sorbo are fine in the right places.


it's when you see it being used for replacing screw threads or holding the handguard on then it begins to become questionable.


however i do use ptfe a fair bit on cylinder heads, a good head won't need it but a bit of ptfe can do wonders to improve a poor head.

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  On 18/10/2019 at 17:32, Skara said:

Heh, different applications tbf, they do make sense on a bolt action, not so much on an AEG though :P


By the way, I am afraid it's time to write another 2 or 3 articles :P your content is really enjoyable, at least for me, what makes it good is the little tips here and there, impressions and your honest opinion on whatever is the topic.



Pressure is on... 


I'm busy doing aeg/milsim related stuff for the England vs Scotland game at the moment, I don't know if that's of any interest? 


And yeah ptfe is useful in the right places... 

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  On 18/10/2019 at 19:11, stipsniper said:


Pressure is on... 


I'm busy doing aeg/milsim related stuff for the England vs Scotland game at the moment, I don't know if that's of any interest? 


And yeah ptfe is useful in the right places... 


I'd say go for it if you feel like writing something, worst case scenario nobody will read it. In any case it's up to you..

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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 03/11/2019 at 14:58, Sawyer said:

Saw this on Facebook, from Insta...



Ooh Facebook dramas.

There is a point from both sides:


Full face protection - I’m in agreement with that.  But there is no airsoft standard that requires full face protection for all players 


Restriction on deliberate headshots - I’m also in agreement with the site for having a policy to reduce the risk associated with just eye protection.

Though disclaimers don’t sign away players rights to a safe environment, it shows a mitigation in place against a risk, and players should be reading what they are signing.


Shooting cheats in the head: No matter how special someone thinks they are, unless they are site staff then they are not the ‘cheat police’


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  On 03/11/2019 at 16:29, Tommikka said:

Ooh Facebook dramas.

There is a point from both sides:


Full face protection - I’m in agreement with that.  But there is no airsoft standard that requires full face protection for all players 


Restriction on deliberate headshots - I’m also in agreement with the site for having a policy to reduce the risk associated with just eye protection.

Though disclaimers don’t sign away players rights to a safe environment, it shows a mitigation in place against a risk, and players should be reading what they are signing.


Shooting cheats in the head: No matter how special someone thinks they are, unless they are site staff then they are not the ‘cheat police’



Personally, whilst I see his point about cheaters, you have got to be an adult about it.


Additionally, if you deliberately breached a condition of a waiver that you signed, you don't really have a right to complain.

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What's their policy on "that bloke is always well hidden in cover, so I'm literally gonna have to repeatedly target his head, on purpose like cos that's all I ever see" ?.

I agree that the only "police" on site should be staff, but if the guy was repeatedly cheating, which I'm guessing is non hit taking to body shots, AND it's all on camera, then surely he deserves all he gets, cheats are a scourge on our sport.

Also, if they've banned the shooter, if the cheating has been verified, I do hope the cheats been banned too ?


EDIT: only just spotted that it was Kicking Wankpot that got banned, don't particularly care for YouTube "celebs", good riddance to bad rubbish lol.

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Now having watched what is probably the offending video .....





The start seems to show him having to be told he had been hit.  That kind of screws the subject of his “cheaters” video from the outset (and it’s later shown in detail)


When asked how many BBs are in the drum mag - “unlimited”

Initial opinion is reinforced - Dick



Then when he gets straight into his - one shot that gets ignored to the second in the face ...... he has a rant about needing to expect headshots, and that safety is personal responsibility.  Both correct, but he’s blatantly ignored his personal responsibility by either not reading the site disclaimer or has read it and chosen to disregard it

(I’m going to give him a slight benefit of the doubt that he didn’t hear the conversation during the game with the marshal about illegal headshots, and the cocky comment later ..... he of course was not deliberately ignoring the rule?????)



There are also other reasons that may exist for rules that are either against headshots, or don’t count headshots - eg if you have full face protection but don’t count headshots then that’s usually for rental players to prevent blind firing 




Is he seriously commenting about a ‘small girl’ with a Desert Eagle, whilst carrying his sniper, pistol and SMG???But is that all fine because he’s a big strong man





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We've talked about km before and his penchant for intentional headshots, its plainly evident that some of them are intentionally aimed as such.


Yes face pro is a valid point, and it is a risk you take, but it is not a defence for being a dick.


I always hold that you should shoot centre of mass of what you can see, if all you can see is their head then it's a valid target, but if they give you something else to shoot at go there first, which in some of his videos this is a thing he evidently does not adhere to.

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To be honest, I don't agree with whinging about being shot in the face.


We don't use accurate guns, not even the sniper rifles are. Don't want to bleed from the chops? Wear full face or stfu.


Banning people for headshots is, on the face of it, daft, but really he's been banned for breaching the waiver. 

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I'm in the hosp so trying to watch it with no volume, but it's immediately evident he's going for headshots, often purposely moving the cross hairs from centre mass up to head before pulling the trigger.

Yep, he's a dick lol🤡

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Popular YouTubers set expectations for new players, and for players who seek to emulate them for the attention that it demonstrably generates.


Licking Mustard clearly sets out to seek drama.  HEDSHOOTED CHEETAR!!!!  is pretty much his stock in trade now, along with shooting from out of bounds or inside MED.


Anyway, good riddance to him, and I hope he gets BTFO'd from every site in the UK.


Video reported as harmful / dangerous acts @0:15, for promoting deliberate face shots.  Which it does.

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People have no right to moan about  getting shot in the head but at the same time I never go for them on purpose. Instead of shooting cheaters in the head as some type of "justice" do the right thing. Call yourself out of the game and deal with it correctly find a marshal if you can see one. If not get a good description on the offender and then go report it. Shooting them in the head won't stop them cheating and it ruins the game for everyone they need to be dealt with correctly so they can be ejected. 


As for his reticle being on their face it means nothing he adds the reticle in post while editing which is why I hate sniper videos it makes it looks like they aim exactly where the BB goes every time. He clearly has a reputation for head shots. If the site owners reviewed his footage then the cheater who wasn't taking hits should also get a ban at least for a few months as there is no smoke without fire.  

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  On 04/11/2019 at 09:59, Musica said:

He clearly has a reputation for head shots



IIRC (and I may not) didn't he proudly claim that he'd taken headshots against some players who offended him by talking to each other while dead?


As in, he deliberately headshot already dead players to punish them for not standing there silently.


Quite how he heard what they were saying from outside of a 30m MED escapes me, but I'm sure his Super Sonic Sniper Hearing managed to determine from that range that they were talking about in-game things rather than just chatting.

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