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HUGE Dilemma here...

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I think it looks better without.




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1 minute ago, Adolf Hamster said:

without, i'd change that barrel out for a blued one, then maybe do the pins /trigger the same and swap that slide out for one that won't let all the dirt in.

So buy a new gun basically 😂

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With base on it looks like a $10 hooker , without it it looks like a $5 hooker 

But ultimately there both still hookers ! 😉

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Damn, was hard and had to contemplate for a while.


The final decision is: without sadly. Flair is great and all but there were 2 determining factors:

  • Mag needs to be slapped in hard for it to lock with the magwell which means when I was testing it, the mag actually fell out a few times which would be embarrassing on the field.
  • If theoretically, at one point, some film production crew comes along and asks me to make a scene with the pistol, the flaired magwell would look dumb as no real glock has that kind of silver flair sadly.

Sadly magwell fans, it has to go :(

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1 hour ago, AK47frizzle said:
  • Sadly magwell fans, it has to go :(

Aaahh so it now just looks like a $5 hooker , how sad 😢


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IMO a glock can do without the gold trim, ported slide, extended magwell etc etc.


If I buy a glock, it’s going to look like this:


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It is a flashy Glock, keep it flashy.

If you wanted it to look basic, sell it and buy the average Glock (as above).

But change the barrel to silver to match that magwell and the trigger. The gold is just completely random.

The silver magwell also hides the slightly dodgy stippling at the bottom (doesn't match the rest above it).


I just really prefer silver barrels/bolts on guns over gold or black. It is still flashy, but still 'classy'. 


Just my opinion, of course. Do whichever you prefer! It is yours, afterall.

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