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cheaters (rant)

Adolf Hamster
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Same reason I shy away from Larp weapons. Can see myself with a sledgehammer from A2 supplies charging some poor sod in the basement at the mall.

Rubber knife for me!!

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Ye minimum engagement but at near point blank, panic shooting is a bitch for whoever is on the receiving end. In the woodland site I play I can sort of understand it because if you flank someone and they turn around as you about to knife kill em it’s not the nicest feeling feeling getting peppered with 10 plus B.B’s from gbb pistol:lol:

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Ye I though about getting a rubber tomahawk but I’d be too tempted to launch it at someone not calling

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15 minutes ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

Most stupid rule in airsoft and I refuse to play any site that uses it. Anyone who shouts bang at me is getting shot plain and simple. 

Ye while you may disagree with it but if your playing a site that uses and you shoot em anyway you’d end up in a wild west showdown :lol:

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Bang rule is beyond stupid, but I have yet to be to a site that operates it. Infact, take a trip over to X-Site and play in their killhouse, minimum engagement my backside

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the bang rule is fine, as long as it's just a courtesy thing and the site doesn't try to enforce it.


the way i work it is if you bang kill someone and they try to shoot you then go ahead and blast them.


i've given and recieved my fair share of bang kills and every time it's been preferable to getting hit point blank.


the one that gets me though is sites saying somethings "hard cover" when it isn't, if your hit your hit that's how it should work.

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I have seen it once or twice, I just ignore it and shoot people in the backside or on a pouch if I get the chance. Much prefer the hand of shoulder and say knife kill rule they seem to run in the states (seen it in youtube vids) but even then if im running towards someone im not aiming to touch them, I will put a shot into them and carry on past them.

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4 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

the bang rule is fine, as long as it's just a courtesy thing and the site doesn't try to enforce it.


Me and an enemy player were in the same cross roads at epsom tunnels, we didnt realise we were on other teams and were actually defending together for a few mins, when we realised we both called ourselves out and headed back to spawn. There was an unspoken gentlemans agreement to just back off and not shoot each other. Was tense at the time, but funny looking back

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You're assuming that it's the kit that stops you feeling a hit. More often than not it's because the guy who thinks you're cheating can't shoot for sh*t and thinks his toy gun can outrange Carlos Hathcock.


Case in point, I was at South Coast CQB last year, tight against a wall with a drainpipe about 4 feet away at the corner of the building. Bloke kept popping round the corner and trying to shoot me through the gap but wasn't hitting me because all his shots were ricocheting off the wall! Didn't stop him getting pissy about it.

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Having played the Mall many a time, I know they're pretty good at monitoring it but it does still happen. The last day I had there was rather disappointing thanks to some tactical teflon players. The biggest issue is when people think they're hitting you but they're not but then they get the arse anyway and it just ruins the atmosphere.

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The Depot's position on it is that banging is optional for both parties.  You can say "Bang" if you like, they can ignore it and try and get the drop on you, and you're free to slot them at any point.


In practice, it only really gets used as a courtesy when you've stealthed up to someone and are holding a gun to their groin.


[Oh right, what Adolf Hamster just said]


And I agree about being selective about giving a stuff.  As previously, I'm happy to call myself out if asked politely, but last time I was out I had a moaning minny start on the "You going to take that or what?"  Well, what, since I didn't feel anything at ten feet, and I don't much like the tone of your voice.


He got grenade killed and sloped off, still muttering "cheating bastard" under his breath, which I recall only because I found it amusing.  As noted, once you start down the "I hit you" path, you're ensuring that at least one party is going to be unhappy.  If you're obviously already grumpy about it, I don't see why I should join you.

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40 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

In practice, it only really gets used as a courtesy when you've stealthed up to someone and are holding a gun to their groin.


i think my funniest bang kill was at an outdoor site, heather everywhere so there were only certain routes you could take in, i'd already hidden in one spot and popped the guy and given how far away the respawn was i knew he'd do the old wait a minute out of sight and come back in (everyone does that at that site).


so i thought "hmm maybe time to go get a hiding spot to get this guy", so i backed into a corner in the heather along the route ready to pop him when he walked by.


then all i heard was a click behind me, turned around to find him lying under the bush pistol pointed point blank at my posterior.


afterwards he thanked me for not shouting hit loudly and revealing him, of course my reply was thanks for not shooting me in the backside.

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bang rule totally blows, even if its voluntary. Just because some guy thinks he got the drop on me and would definitely have hit me, doesn't mean i agree or that i wouldn't have got a shot off and killed him too BUT if someone says bang id feel like a dick if i didn't accept it so the bang rule just kind of guilt trips into taking a hit on the other persons terms.



When im up close to someone i just keep the gun leveled at their leg and give them a tap with my hand, when they look at me i ask "would you like to take the hit" give them a moment to realize im on the other team and have my gun on them. The offer has never been refused because with my hand on their shoulder its just not possible for them to turn around on me, there is no ambiguity about who would have won if I had just fired instead. 


If your close but not touching distance then just shoot for the leg (the pain is really not that bad). 



and thats all if your behind someone and they haven't seen you. If you both spot each other at more or less the same time but its close then FIRE. Shouting bang because its close is very poor imo because of the original point - "bang" suggests you would definitely have fired first and would definitely have hit and if they shoot and hit you when you said bang, they are seen as the ass which is unfair.

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I had mag issues a while back whilst attempting to rail @ImTriggerHappynot realising my mag wasn't clipped in properly. "You're dry firing mate" I put up my hand and was like "I'll just skulk away to avoid embarrasment."


Last thing I wanted was to get pigged.

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1 minute ago, Duff said:

I had mag issues a while back whilst attempting to rail @ImTriggerHappynot realising my mag wasn't clipped in properly. "You're dry firing mate" I put up my hand and was like "I'll just skulk away to avoid embarrasment."


Last thing I wanted was to get pigged.


dont worry, im sure many have done that..... played a work night game where each team had to run to roughly the middle of site to get VIP.....i got there first went to fire and realised.............i hadnt actually put my mag in!

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2 hours ago, Albiscuit said:


Me and an enemy player were in the same cross roads at epsom tunnels, we didnt realise we were on other teams and were actually defending together for a few mins, when we realised we both called ourselves out and headed back to spawn. There was an unspoken gentlemans agreement to just back off and not shoot each other. Was tense at the time, but funny looking back


That's like the Airsoft equivalent of the Christmas Day WW1 Football match.

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Dry fired at people plenty of times at The Mall, normally most people take it and laugh about it. One time I got shot.... :(  cant get lucky all the time.



To be fair I wouldnt take it and would have shot me too :P 

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10 minutes ago, L3wisD said:


That's like the Airsoft equivalent of the Christmas Day WW1 Football match.


haha really was. Its cos Im a sneaky fecker and got back behind the op team and came from his spawn direction, I think I assumed our team pushed up too. Was a couple of mins before we both really acknowledged each other and realised. We both laughed and skulked off.

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I spent a few minutes with what was clearly an opposing player stood behind me as I was taking his mates out. All he kept shouting was "COLOUR?". Had me dead to rights. If I'd turned around to try to fire he'd have got me. So I ignored him and kept on taking out his team through the window. He seemed really miffed when he finally had to shoot me.


I'm not going to call a lie, but by not calling at all he seemed to think I was cheating.

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29 minutes ago, warlord said:

I spent a few minutes with what was clearly an opposing player stood behind me as I was taking his mates out. All he kept shouting was "COLOUR?". Had me dead to rights. If I'd turned around to try to fire he'd have got me. So I ignored him and kept on taking out his team through the window. He seemed really miffed when he finally had to shoot me.


I'm not going to call a lie, but by not calling at all he seemed to think I was cheating.


Lol. If I call colour and you don't answer you're getting shot

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3 minutes ago, steakandpotato said:


Lol. If I call colour and you don't answer you're getting shot


Exactly :)

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Did have a funny incident a few weeks ago.

I was trying to be all sneaky beaky and work my way in among the enemy line of advance. All of a sudden this guy appears out of nowhere. Looks at me, i clock his armband colour and shoot him with a quick burst from about 10 feet away. he dives behind a tree and shouts friendly (friendly fire is a kill on our site, so i don't know what his game was), He steps out from the tree so i shot him again, pointed to my opposing team coloured armband smile and walk off. I don't think he was happy with me lol.

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54 minutes ago, warlord said:

I spent a few minutes with what was clearly an opposing player stood behind me as I was taking his mates out. All he kept shouting was "COLOUR?". Had me dead to rights. If I'd turned around to try to fire he'd have got me. So I ignored him and kept on taking out his team through the window. He seemed really miffed when he finally had to shoot me.


I'm not going to call a lie, but by not calling at all he seemed to think I was cheating.

I’m not a fan of the whole calling out your colour thing either , unless it’s a stipulation in the safety brief (only time I’ve ever encountered it and can see why it was in place was at a CQB site were you could and did literally walk in to the opposition it was such a’rabbit warren of a site) I won’t use it or answer it my self , if you get the drop on me and can’t see my team colour and you genuinely think I’m an enemy ? Only need a single in too me and your either getting an “good shot !” Or “I’m on your team you plank !” :lol:

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32 minutes ago, steakandpotato said:

 If I call colour and you don't answer you're getting shot


Conversely, if you bark out "Colour?" without telling me yours, you should expect to be answered with incoming BBs.  Not because you're necessarily on the opposing team, just for being Sergeant Shouty.  If you want to tell me yours, that's great, please do.

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