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How do you carry your sidearm? :)


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So yea, how/where/system/holster/what angle do you carry your sidearm? Pics or explanations why you carry it the way you do would be excellent!

Haven't carried one for a while. I tried dropleg holster, but I stopped that as I just didn't like how it felt when moving around.. then I had it the mag pouches on my assault vest. Works well, but it always have to be covered by the flap, can't remove the flap prior to use to make it more easy accessible, as it would fall out. Might add that is was a KWA PTP m226 so relatively heavy.. weight of the gun might be another consideration about how to carry!

Can't post a pic myself at the moment, as I currently do not carry a sidearm.

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My Webtex tac vest has an internal built in holster on left side, easy and comfy concealed carry, but no good for a quick draw! Nam webbing uses a correct period leather US belt holster which works well. Likewise the Luger holster on the WW2 German kit. Can't load pics off my phone though sorry!

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Depends on the side arm I'm running. My p226 is carried on a standard drop leg holster on my left leg. Due to it's size, my mk23 I have in a Blackhawk Stealth Weapons catch on my belt:



Absolutely brilliant bit of kit as it can also hold my ca870 shotgun securely if I ever want to run it as a sidearm.

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I carry mine in a radio pouch on my vest, fits excellently along side my m4 mag pouches, fast to draw and never falls out,


I do want to get a proper holster for my 1911, I'm on the look out for one to attach on my belt, I've tried drop leg holsters, they're horrible things

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I carry mine on a serpa belt clip, modified to work drop leg, but high. I find normal drop legs sit too low. Mine sits about 4 inches below my belt... Saves it flopping about. Locks the pistol down really well.






That gives me clearance for the grenades, just above it.

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I've been borrowing a mates drop leg holster for the last 3 or 4 weeks and it's made me realise I get on really well with them. It's only a cheap fabric one, the downside is reholstering is really fiddly so plan to switch to a fobus drop leg when I get paid.

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I have mine in a Level 3 Serpa, mounted on a duty loop, which sits on my molle belt.
Keeps it around the hip area, but the duty loop drops it down enough to not interfere with my chest rig.

I've used the drop leg Serpa platforms before as well, and I was skeptical at first because I fookin' hate fabric drop leg holsters, all the ones I've tried have flapped about like mad and done nothing short of piss me off. But the Serpa drop legs are so solid it's more like it's anchored to your skin with nails, rather than just wrapped around by straps. I just didn't like how it knocked against my boots when getting low to the ground.

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I'm currently using Fabus holsters, they sit very comfortably and are stable on the hip and are easy to draw. The only draw back (no pun intended!) is that your plate carrier can interfere slightly.

I have been advised a "duty rigged" holster, sitting just below the belt is the ideal solution and one now used in many competition shooting practises as the standard.

Very interested in Ed's layout, could be the way ahead for me!

I've tried drop leg, i wouldn't touch viper or web tex gear with a barge pole, saw them used in afghan and most broke just from the weight of a pistol!

I had borrowed a very expensive Blackhawk cordura rig and it was very good at retention, but leg rigs are a bit "marmite", and I wouldn't go back to one.

Chest/plate carrier mounted I have not tried, but I feel it would interfere with my primary and sling.

Great discussion thread, thanks for starting!

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Safariland 6354DO ALS holster on my right hip, use a mid-ride belt loop to drop it down a couple of inches, puts it low enough to clear my plate carrier comfortably even when leaning and kneeling, but high enough that it doesn't get in the way of anything else or flap around.


I have no idea why the drop-leg thing became popular at all; puts the pistol too low for a consistent draw, even the best ones flap about a bit while running, constantly bang your pistol into things.

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I am using a universal holster off the belt. It can also be used as a drop leg setup but I really didn't get on with that, it didn't really hold very well. Because I wear a chest rig instead of a plate carrier I have a bit more room between the belt and the magazines so I find the two don't interfere with each other.

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VN loadout means the 1911 in a leather flap holster on the right hip. Otherwise it's the Beretta in a Fobus holster on the right hip, and the 1911 in another Fobus in the small of my back.


I quite like Fobus, in case you hadn't realised...

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i use one of the utg ambidextrous ones and even after only a few uses ive to say im impressed. theres a plastic rod thing in it that makes it so different to the other material ones ive used and only slightly harder draw than the plastic ones i had and broke.... and i wear it on my right hip on my shotgun shell belt...

this one btw http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/201086761814?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

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I use a drop leg for my kwa m226 because anything higher (on my hip) interferes with my plate carrier.

Although sometimes I use a IMI belt holster. But once again this rides to high. So it has to go.


I will be buying another holster (focus or safari land ) for the m226 as it will be run on a belt rig with a chest rig in the future. Also will end up buying a holster for my bulldog, but if I bother to finally get around to making a kydex one then that will do both of them.this is because I want to carry both pistols on the belt.

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Pocket. Only officers and machine gun crews are supposed to have pistols so it stays hidden, unless I need it. Fortunately I have massive pockets on all my uniforms :)

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  On 16/08/2014 at 19:50, Russe11 said:

Pocket. Only officers and machine gun crews are supposed to have pistols so it stays hidden, unless I need it. Fortunately I have massive pockets on all my uniforms :)

Used pockets for my m226 last time I played actually.. worked surprisingly well.

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Drop leg at the moment, but I want a molle holster so I can fit it horizontally on my chest, in place of the admin pouch. I think it looks cool there, but not sure how much it will interfere with my sling. Don't know whether to get a model specific holster or a more universal one for my M9 and HK45.

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  On 16/08/2014 at 19:50, Russe11 said:

Pocket. Only officers and machine gun crews are supposed to have pistols so it stays hidden, unless I need it. Fortunately I have massive pockets on all my uniforms :)

Hmmmm...... perhaps when the only pistol available was a Webbley .45?! Time's have changed my man!

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  On 16/08/2014 at 23:53, cavninja said:

Hmmmm...... perhaps when the only pistol available was a Webbley .45?! Time's have changed my man!

Check his loadout pictures.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I carry , my pistol using a dropleg holster. It does the job, but it doesn't feel very safe and is quite cumbersome.


If I ever get round to buying a chest rig, I'm hoping to get an IMI holster and then mount it on the rig, keeping my legs free.

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I keep my pistol in a Viper cordura & nylon holster on my left side, pistol grip facing forwards, for a crossdraw. Say what you want about Viper kit but their belts, holsters and open top 5.56 pouches are decent.

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  On 16/08/2014 at 23:53, cavninja said:

Hmmmm...... perhaps when the only pistol available was a Webbley .45?! Time's have changed my man!

Times have not changed, It's Lies!!!!

Oh and where did you say Webley .45's are available? :D

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Round the back of the Mess old boy, just ring the bell and a jolly nice chap will bring you one along with a splendid cup of tea! Lol

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