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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1. I don't think any AEG can even shoot to 100 yards... yet. Reflex sight and holographic are the same thing. One of the most common are eotech 552 replicas. Other than that, there are aimpoints (brand name) like the T1 or M2. If you want some zoom, you can always buy magnifiers that sit behind the sight, preferably ones that can swivel to the side so you switch from close range to longer ranged.
  2. I agree it looks shoddy BUT normally, you'd equip a PBS on it or a front grip; when there's a PBS on it, it's asking for fucks.
  3. I've changed my mind on PAYDAY2, not all players are twats in the game trying to kick you for no reason, it's mainly the lower levels unsurprisingly.
  4. Wut?! really?! That's one of my favy weapons! First priority when i'm 18; BUY AN AK12 IF THERE IS AN AEG VERSION. Back up plan: buy a fookin P90, an eotech and a silencer for it and make it fire a few million rounds per min.
  5. Oh, and i've just noticed. 5034 profile views. I'm one sexy bastard that you guys can't keep your eyes off.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. AK47frizzle
    3. two_zero


      dont think it actually is how many times someone opened your profile. I've notice these ridiculously high numbers before.. like I got 4579..... yea right.

    4. DX115FALCON
  6. PWWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA Took you a while
  7. HOLY SHEET!! SPOON WHERE U BEEN?!!! Heard they were very reliable.. so hmm.. too bad i can't get a hold of gas.
  8. Payday 2 is awesome; Robbing banks n' shit, although half the playerbase are twats. Battlefield is good, if you want 64 player servers filled with noobs spraying for shit. Insurgency is a great tactical, hardcore shooter. Another game i play is contract wars which is a web based game that runs on unity 3d engine, and i have to say, the graphics and gameplay are absolutely outstanding for a browser game. It is currently the best browser game anyway. I have 600 hours on it (not including standby time, it's pure gameplay time).
  9. Does anyone play Payday2? It's just incredible how many people cannot shoot for sh*t in this game. Even the level 100s are bloody noobs!

    1. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      I play payday 2 but my laptop is a bit of a c*** when I play it. It's probably because many of the guns are highly inaccurate anyway

    2. AK47frizzle


      After playing more today, i can conclude that the playerbase is absolute crap. I join a game and they decided to kick me. I do a stealth mission and they decide to shoot out loud.

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Playerbase is shocking, I only play with friends or a group i joined to combat the playerbase issue, but they've never really been active. It's a good game if you get the right people.

  10. Mirai Nikki is da shiz.

    1. DX115FALCON


      this had better be a "frizzle crap post"

    2. AK47frizzle
    3. cropzy


      Generic yandere.

  11. PayDay2... my net speed currently is 79 kb/s... estimated time to finish: Never. (23 hours)

    1. b1n0gHo5t


      Is it bad i got a 9mb download speed

    2. cropzy
  12. You'll have to take it apart fully, and to do that, you'll need to search up m4 type disassembles because i'm not familiar with them; i'm more of an AK guy. When do you take it apart, there will be a line sticking out on the inside of the bucking, all you have to do is realign it to the cut out groove on the barrel. For tightbores, madbull are decent for the price; about £30. If you have some cash to splash, then you can look up at Lonex and prometheus barrels, and if you really have some spare cash that you are desperately are trying to flush away, then go for PDI, best brand for barrels but uber expensive.
  13. If it's going left, your hop up bucking is probably slightly tilted and not sitting correctly. As for more accuracy, a tightbore barrel will solve it.
  14. You do not need full metal. For aks, CYMA is good. AK47, AK74, AK105, 104, etc, etc. use the rest of the money for gearbox upgrades, tightbore barrel and a collimator. Spare mags as well.
  15. It's fine to respray them in a different colour. Purple's a great colour
  16. So beautiful... Angel Beats... WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE YUZURU?!
  17. There is something called "google" and every once in a while i type "AK12 airsoft"in.
  18. Just thought I may as well open a thread. Black Viper, a low end airsoft company, stepped up and created the first AK12 replica. Sounds awesome eh? You'd think they'd sparkle it up with a metal hop up chamber and metal gearbox and jack up the price, but no. The very... first... mouth-watering AK12... is.... . . . . . . . An LPEG. They fucked up And here it is: Da Akemtwelvez Luckily though, it's clear plastic, so it doesn't look too bad like fuck-off JBBG orange and bright ass airsoftworld green, and, i can also do some analysis on the internals. So far, it's defo a full V3 gearbox inside - that is plastic - which means that you can transplant a metal one in. Hop up chamber looks normal but, there's a weird thing extending out the back of it... which may indicate that it is proprietary OR it may just be the lever setting the hop up on. I cannot see a metal barrel inside; it may just be the clear plastic covering it but if it is a plastic barrel, then... that's retarded. Everything else looks fine but looking at a real steel AK12, apparently, the dust cover flips up and pivots inbetween the first and second top rail. It looks like the BV AK12 can do that but i have doubts about that, so accessing the gearbox may not be possible. At £70, it's defo not bad for the price but, is it worth buying and switching all the parts? In the end, it's still the first AK12 and has defo set the benchmark VERY VERY LOW. I wonder which company will make the next one. I'm still tempted.
  19. OH MY FCUKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S THE FIRST AK12!!!!!!!!!!! But, too bad it's an LPEG BUT!!!!!!! It's a v3 gearbox, so it can be converted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. DEDSEC


      Damn. Like yourself, I'd really love an AK-12. Honestly, you would think there would at least be some kits for it or something.

    3. AK47frizzle


      ehh wtf, if the dust cover even removable?! How do you even take off the dust cover on an ak12? There's no button on the back... the gearbox may not be accessible...

    4. Chock


      The top cover of an AK12 hinges forward and upward like it does on a regular AK, at the point where the top rail splits toward the front end (which is why the rail is not continuous) the front part of the top rail is effectively a removable fore grip. If you look at the quick video review of the Blackviper AK12, you can see it has what looks like either a hinge pin or a screw in the correct hinge pin location, but it doesn't look to me like that part hinges, so I'm guessing you'd...

  20. Omfg, i'm just crying so hard now after watching AngelBeats!.... T_T My feels are all over the place

    1. cropzy


      I'm sorry but Angel Beats is weak.

    2. Caliber


      That's my favourite anime right there. It's got a little bit of everything and that makes it perfect for me.

  21. So i decided to man up today and eat chocolate, 6 hours later, bad stuff is happening in the toilet. I won't be having dairy again for a looooooooooong time

    1. Lord_Metile


      This is why I don't eat chocolate. Unless it's twix.

    2. Russe11


      Dark Chocolate could be the answer?

    3. DEDSEC


      I can't eat chocolate either mate.


      Fortunately, it only makes me feel sick rather than give me explosive diarrhoea..

  22. The closest there is, is the GHK G5, it's like a scorpion but uses m4 mags.
  23. Omfg, special relativity, general relativity, time dilation... What the actual fook in going on in my physics class now? I don't even understand what is happening...

    1. BBrotherwood


      Your teacher is a future regeneration of DR Who

  24. I think they exist but i don't like the idea of the spring being compressed all the time.... puts a lot of strain on the gearbox... Tm's psg1 has that configuration
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