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Everything posted by AK47frizzle

  1. Subject choices already.... AH physics and AH pure maths... one more subject... no fedging clue. There's no AH technology because they quit teaching it altogether...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TacMaster


      If AH Pure Maths is anything like AS Maths, you're gonna have a bad time

    3. Josh95


      History is always a good A level if youre thinking of going to uni

  2. Like RR01 said, it's the teeth cut off, you've shortened the piston travel distance a lot. 190 fps with .25 is probs 240 with .20g, so it seems about right. All you need now is a stronger spring.
  3. The APE is interesting, another ACR design but haven't WE just released one?
  4. Ahhaha, my family is going on 24/7 about how I'm going to be a father....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lord_Metile


      It's awkward when family talks about that stuff. My nan told my sister to scream "heil hitler" in the middle of Berlin

    3. Zak Da Mack

      Zak Da Mack

      Woah, please tell me she didn't do it

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      You a father - a priest more like

      just kidding, families are always giving ya advice on how to live your life, usually coz they care but sometimes they go overboard.....

  5. FFS Specwarfare airsoft! I purchase 3 items and NOW you tell me it's out of stock TWO weeks later! FFS

  6. Meh, pretty ugly. A Tavor with a tit job and a butt lift.
  7. I assume the tappet plate is bust, yer gonna have to crack it open
  8. I cannot unsee what I just saw.

    1. team flex

      team flex

      ok, i have 1 question, how did you get to that side of youtube....?

    2. Adam3088


      Why even post that...

    3. AK47frizzle


      Well, I had a problem, youtube wasn't allowing me to upload, so I searched "Youtube not uploading" and within the past month. That came up. 2spooky4me.

  9. So at the tech centre, apparently the screw threads on the noveske barrel nut are wrong, either a different standard or bad tolerance, gonna need to contact fire support

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Hibernator


      You can buy the barrel nuts on their own. Mine wouldn't fit an ICS receiver, so I bought a G&P Noveske barrel nut that fit fine. Can't remember whether it is imperial or metric, but you should be able to get one to fit your receiver :)

    3. CaptainDumbass


      This forum wouldn't be as entertaining without you frizzle x'D

    4. AK47frizzle


      So, this might work http://madbullairsoft.com/shop/en/barrel-nut-of-handguard/noveske/noveske-nrh-barrel-nut-for-g-p.html it says it is for G&P... hmm might not bother rethreading after all

  10. My god I forgot that 7.2v NiMH batteries existed....
  11. Receivers scratch more easily than I thought... After a few hours and the Noveske MUR's paint has been scratched off a bit at the edges and some dents as well; not as well built as I thought

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      So designed to explode chock ? ;)


    3. Chock


      Well there is that, but that lack of armour did make it very hard to get behind so you actually could make it explode, at least until about 1943 anyway.

    4. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      At least it might make it look a bit weathered...? or not?

  12. MUR body has arrived! Time to unravel the goodness! *fap*

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lozart


      Bearing in mind that I used it to rethread the receiver on my M4 to fit a DD rail and it still didn't fit.

    3. AK47frizzle


      i have no idea what size, it just needs to be smaller than the barrel nut because the receiver thread is too fat. Gonna to to my school's tech center, they have like... everything

    4. Lozart


      Be aware that there are different thread pitches used on receivers and barrel nuts. Not all the same pitch or size!

  13. "You've reached Steve, please leave a message after the beep, BLEEEEEP. Nah i'm kidding it's me, Steve. Everything's fine over here." ~ bank robber answering another guard's walkie talkie "Did something happen?" ~ sercurity guard "Nah, everything's normal here in normal town" ~ bank robber Smooth PayDay 2 talk....
  14. Hehe, back in my naughty boy days i used to fire my springer across to an area near the entrance of some flats, now there are millions of little specks of dots all over that area many years later; the little children there see them in bewilderment and pick them up as a contest. "LUKE MAWMEE, I FOWND A PERAL"
  15. Pretty cool project there, i can't help but think that the mags will get in the way being vertically upwards, and also the sights slanted on the other side of the gun away from your face being a pain but hey, you got something cool to show on the field. Anyway, how much did it cost to build? Must've been very dear...
  16. Bed sheets stop them, put one on a laundry wire and you're set
  17. Nope, comes as a set from fire support, i asked them as well, unless they lied...
  18. Hey there. For a first gun, you'd probs want something automatic, prety much everyone recommends the G&G combat machine m4s. For shotguns, you can probs get away with those spring tri shots like the DE m56 as they are inexpensive and have decent performence for a shotty. The best shotgun out there is the TM (forgot the specific name) gas shotgun; it can shoot 3 or 6 bbs at a time, maybe something you want to save up for, in the future. Anyway, have fun, eye protection first though
  19. My second wallet crunching order: G&P Vltor MUR upper receiver Noveske lower receiver ICS polymer trigger guard FMA Noveske flame pig silencer Madbull Ultimate hop up Madbull Steel Bull barrel 6.03 229mm Total: round about £200 Awwww yis
  20. Yis! Bought my Noveske upper and lower as well as some other parts, well excited for next week

  21. I haven't used this in a looong time... but: Anyway... I've seen people playing with 800 fps set ups but the trajectory goes waaaayyy off because all current BB weights are too light for that kind of speed, unless you use steel BBs...
  22. No, please, no. They both suck. Get one of these if you're into m4s: http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=5645 For a g36, get a JG G36 For an AK, get a CYMA CM028 or better
  23. JP vs Novekse body? which one looks cooler? damn it's hard to decide...

    1. M_P


      Noveske on a shooting gun, JP is its on display. A scuffed up JP one would look crap

    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Definitely Noveske

  24. There's airsoft in Stirling? O_o It's only an hour away on train from where I live, damn, might go there one day Edit: Actually sack it, they seem to only have themed games which are uniform strict.
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CaptainDumbass


      also, hate to bust your balls, but it does say "out of stock" lol

    3. AK47frizzle


      Upper receiver is in stock, don't care what lower I have. http://store.specwarfare.com/hk/madbull-noveske-upper-receiver-for-ca-2-pins-system


      I'm only using it for skirmishing, so it doesn't matter. Ian talked to me about it.

    4. CaptainDumbass


      i understand defences are used for buying/selling RIF's but im pretty sure you still need one to manufacture, own, store, transport & skirmish with one......

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