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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 3 minutes ago, XanderBoi said:

    Anyone know of any sites that do weekday games? I tend to work weekends and don't get to attend games, and I really wanna find somewhere I can play consistently.


    In order for us to help you, it would be useful if you told us where you are based.

  2. 42 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

    Actually not all responses have been robust, many have been sarcastic and rude so piss off.

    You just cannot help yourself, can you?  All that you are doing is reinforcing the impression that you are immature, probably not the sort of person who would do well in airsoft, and definitely not someone who should run an airsoft site.

  3. 9 hours ago, Polyscript said:

    thick because im responding and not letting myself get bullied by you lot?

    No; you are demonstrating that you are thick because you seem to be unable to differentiate between two different situations.

    Nobody here has bullied you; you have behaved like a prick and have received a robust response.  If you cannot cope with that, you will never cope with running an airsoft site, where tempers sometimes run hot and you will sometimes have to deal with confrontation.


  4. 25 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

    You're just a keyboard warrior, if you were actually in front of me your jaw would get rocked

    So me responding makes me immature, but you responding means you're still mature- again, hypocrisy much?

    Ok, so you are thick, as well as being immature.

  5. 1 hour ago, JinxDuh said:

    The S&T/Umarex is different bud. I had a look when you suggested it earlier. I’ve bought a cheap one from China by a company called “wii tech” that apparently does fit. If not, by the time it’s here I’d of recovered funds after splashing on an m16 😂

    Wii Tech stuff is pretty decent.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Polyscript said:

    No I apologised and you decided to call me a sexist even after I apologised.


    how do you expect me to respond when you end your comment with "However, that takes maturity and an ability to acknowledge your errors." do I say thank you and go on my way for insulting me? The hypocrisy is astounding 

    I didn't expect you to respond; for your own sake, I was rather hoping that you would follow the advice and take some time to reflect.  However, you have confirmed my suspicion that you are not mature enough to do so.

  7. 1 minute ago, Polyscript said:

    Not sexist. Also, did you not just see i apologised? again there you go being a prick.

    clearly you're just following the few in the crowd who are still typing and being rude.

    I am not following anyone; I have read the thread and come to my own viewpoint.  You really do need to step away from the keyboard or put down the phone, go and have a cup of tea and take some time to think about how you have presented yourself in this thread.  Then think about how you could have approached it better.

    However, that takes maturity and an ability to acknowledge your errors.

  8. Just now, Polyscript said:

    @Colin Allen how am i the prick, seriously? Right from the beginning, most of the people here have been condescending, rude and impolite just because I didn't ask the "correct" question. and after being consistenly berated im giving it back. 


    Im not the prick, the others are (not everyone as some were genuinely helpful), they could have just said you're asking too much of a broad question or told me to go read a beginners guide. 


    Please go read from the beginning, anyone would be pissed by now.  

    I have read it from the beginning; that is why I believe you are the one coming across as an utter prick.  

    Take your own advice; read through the thread and try to reflect on how you come across.  However, I suspect that is beyond you.

  9. 21 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    Both my local sites were cancelled the last two game days.  Both inaccessible and unsafe due to deadfall. 


    As for bad weather kit, I like to use a tshirt and combats when I can.  I do often take a camping shower and a stove and kettle.  The drive home in clean gear and the smell of old Old Spice feels like luxury.  I'd prefer Hai Karate but its damn hard to find these days.  

    You aren't trying hard enough: https://www.directcosmetics.com/fragrances-c35/for-men-c38/aftershave-c39/hai-karate-m418

  10. 2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Seller admits performance on semi is "sluggish" and with that fps it's either busted or they're using seriously heavy bbs. Either way you'd need to be dreaming to think someone would swap a working gun for a broken one


    It seems he is a bit of a cunt as well; this is from his FB page.




  11. 1 minute ago, Cannonfodder said:

    That right there is enough reason for me not to support this.


    Yet the website clearly says


    "Members will include Airsoft Sites, Retail, warehousing and players."


    I can't think of any benefit from or reason why players would want to  join a trade organisation 

    It would appear that they really have not thought it through.

  12. 35 minutes ago, The_Lord_Poncho said:


    Good read! I started off at Dogtag a few years back but haven't been there for at least two years - Driver Wood is my regular site - it's closer to my home, and I just enjoy the way it is run - much tighter and a little more professional. But....I am heading back to Dogtag in a fortnights time - taking a load a scouts as its a little cheaper for a rental package, and just a bit easier all round for a group to book. It will be interesting to see how it compares to Driver Wood now that I'm a bit more experienced in the game (and will no longer be outranged by everyone without a rental G36)- must admit that I am looking forward to a little change in scenery!

    I keep intending to try these two sites, but they are just a bit too far away for a skirmish day when there are so many closer sites.

  13. 6 hours ago, mightyjebus said:

    I think the person with the most confirmed hits or the biggest gun collection should represent airsoft, not some bunch of blokes who feel important enough to start their own "body" and like John Snow, know nothing.

    How about its highest profile player?  You know, that chap with all the YouTube videos that get massive numbers of views.

  14. 8 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


    Depends what you mean by case (Court, Importation, Police). Legal representation in court has not been provided (Haven't been asked/not been needed). However UKAPU has helped guide people through first steps through importation issues and issues with the police. Including when to go to a lawyer and to provide direction for the lawyer via the person in question.


    In fact UKAPU have a form you can fill out. 


    Ask for legal help — UKAPU


    I suspect they would struggle to provide legal representation in court if requested.

  15. 17 minutes ago, Pseudotectonic said:

    Interesting find


    (Note UKAF is not UKAPU)


    The codes looks a bit pointless because they are all pretty normal things any business is already expected to do, and with extra restrictions you only find in professional bodies like disciplinary and complaints, lol, what are they gonna do, expel them from their excel file?

    Yes, my posts were merged.  

    The UKAF documents look like they were cobbled together over a few beers by people who really did not know what they were doing.

  16. 1 hour ago, Pseudotectonic said:

    @Asomodai how does it work? do they give expert witness or something? or do they help finding lawyers etc


    and how does it work in terms of liability, since UKAPU is not a legal entity, would it be down to the assigned (?) volunteer (?) for each case?

    It would probably enhance their credibility if they put some anonymised case studies on their website, so that people can see the sort of support that they have provided.

    The potential liability issues are interesting.


    Having just read their charter and code of practice, it is clear that UKAF is intended to be a trade organisation. https://ukairsoftfederation.co.uk/assets/files/UKAF_Code_of_Practice_v2.pdf

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