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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. Not all mags and guns are interchangeable.  It is probable that the interface between the tube at the bottom of the hop unit and the magazine is not quite right, preventing the BB latch on the mag being pushed back adequately to allow the BBs to feed.

    Have you tried shooting with the mag pushed forward or pulled back?  If it shoots in one of those positions, you can stick sticky backed Velcro (the soft side) in the magwell so that the mag sits correctly.

    Some guns are very picky about which mages they will feed from.  Specna are known to be picky; this page may help: https://specnaarms.com/en/magazine-compatibility-chart/

  2. Obviously, there is a slight power and velocity difference between 1.06J and 1.09J; however, it should not really be noticeable.  Are the barrels the same length or is one significantly longer than the other?  The 0.24J power change is pretty hard to explain unless you have gone from a short, wide bore barrel to a long, tighter bore barrel.

    A weaker spring and a tighter barrel is usually better as it puts less stress on the gearbox, unless the combination of a weak spring and a fast motor/gear set leads to overspin, which can be cured with an AB mosfet anyway.

  3. 9 hours ago, Galvatron said:



    "I painted it green to match my other airsoft guns and to make it look cooler"


    Right. My 4 year old nephew could have painted it better than this abomination.


    "Paint can be removed easily."


    Of course. So easily that you didn't do it yourself to give yourself a chance of increasing the resale value of the gun. Gotcha.


    One of his other adverts:


    He will pay postage! How fucking generous.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

    Outcome unclear: did you died?



    ... and yet ...




    Which is a huge failure of foresight, given that people are gunning out of them, or windows will be open.


    Granted, there are plenty of other "shoulds" in airsoft that can result in injury if not followed, like removing eyepro in game, or lobbing BFGs at head height - which I've been on the receiving end of.


    What makes TAGs special are that they're always carrying much, much more energy than anything else being shot, and that once you've pulled the trigger, there's plenty of time for things to change at your intended point of impact.  I'd nope out of any event that allows them.

    Several year ago, I was at a very badly run "milsim" where a player launched a TAG that hit an opposing player; the confrontation afterwards was interesting.  The whole event was an utter shit show and lots of us left early.

  5. 1 hour ago, mPReDiToR said:

    I'm running the 7.4v LiPo that Patrolbase (my local dealer) recommend, so that's not my main concern at the moment. I know Krytac specify the 11.1v but I'm getting 330fps on 0.2g out of the box, so I'm happy.

    The battery voltage does not affect the power output of the gun; it does affect the rate of fire and the responsiveness.

  6. 1 hour ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

    Bit of a soft shitshow today

    Visited a site for the first time, which had been running a good couple of years, but had to move to fresh ground last year.

    Operated by an established retailer in Scotland, so they kinda should know better imo.


    First game was a “warm up” which was a kind of Capture the Flag

    Defenders had two lives , attackers had infinite 

    First game took the attackers just under an hour to achieve the objective 🙄

    Swapped ends and we did it in 16 minutes

    This game should have had a time limit to apply pressure to the attackers, and not just an “it’s over when they do it” attitude which was what I got from the marshal when I asked how long this had still to run. 


    Went back to safe zone to bomb up after that, to get told we would have lunch early. 
    So I’d defended from a slow attacking team for almost an hour in zero deg temps, then a 16 min warm up, to sit around for an hour having lunch!

    I was effing freezing

    Then a “flip the barrel” game

    both times we won that in roughly 8-9 minutes

    To get taken to the safe zone again and stand about for 15-20 mins, before being taken back up to the same area for another mix up of a game.

    Sadly, I’d had enough and just said cheerio to my crew and made the hour drive home.


    No facilities to speak of

    no toilet that I could see (but I can pee behind a tree, so not a biggy)

    Just a gazebo and a camp table for booking in and buying ammo/pyro


    My Ghk m4 just sucked ass in the cold, even using red gas so it got replaced with my backup aeg for the other games.


    It was a free game, to entice new players to start coming

    Thanks for the taster

    I’ll not be back 😂

    A brilliant way to sell a new site to potential players!  So many sites seem to be run by people who do not have a clue.

  7. 1 hour ago, Dan Robinson said:


    Seems the new Orions are no better than my standard V2 then.  Still, would that red one be worth the £90 if only for the cylinder,  Titan and trigger?  Tye can be transplanted once again when the time comes?  Would only be running git at standard AEG limits. 

    I would not use an Orion gearbox, but if that is what fits in your RIF...

  8. 9 minutes ago, GiantKiwi said:


    I don't know why these have become a thing regardless, Li-Ion are crap for high current requirements. Odds on he overpaid at LWA and is trying to sell for paid price 👀

    Most likely.  They really are not very good.  I bought a couple a few years ago when they were being touted as the "new best thing"; they weren't.

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