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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 1 hour ago, Ben Savage said:

    This morning I had a delivery of the parts which I thought would get everything fixed, and thankfully the piston now fits much better. I also had a look at the new piston width info in the descriptions, and I was unlucky enough to have bought the widest piston that there was, so I likely could have tried a different XT piston.


    The selector plate on the other hand doesn't seem to be a straight swap - I have lost semi auto, it seems like the dimensions are very slightly different between the rocket selector plate and the original, so I am wondering if I should try to remove material to make the circled parts (image below) the same size as I am guessing that is the main issue.

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    After reassembling, it still didn't sound as good as I had been hoping - and I realised that it will now be the shimming. The issue I have been having with the shimming, is since getting the new screws which are holding the gearbox shut tighter, the spur and sector gears are too tight from a single 0.1mm shim, so I decided to not use any shims for these gears. I'm now noticing that the spur gear is clipping the bushing for the sector gear, and possibly even the bevel gear as well. This is an issue as if I put 1 shim below the spur gear to lift it above the bushing, it then becomes difficult to spin. Do I need to buy low profile bushings to solve the bushing issue? Or is there an alternative solution which would be better (maybe tapering the edges of the gears)?


    And the most recent thing to have gone wrong for this build, is the positive wire on the battery side of the trigger contacts, is hanging on by a thread. It wasn't soldered very well from factory, so I'm now trying to decide whether to get the soldering iron out if I can find it, or go ahead and buy a Perun hybrid. I'm leaning towards soldering it back on, as I don't think I should try fitting an etu + mosfet until everything is working.


    Thanks for all the help so far, hopefully I don't encounter any more issues after resolving the above.

    Low profile bushings may well be the best answer to the shimming issue; they are pretty simple to change.

  2. The only time that the lad and I have been to Apocalypse Airsoft in Kent was in April 2019, when we had a less than satisfactory experience with poorly designed games and bizarre and contradictory rules.  It is a large wooded site of about 100 acres.

    However, it is now under new management and a lot of people have told me that it is  much better.

    So, with the lad not returning from Stoke(!) until this evening, Comrade Andy and I decided to meet at Apocalypse to try it out; Andy had never been before.

    The first game of the day, starting at 10:30, was a relatively simple fallback across three sections: the Village, No Man's Land (NML) and the Stockade (or whatever it was called).  As defenders, we had cycles of three lives in each, with the first two being on buddy regens and the last one involving a trip back to the next location, from where players were released back into the game every five minutes, with the sequence then rebooting.  We were also told that the attackers could attack the Village from the front and flanks, but not from the rear.  The attackers had to attack each location in sequence, only moving on to the next one once the current target was captured.

    The first stage started well but became a bit strange when we found ourselves under attack from the rear.  At this point, I took my third hit (from the rear) and walked back to NML, where I asked the marshal about it; she stated that the information that we could not be attacked from the rear had been a miscommunication.

    When our five minutes had expired the marshal informed us that we could remain on our regen and shoot the enemy players from there and they would not be able to shoot back.  At this, my puzzled and confused face appeared as this just seemed wrong; I asked and the marshal confirmed that was ok.  We started shooting Blue players, who started shooting back, whereupon the marshal shouted that they could not.  I again questioned this and, after a radio conversation, she stated that they could shoot back but we could just tap in with her to regen when hit.  A few minutes later, she informed everyone that we were under normal rules, which we really should have been from the time we moved back from the Village.

    The game became quite interesting for a while with the attackers sandwiched between our remaining gallant chaps in the Village, who were conducting their own version of Rorke's Drift, and us outside it, with both sides trying to outflank the other.  However, after 90 minutes, the Blues still had not captured the first objective and the game ended.  It was a game that the attackers could not hope to complete in the allotted time as we, as the defenders, had far too many lives.


    After lunch, we started another game; we had to secure the Stockade, capture a Blue team High Value Person (HVP) at the Pit after wiping out his ten player escort, escort him to the Stockade and hold him there until the end of the game.  The Blue team had to extract him from the Pit and get him back to the Village.  We had a regen point near the Stockade while the Blue team regened where they started at the Safe Zone entrance.

    The group Comrade Andy and I were with set off to the Stockade and secured it rather handily, before becoming engaged with enemy players moving around our left flank and trying to reach the HPV.  After a while we were informed that the HPV was now ensconced in the Village, so we set out to capture him; this became a rather dull affair that Comrade Andy aptly described as "hiking with guns, with the emphasis on the hiking".  To be blunt, it was boring.

    After this game, which again lasted for 90 minutes, Comrade Andy and I, along with a fair few other players, decided to leave.

    While it was better than when the lad and I went, it was still frustrating and disappointing.

    Neither of us will be going back.

    Guns used:
    APS UAR (which stopped feeding on the last shot of the morning; the original crap hop rubber had finally failed.)
    LCT PP-19-01
    ASG Commander XP18 (CO2)

  3. Assemble the gearbox without the spring, spring guide and sector gear. Once it is tightened up, hold the gearbox vertically to see if the piston slides down easily.

    If it doesn't you can try polishing the piston guide rails, although you may need a piston with wider slots for the guide rails.

    There is no point changing the rack.

    It does sound like something is a little tight somewhere.

  4. 1 hour ago, Sneakyduck said:

    No that’s not what people have been asking as the op. If you care to read I do include gbb

    Honestly I despair. Look you don’t want to listen you just want to try to prove your little point. What on earth is this forum.

    If you care to read I gave you the reasons why. Don’t say you read responses when you clearly don’t,

    There you go again, making assumptions and attempting to belittle anyone who points out the incoherence of your approach and your responses.


    You really are making this up as you go along.  Your original position was that the lower power limit only applied to HPA but now you are claiming that it has always included GBB, which is not borne out by the posts in this thread.


    Your credibility is disappearing faster the Rishi Sunak’s.

  5. 7 hours ago, Sneakyduck said:

    You see you can only attack all I’ve said (if you bothered to actually read it) is all I’m interested in is ensuring your safety and giving you the best time. If that ensures no one comes to

    my site, well then I’m bang to rights but at least I’ll sleep well at night knowing that everyone has gone home with their eyesight intact. 

    You see you can only attack all I’ve said (if you bothered to actually read it) is all I’m interested in is ensuring your safety and giving you the best time. If that ensures no one comes to

    my site, well then I’m bang to rights but at least I’ll sleep well at night knowing that everyone has gone home with their eyesight intact. 

    Anyone else want to bad mouth a site they have never been too or a bloke who’s only out to ensure your safety and enjoyment. Anyone please step up.

    The pot calling the kettle black there.

    Yes, I read everything that you wrote; I tend to do that before responding to someone.

    You really don't get it do you?  Your policy towards HPA is nonsensical and arbitrary.  I and others have pointed out far more sensible approaches but you claim that we do not understand joule creep when we clearly do.  If you are really that paranoid about joule creep, either chrono everyone on what they are using or on your maximum allowed weight and, if necessary, re-chrono HPA users again if you have concerns during the day.

    6 hours ago, Sneakyduck said:

    Next you’ll be saying chrono everyone outside on a .50 😂😂😂

    Why would anyone suggest chronoing on a weight you do not allow?  You are just creating a strawman argument.

    3 hours ago, you can`t shoot me said:

    But the one question people have been asking was why hpa but not gbb which he finally answered a couple posts ago that everything other

    than aeg is 300fps which does contradict one of his first posts that aeg and gbb were both 350fps. 

    Yes, it is almost as if he is making it up as he goes along.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Sneakyduck said:

    I put facts up but you still won’t accept or understand, I’m not surprised you think I sound arrogant. It’s your last line of defence. Cant attack the rule so attack the man.

    You really are overly sensitive aren't you?  I fully understand joule creep; what I do not understand is your bizarre approach of limiting the power output of HPA weapons below that of all others, including GBB.

    4 minutes ago, Sneakyduck said:

    So you deny physics? You deny actual facts? The explanation of why we do what we do is put right in front of you and you deny it? Are you a flat earther? 

    Oh, get over yourself.

  7. 9 hours ago, Tiercel said:



    Back when I first got into airsoft about 15 years ago, I used to play at a site called Ironfoot Airsoft on a farm in Bude deepest darkest Cornwall, the chap who ran that site also had a store and claimed to be the chap who made/ran the UKARA database. One day in an act of desperation I needed to buy a new gun urgently out of hours as heading off for a game the next day, gave him a call and asked if I could come collect from his store that evening. Had a cuppa in his farm house whilst he looked me up on the almighty UKARA database, which was an excel spreadsheet on his kitchen lovely beige Windows 98 looking tower PC that anyone who went to school in the 90s would recognise.


    Ironfoot seems to no longer exist, cant find anything on the web about them beyond a few mentions of them in old airsoft forums of ye olde days. No idea what happened to them or the chap running it. He was fairly old back then, may no longer be with us. Looking on google maps at the postcode, I can see the milking barns we used to use as a CQB arena are still there but the farmhouse itself seems to have been demolished.

    Was that Graham McLellan?

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